“Many False Prophets Shall Come in My Name”

Posted by on Jan 16, 2021 in Hebrew Study, The Messiah

The Messiah gave us a clear warning that many false prophets will come in His Name and deceive many. In Matthew Chapter 24 (aka the short Book of Revelation), when asked by His disciples, Yeshua warned them about the coming of many false prophets before His return,  Say to us, when shall this be, and what is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age? (Mat 24:3) And the Messiah answering, said to them that the deception of false prophets will be the main sign of His...

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The Unknown Mothers of the Tribes of Israel

Posted by on Dec 15, 2020 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Who are the mothers of the tribes of Israel and what do we know about them? We know much about Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, and Rachel, the recognized and honored matriarchs of Israel. Sadly, little honor is given to the other wives of the patriarch Ya’akov, the forgotten Bilhah and Zilpah, to the point that they are rarely mentioned and hardly recognized as matriarchs of Israel, as Leah and Rachel are. But how much do we know about the unknown mothers of the tribes of...

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Revenge – the long arm of Israel

Posted by on Dec 6, 2020 in Bible Study

The long arm of revenge of the Mossad, the foreign intelligence agency of Israel, is well known as the most sophisticated and advanced agency in the world, as it stands in its own class. But how many know that the long arm of revenge started long time ago, when Israel was just a family in Shechem. The revenge of Israel over Shechem Ya’akov had lived in the land of Charan 20 years (Gen 31:38, 41). He settled in Succoth, where he had built a house, and in Shechem, where...

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How Leah destined the priesthood of Levi

Posted by on Nov 26, 2020 in The Patriarchs' Saga

How many people know that the unloved wife of Ya’akov Leah spoke prophetically and thus destined the priesthood of her third son Levi? All the other eleven children of Ya’akov were named by their mothers, as it is written “And she called his name”. The exception is with the youngest of Ya’akov’s sons whom Rachel called Ben-Oni “son of my sorrow”, but Ya’akov called him by the name Binyamin “son of the right hand”. But in Gen 29:34,...

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The Mistakes Avraham Made

Posted by on Nov 25, 2020 in Hebrew Study, The Patriarchs' Saga

The patriarch Avraham made two mistakes in his life, even three. Two of these mistakes cost his descendants a great deal of trouble. Had Avraham listened carefully to words of the Creator the history of the world would have been quite different. And I shall make you a great nation, and bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing! And I shall bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all the families of the earth shall be grafted...

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The Trump — Deep State War

Posted by on Nov 15, 2020 in Prophecy Insight

The war of President Trump against the Deep State aka the Swamp, and the globalism as a whole, became a war for giving back America to the people from the clutches of the chosen elite. Ultimately, this war also became a war for the minds and souls of the people. The Deep State fought back with an unprecedented campaign through all possible channels of power and propaganda of the news and social media to smear the president with mud of lies and slanders. But “fake...

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From the First Trump to the Last Trumpet

Posted by on Nov 13, 2020 in Prophecy Insight

President Donald Trump in an upsetting presidential election in 2016, and the domestic and international policy he conducted, turned not only America but the whole world in any aspect upside down. In just four years, America is not the same and the world is not the same. When President Trump made it clear by his words and deeds that he was going to defend America’s interests first, that caused a huge turmoil in the world and at home specifically among his former...

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Partial Birth Abortion Then and Now

Posted by on Oct 22, 2020 in Sanctity of life

The term “abortion” is not an invention in the 20th century by pro-choice activists. But the first recorded partial birth abortion in history is found in the Scripture. The Midrash says, “If you destroy one life, you have destroyed the whole universe”. Life is a gift from the Creator, which we did not deserve to receive, and like a whisper in the wind, life means nothing without Him. Life is a Creator-given privilege man cannot expect, demand, or claim. None of...

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The Second Day of Creation

Posted by on Oct 13, 2020 in The Origin

There is a peculiarity in the Creation story. All days of creation are declared good with the concluding formula “it was good”, but it seems that the second day, when the waters were separated above and below the expanse, was not declared good. Why the narrator of the Creation story has omitted it, or has he omitted it all? And who was the narrator of the Creation, in the first place, because it was impossible for Mosheh to know the epic work of the Creator...

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How Old Was David When He Killed Goliath?-2

Posted by on Oct 7, 2020 in Bible Study

Indeed, how old was David when he killed Goliath? Was he a young boy as pictured on popular movies and “Bible studies”, or a young strong man who decided the outcome of the war against in the war against the Philistines? This is a continuation of article “How Old Was David When He Killed Goliath?” Part 1, wherein we explained that David must have been older than 20 when he killed Goliath, and more particularly 22 years old. We also learned in Part 1...

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The Prophecy of the 153 Fishes

Posted by on Oct 5, 2020 in The Exiles

There is a peculiar moment in Yeshua’s ministry that can puzzle anyone who seeks a deeper meaning of the words of the Son of Elohim. This peculiar moment is the catch of 153 fishes in the fishing net of His disciple. Shimon Kepha and the other disciples went out fishing and that night they caught no fish. But early morning, they saw Yeshua standing on the beach who told them to throw the net on the right side of the boat that they should find fish. So they threw and...

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The Abraham Accords or Another Oslo 3 Accord

Posted by on Sep 17, 2020 in Prophecy Insight

The President of the U.S. Donald Trump hosted the signing of a historic accord between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain that entered the history as the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement. On the 15 of September 2020, the PM of Israel Binyamin Netanyahu, the FM Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, and the FM Abdullah bin Rashid Al Zayani of Bahrain signed formal pacts for peace in the White House. This historic acceptance of Israel by two...

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