Time of Reckoning Has Come

 “Who created the universe is a matter of knowledge. Why was it created is a matter of faith. God is knowable through Torah and Mashiach”. Navah

Year 5989!

Are we due for the arrival of the Messiah? According to the reckoning of time of this ministry, this is year 5989 from Creation, which began at the sunset of the 9 of April 2024. May we merit seeing the coming of our Mashiach speedily in our days!

Set-apart to the Eternal!

Set-apart to the Eternal! The High Priest’s head-plate.

Weekly Torah Portion:

Vayishlach, Genesis 32:4-36:43

Suggested reading:

The Most Contested Piece of Land

Jacob Wrestled with an Angel. The Consequence of Struggling with YHVH

Genesis as a Narrative Related by the Angel of the Presence

Revenge – the long arm of Israel

Does Torah Mandate a Raped Girl to Marry Her Rapist?

TORM featured articles:

Does a Fetus Possess the Status of a Living Human Being?

The fraternal twins, Esav and Ya’akov, were born from the fertilization of two separate eggs with two different sperm cells. As a result, the twins did not have the same DNA code and were genetically distinct sharing half their genomes, just like any other siblings who were born at separate times.

The fraternal twins, Esav and Ya’akov, were born from the fertilization of two separate eggs with two different sperm cells. As a result, the twins did not have the same DNA code and were genetically distinct sharing half their genomes, just like any other siblings who were born at separate times.

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 30 November 2024: No one in his proper mind would agree that a person can wound someone else in order to save his/her own life. Then, why in a “civilized” society like ours can a pregnant woman wound her baby for the sake of “improving” her own health? Because abortion is a matter of “healthcare”, and a baby is a mere part of the mother’s body through the umbilical cord? The liberal culture claims that a fetus is not a conscious being and can therefore be aborted, that is, terminated, at the will of the mother, because the unborn fetus is considered to be a part of the woman’s body and not a separate person until the actual birth. Yet, science testifies that the unborn is a different person on account of … Read more.

The Troublesome Life of a Patriarch

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 24 November 2024: The Eternal told Avraham to leave his homeland and to go to an unknown land he would inherit. He promised Avraham to make him a father of many nations, innumerous as the stars. But as Avraham entered the promised land, he was wandering childless for twenty-four years. Then, Avraham was promised he would have a son, only one son. A year later Yitschak the promised son was born. At the age of thirty-seven, Yitschak was still childless, not even married, when the Eternal ordered Avraham to slaughter him, his only son: and all of this in order to test his righteousness, as if the Omniscient One needed to learn something He did not know?! There are questions to be asked here. What was the point of testing of Avraham’s faith, if the Omniscient already knew that Avraham would pass the test?! And why was there the need for the Eternal Elohim to test Avraham’s righteousness, when He had already declared him righteous many years before the test?! Read more.

The Messenger Who Stopped Avraham’s Hand

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 18 November 2024: The request from the Eternal to Avraham to bring up his son on the mountain and sacrifice him there comes out of nowhere. Why? For the Eternal said to him with a promise: “For it is through Yitschak that will be called your descendants” (Genesis 21:12). But then He said: “Take your son …and bring him up” (Genesis 22:2). And now it was said to Avraham: “Do not extend your hand against the lad. Do not touch him”. We wonder though! Our question concerning this is: Did the Eternal give a son to Avraham in the ‎last of his days in order to tell him now to go and slaughter him without any wrong ‎doings of his, and destroy not only the life of his only son but also the Covenant of promise? Has anyone known or heard ‎of it, that such a thing could have ever passed His mind to pour out the blood of innocents in order to establish righteousness? Has He ever said such a horrible thing like this to any man to slay his own child in order to test his righteousness? After they arrived at the mountain and Avraham tied Yitschak on an altar, the Eternal revealed to him that his plan was never actually to have his son offered up as a human sacrifice. He would not issue a command and then take it back, for He and His will are unchangeable. The Eternal never intended for Avraham to sacrifice Yitschak, for He said it through the prophet that such a horrible thing would never come into His mind, as we read, … Read more.

When a Mother’s Womb Turns into a Grave

Does this innocent baby know what is outside of the mother's womb?

Does this innocent baby know what is outside?

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 13 November 2024: In his monumental work Kohelet, King Sh’lomoh seeks to describe how man, having reached his old age (Ecc 12:1), is returning to his everlasting home (Ecc 12:5) where he had come from. The old man’s mind begins to darken, as the autumn of his life with clouds and rains is approaching (Ecc 12:2), all as a description of human life coming to an end. The dissolution of the life by which the separation of soul and body and the return of the soul to the Creator is thus completed, while the ordinary life continues in its course (Ecc 12:3-5). And the end of the life-force and the earthly body is the end of the perishing man. The body returns to the dust, as it was originally, for from the dust it was made of (Gen 3:19), and the life-force goes back to its Creator to whom it belongs and originated from (Psa 104:29), as the wise man says, … Read more.

The Mystery of the Light in Noach’s Ark 

Noach's Ark in the universal flood.

“There is no place devoid of Him”. (Tikkunei Zohar, Tikkun 57)

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 5 November 2024: The whole narrative in Genesis 6 concerning the building of the ark seems quite simple and easy to understand, when we read only at what has been revealed to us on the surface. But the Hebrew text draws attention with its peculiarities and raises questions for whose answers we need to resort to the writings of the Sages to make better sense of what is meant in the narrative. We will show that the question of the design of the ark Noach built is far from being trivial and hope to show that the Hebrew text of Genesis 6 is far more interesting than thought. It all began with the downfall of the mankind on the very onset of the world, to which we now turn. Read more.

Free Choice, Evil Inclination, and the Satan

In what fashion the serpent talked with Chavah?

In what fashion the serpent talked with Chavah?

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 31 October 2024: There is no free choice, if one cannot exercise his free will. Each man lives by his free will. Had Adam and Chavah not been endowed with free choice, they never could have defied the Creator’s will not to eat from the Tree of Good and Evil. He therefore had to resort to a plan to make them desire to eat from it to test their faith. He achieved this by using the personification of evil inclination without interfering with their basic freedom of choice. Everything is foreseen except for freedom of choice, for freedom of choice is granted in order to hold men accountable for what they do. Adam and Chavah had the opportunity to be effected by their choice and free will, which would have made them liable to reward or punishment, as it is written, “I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, you shall choose life, so that you live, both you and your seed”. Read more.

The Time When Gog of Magog Will Be Dragged Like a Beast

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 21 October 2024: The prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 38 and 39, address the End of Days and describes a large-scale war a coalition of international armies will wage against Israel. The head of this massive army is obscurely identified in Ezekiel as “Gog of the land of Magog”. But who is he? We are asking the reader to consider what we intend to say in this study. Considering the unique standing of this figure, the reader has therefore to expect that the subject mentioned in this introduction is a matter of private interpretation to the best knowledge of the present author. For the purpose of this study, we will focus on Chapters 38 and 39 which describe the war of Gog of the land Magog. It will be beneficial for the studious reader to refer to the other articles on the subject and to the chapters in the present author’s book The Reckoning of Time dedicated to the last war in this world. Read more.

Guide for the Perplexed in the World of Dualism

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 15 October 2024: Does the Eternal Creator share with someone else His kingship and sovereignty, and has He given His government of the world to any “external control”? It is the object of this work to seek the answers to these questions. This work has also a second object: to explain the Hebrew text of certain Messianic passages in the Book of Isaiah in relation to the subject of belief in a single Deity, and to serve as a guide for the perplexed mind in the world of prevailing dualism, wherein there is nothing without its opposite, and with the absolute good, there is opposite him one who is absolute evil. This cannot be! In this study, we will take a different approach to studying the issue of monotheism. The present work thus deals with a subject that has not been touched upon in the Rabbinic and Christian literatures alike. The matter will become clear for the reader once it is seen that whenever the prophecy refers to Mashiach (Hebrew for “anointed”), it is always followed by explicit statements of monotheism. Read more.

Interpretation of Dreams According to Torah

"If a dream has any meaning, one can leave its realization to the One who sends it". Rav Hirsch

“If a dream has any meaning, one can leave its realization to the One who sends it”. Rav Hirsch

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 10 October 2024: The young Yoseph dreamed two dreams concerning his family. In his first dream, all his brothers bowed to him. In the second dream, his father and mother, and his brothers bowed. Later in Egypt as a viceroy, he orchestrated the things in a such way that all his brothers and father would come to bow down to him. Was Yoseph trying to bring what he dreamed of to its realization? It is the object of this work to seek the answers to this question, as we will seek to clarify what Yoseph had said. The matter will become clear once we understand that there is a common mistake made when it is asserted that it was Yoseph who interpreted his dreams. Although this is the common understanding of the verses, we can offer a different interpretation. Read more.

Do the Tax-exempt Donations to the Poor Repay in Heaven?

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Eternal does deliver him in a day of evil. (Psa 41:1)

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Eternal does deliver him in a day of evil. (Psa 41:1)

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 29 September 2024: According to Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Maimonides, the sacrifices have no intrinsic value in the Temple service. They are part of a legal procedures, which do not benefit the Eternal but humans, for nothing that men do has an effect on Him. But what men do can affect others. And the Eternal does not look at what is offered but rather who offers it. Thus, the Torah concept of charity differs greatly from the world notion of it. When gentiles give, they see charity as a kind act, in which what is given is regarded as something that truly belongs to the giver. Thus, they give out of kindness. In such an act of kindness, the givers merit praise for their generosity, and as we see below, they indeed receive such merits. The Torah concept of charity however is very different. Read more.

The Prophet Like Mosheh

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 22 September 2024: It is very difficult to imagine the picture which floated in Mosheh’s mind, when he urged the people to await a prophet like him, for he is speaking of a future state but in images drawn from his current world. What was in his mind when he uttered these words? And whose words were they indeed? It is the object of this work to seek the answers to these questions, as we will present to the readers a new approach so that they can have the confidence to delve into the meaning of Mosheh’s words: “a prophet like me”. Thus, it will be clear to the readers that … Read more.

Hebrew Word: Prophet, Prophecy

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 15 September 2024: It is the object of this work to explain the Hebrew words for “prophet” and “prophecy”. Usually, when people talk of a prophet, it is meant a chosen person who divines the future, and of a prophecy: knowledge of the future said to be obtained from a divine source, i.e., a deity. But the Hebraic concept of prophet and prophecy should not be confused with the divination or fortunetelling found among the nations. So, who is a prophet, and what a prophet is called for? Perhaps, the most remarkable example of what a prophet is … Read more.

When a True Prophet Presumes to Speak, It Is Decided in Heaven

The Torah gives answers to all questions sought earnestly. It points to them for those who desire to learn on a deeper level of understanding.

The Torah gives answers to all questions sought earnestly. It points to them for those who desire to learn on a deeper level of understanding.

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 8 September 2024: Prophecies often address existing sins necessitating urgent either-or choices in case of crises. Crises make people choose. When people choose, they take sides. When they take sides, they face the dilemma to do the will of their Maker or their own will. The Supernal One sets everyone in a situation to make a choice; His prophets included: whether they will speak His words or their own words. But the truth of a prophet’s word could only be determined after an event has come to pass; if the predicted event has not come to pass, this is the word which the Eternal has not spoken. He is a false prophet. But how are we to distinguish between true and false prophets? Since a prophet has great influence, his authority of speaking prophecy must be clearly defined in the Torah. But how could we know which word the prophet has spoken is authentic and which is not? Read more.

This site contains sacred literature and the Name of the Creator. Please, do not deface, or discard, or use the Name in a casual manner.

How to work out your own salvation (Ph 2:12)

If you believe you are blessed with the teachings of Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM), you may want to bless the unfortunate in fulfillment of the Torah to take care of the needy, the poor, the widows, and the orphans, to love our fellows as Yeshua has loved us.

Watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem:

The voice of your watchmen! They shall lift up their voices, together they shout for joy, because eye to eye they see the return of Yehovah to Tsiyon. (Isa 52:8)

The Jewish Press
Israel National News – Arutz Sheva
GATESTONE Institute 
KOENIG World Watch Daily 
The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies