Time of Reckoning Has Come


Year 5989!

Are we due for the arrival of the Messiah? According to the reckoning of time of this ministry, this is year 5989 from Creation, which began at the sunset of the 9 of April 2024. May we merit seeing the coming of our Mashiach speedily in our days!

Set-apart to the Eternal!

Set-apart to the Eternal! The High Priest’s head-plate.

These are the appointed times of the Eternal, set-apart gatherings which you are to proclaim at their appointed times. (Lev 23:4)

Chag Sukkot: From sunset of 18 October to sunset of 25 October.

Yom HaShemini (Shemini Atzeret): From sunset of 25 October to sunset of 26 October.

To learn more about the appointed times of the Creator, go to Leviticus 23 and these articles.

TORM featured articles:

The Time When Gog of Magog Will Be Dragged Like a Beast

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 21 October 2024: The prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 38 and 39, address the End of Days and describes a large-scale war a coalition of international armies will wage against Israel. The head of this massive army is obscurely identified in Ezekiel as “Gog of the land of Magog”. But who is he? We are asking the reader to consider what we intend to say in this study. Considering the unique standing of this figure, the reader has therefore to expect that the subject mentioned in this introduction is a matter of private interpretation to the best knowledge of the present author. For the purpose of this study, we will focus on Chapters 38 and 39 which describe the war of Gog of the land Magog. It will be beneficial for the studious reader to refer to the other articles on the subject and to the chapters in the present author’s book The Reckoning of Time dedicated to the last war in this world. Read more.

Guide for the Perplexed in the World of Dualism

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 15 October 2024: Does the Eternal Creator share with someone else His kingship and sovereignty, and has He given His government of the world to any “external control”? It is the object of this work to seek the answers to these questions. This work has also a second object: to explain the Hebrew text of certain Messianic passages in the Book of Isaiah in relation to the subject of belief in a single Deity. In this study, we will take a different approach to studying the issue of monotheism. The present work deals with a subject that has not been touched upon in the Rabbinic and Christian literatures alike. The matter will become clear for the reader once it is seen that whenever the prophecy refers to Mashiach (Hebrew for “anointed”), it is always followed by explicit statements of monotheism. Read more.

Interpretation of Dreams According to Torah

"If a dream has any meaning, one can leave its realization to the One who sends it". Rav Hirsch

“If a dream has any meaning, one can leave its realization to the One who sends it”. Rav Hirsch

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 10 October 2024: The young Yoseph dreamed two dreams concerning his family. In his first dream, all his brothers bowed to him. In the second dream, his father and mother, and his brothers bowed. Later in Egypt as a viceroy, he orchestrated the things in a such way that all his brothers and father would come to bow down to him. Was Yoseph trying to bring what he dreamed of to its realization? It is the object of this work to seek the answers to this question, as we will seek to clarify what Yoseph had said. The matter will become clear once we understand that there is a common mistake made when it is asserted that it was Yoseph who interpreted his dreams. Although this is the common understanding of the verses, we can offer a different interpretation. Read more.

Do the Tax-exempt Donations to the Poor Repay in Heaven?

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Eternal does deliver him in a day of evil. (Psa 41:1)

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Eternal does deliver him in a day of evil. (Psa 41:1)

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 29 September 2024: According to Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Maimonides, the sacrifices have no intrinsic value in the Temple service. They are part of a legal procedures, which do not benefit the Eternal but humans, for nothing that men do has an effect on Him. But what men do can affect others. And the Eternal does not look at what is offered but rather who offers it. Thus, the Torah concept of charity differs greatly from the world notion of it. When gentiles give, they see charity as a kind act, in which what is given is regarded as something that truly belongs to the giver. Thus, they give out of kindness. In such an act of kindness, the givers merit praise for their generosity, and as we see below, they indeed receive such merits. The Torah concept of charity however is very different. Read more.

The Prophet Like Mosheh

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 22 September 2024: It is very difficult to imagine the picture which floated in Mosheh’s mind, when he urged the people to await a prophet like him, for he is speaking of a future state but in images drawn from his current world. What was in his mind when he uttered these words? And whose words were they indeed? It is the object of this work to seek the answers to these questions, as we will present to the readers a new approach so that they can have the confidence to delve into the meaning of Mosheh’s words: “a prophet like me”. Thus, it will be clear to the readers that … Read more.

Hebrew Word: Prophet, Prophecy

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 15 September 2024: It is the object of this work to explain the Hebrew words for “prophet” and “prophecy”. Usually, when people talk of a prophet, it is meant a chosen person who divines the future, and of a prophecy: knowledge of the future said to be obtained from a divine source, i.e., a deity. But the Hebraic concept of prophet and prophecy should not be confused with the divination or fortunetelling found among the nations. So, who is a prophet, and what a prophet is called for? Perhaps, the most remarkable example of what a prophet is … Read more.

When a True Prophet Presumes to Speak, It Is Decided in Heaven

The Torah gives answers to all questions sought earnestly. It points to them for those who desire to learn on a deeper level of understanding.

The Torah gives answers to all questions sought earnestly. It points to them for those who desire to learn on a deeper level of understanding.

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 8 September 2024: Prophecies often address existing sins necessitating urgent either-or choices in case of crises. Crises make people choose. When people choose, they take sides. When they take sides, they face the dilemma to do the will of their Maker or their own will. The Supernal One sets everyone in a situation to make a choice; His prophets included: whether they will speak His words or their own words. But the truth of a prophet’s word could only be determined after an event has come to pass; if the predicted event has not come to pass, this is the word which the Eternal has not spoken. He is a false prophet. But how are we to distinguish between true and false prophets? Since a prophet has great influence, his authority of speaking prophecy must be clearly defined in the Torah. But how could we know which word the prophet has spoken is authentic and which is not? Read more.

Hebrew Words: Sign, Wonder, Prophet

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 2 September 2024: The children of Israel did not believe in Mosheh because of the signs and wonders he performed in Egypt and in the desert. Indeed, one who believes because of miracles can be easily deceived, since a “miracle” can be done by trickery or sorcery. Rather, all the miracles Mosheh performed were by necessity, not to prove or legitimize his prophecy. It was necessary to turn the staff into a snake and do all ten plagues upon Egypt, because Pharaoh did not let people go. It was necessary to drown the Egyptians, because they were pursuing the Israelites. So, he split the sea and drowned them in it. The people were hungry and needed food, so he brought down the manna from heaven. They thirsted in the desert, so he split the rock and gave them water. Korach and others denied his authority, so the earth swallowed them up. And the same with all other miracles Mosheh performed for Israel. Read more.

Hebrew Word: The End

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 25 August 2024: Do we have any way of knowing how the Eternal values our performance of different laws of the Torah, so that we would know what rewards are in store for us for their performance? For it has indeed been said to us because we have guarded and performed the commands of the Torah, the Eternal will also guard unto us His Covenant. Our Hebrew word in question is the word “because” in the translation. Many translations tend to flatten out Hebrew text to create a smoother reading. But in this effort many gems of wisdom are lost for the reader, as they are not always visible in translations. Yet, it is only possible to explore these issues once we know what the Hebrew text reads, and once we understand the meaning of its words and know its grammar. Such is the case in the statement above that says, “because you have guarded”. Read more.

Bible Code: The Gods of Wood and Stone

Worship in a Catholic church

Worship underneath the crucifix in a Catholic church.

The Kaaba, Saudi Arabia

Worship at the Kaaba, Saudi Arabia.

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 19 August 2024: It is the object of this work to seek the answers to the Bible codes concerning the idol-worship as found in Deuteronomy 4. In the following, we would like to touch upon those obscure passages in the Hebrew Scripture that much have been avoided in the traditional commentaries, as we will address them in due course. In this endeavor, we are fully aware that we cannot remove all the difficulties we will come across, but it is worth trying, as the reader will understand below. The matter can best be understood in connection with what the medieval Spanish Torah commentator Rabbi Avraham ben Meir ibn Ezra, had to say in his commentary on Exodus 20:2. In his words: “Many people think that with the exception of idol worship there are no sins connected to thought. The truth of the matter is that idol worship is worse than all the other mental sins put together”. With that said we do not ask the reader to substitute our judgment for his/her own but to consider what we intend to say below. Read more.

Metatron: The Messenger with the Eternal’s Name

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 11 August 2024: Metatron, a central figure in Jewish mysticism, holds a unique hierarchical position over other spiritual entities. Some sources (Gevurot Hashem 55:9) describe Metatron as a unique angel who is superior to all other angels, having great power but being utterly subservient and far inferior to the Eternal, being (Metatron) a created being. The primary texts of Kabbalah, the Zohar and Pardes Rimonim, describe Metatron as a servant of the Eternal. Yet, despite his exalted status in heaven, bypassing even the highest angels, Metatron has limits of his authority and cannot forgive sins. In Judaism, he is not viewed a mediator between the Most High and men, who have a unique opportunity to connect directly with Him, without the intermediation of angels like Metatron. Read more.

Avraham Believed in the Lord but Who Counted to Whom Righteousness?

"Count the stars if you are able to count them. So are your seed". And Avraham believed.

“Count the stars if you are able to count them. So are your seed”. And Avraham believed.

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 28 July 2024: Many translators tend to flatten out Hebrew grammatical difficulties to create a smoother translation. These difficulties are not always visible in translation. Such is the case of the translation of Genesis 15:6. There are two views as to how to translate the verse that reads, “And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness.” (Gen 15:6 JPS). According to this reading and more particularly this capitalization, Avraham believed in the Eternal and He (the Eternal) counted it to him (Avram) for righteousness. This is the JPS translation of the verse, which prompts such an interpretation. Although this translation is easy to read, like most others, nonetheless it may be inaccurate, because Hebrew has neither capitalization nor punctuation, these are questions to be asked here: … Read more.

This site contains sacred literature and the Name of the Creator. Please, do not deface, or discard, or use the Name in a casual manner.

How to work out your own salvation (Ph 2:12)

If you believe you are blessed with the teachings of Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM), you may want to bless the unfortunate in fulfillment of the Torah to take care of the needy, the poor, the widows, and the orphans, to love our fellows as Yeshua has loved us.

Watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem:

The voice of your watchmen! They shall lift up their voices, together they shout for joy, because eye to eye they see the return of Yehovah to Tsiyon. (Isa 52:8)

The Jewish Press
Israel National News – Arutz Sheva
GATESTONE Institute 
KOENIG World Watch Daily 
The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies