The Servant in Isaiah 53: Collective figure of Israel or an Individual.

Posted by on Jun 24, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

The prophecy in Isaiah 53 is apparently not Isaiah’s first prophecy. The Jewish commentators are in agreement that Isaiah’s standing as a prophet is second only to that of Mosheh, for while all other prophets received their prophecies through visions, Isaiah received his directly from the Eternal. Unlike the other prophets, Isaiah composed his prophecies in poetic language, often using obscure words and formulas which we will try to address in this study. This makes the...

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Bible Code: Yeshua Cut Off and Covenanted—Part 3

Posted by on Mar 31, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

In the Jewish expectations, Melech haMashiach (“the Anointed King”, this is the Messiah) will arise and restore the Davidic dynasty to its former glory. He will build the Temple and gather the exile of Israel that still live in foreign lands. Then, all the laws of the Torah will be reinstated in the Land as they were before, the sacrifices will be offered again in the Temple (see Ezekiel 40-49) the Anointed King will build, and the Sabbatical and the Jubilee...

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Bible Code: Yeshua Cut Off and Covenanted—Part 2

Posted by on Mar 24, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

A controversial translation in Psalm 22, the psalm of David, reads “they pierced” as opposed to what the Hebrew text says: “like a lion”. Which of these two translations is correct, for they seem to contradict each other: “like a lion” (JPS), alluding to the anguish of the psalmist, or “they pierced” (KJV), alluding to a crucifixion scene which forces a strong messianic interpretation upon the psalm? Although most of the early Jewish commentators...

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Bible Code: “Yeshua Cut Off and Covenanted”

Posted by on Mar 17, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

What is the Bible code? Bible codes are hidden messages uncovered by using Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) within the text. In Hebrew, the Bible code is hachurak ot shalav or the latticework of the equidistant-letter sequence. Simply put, the Bible code is a word or few words, embedded by the Supernal Author into the Hebrew text of the Tanak, which when read in an equidistant-letter sequence gives a hidden message. It is the object of this work to seek the interpretation...

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Yeshua, Metatron, and the Bible Code in the Covenant

Posted by on Feb 18, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

We live in a world timed between the revelation of the Eternal at Sinai and giving the Covenant and the revelation of Melech ha-Mashiach (King Messiah) at the end of the sixth millennium. In Judaism, the Resurrection of the Dead and the Messianic Era in the seventh millennium are considered the culmination and fulfillment of Creation with the revelation of the light of the Eternal in this material world. And if we are in the culmination of the fulfillment of the...

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The Bible Code in the Prophecy of Haggai

Posted by on Aug 16, 2023 in The Bible Codes

Haggai was the first prophet who rose up in the midst of those who fulfilled the word that after the seventy years of exile the people were to return to the land and build the city. And the word of YHVH came to Haggai in the second year of reign of king Dareyavesh (Darius the Great), on the first day of the sixth month (520 B.C.), and caused the work of building the Second Temple, which had been suspended by the machinations of the Samaritans, to resume.  In it YHVH...

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Bible code: The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel

Posted by on Jul 11, 2023 in The Bible Codes

The present study deals with a subject that has carefully avoided in the rabbinic commentaries on the 70 Weeks of the prophecy in Daniel. At the core of this study is the Bible code that is found in Chapter 9, and what it will reveal to the reader. Therefore, it is the object of this work to seek the answer to the question as to the identity of the anointed, as we will touch upon the cryptic passages in the 70 Weeks in Daniel’s prophecy. Although most commentators have...

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Bible Code: Yehoshua and the Captain of Heaven

Posted by on Jun 25, 2023 in The Bible Codes

In our survey of the Bible code and the Messiah, as found in the Hebrew Scripture, we are coming to a peculiar encounter of Yehoshua, who has just been appointed the leader of the nation of Israel, and a man who claimed to be the captain of the heavenly forces.  As we said previously, the reader has to expect that the subject mentioned in this article regarding the Bible code found in the Book of Joshua is a matter of private interpretation to the best knowledge of the...

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Bible Code: Mashiach at Sukkot

Posted by on Jun 18, 2023 in The Bible Codes

The Bible codes delineate hidden messages in the Biblical stories as having layered background, in which the stories must be read not only in the immediate context of the plain meaning of the text, but also in the context of what the Bible codes have been meant to convey. Such is the story of the end of life of the greatest statesman ever born: Mosheh, whom YHVH chose to lead His people out of the land of slavery. We have Scriptural proof of existing of such a Bible code...

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Bible Code: Yeshua the Anointed

Posted by on Jun 11, 2023 in The Bible Codes

It is the object of this work to explain the Bible code found in the laws of unintentional sin and how it relates to Yeshua. The Bible code being the literal [hidden] word of the Creator is like a meeting with Him in revelation. The Bible codes left without interpretation or even worse misinterpretation can lead to wrong conclusions and straying from the path. However, left behind and unpublicized the knowledge of them known to only a few will die out. For this reason, it...

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Bible Code: Yeshua the Free-will Offering

Posted by on May 31, 2023 in The Bible Codes

In this introduction to our survey of the Bible codes, we would like to share our knowledge and expose the reader to the phenomenon of the Bible codes and Yeshua haMashiach in the Hebrew Scripture. It is thus the object of this work to uncover these Bible codes, investigate them in the immediate context of the Hebrew text, and in due course offer the conclusion for the reader’s consideration of what we intend to say in the following new series of the Time of Reckoning...

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What Was Before the Creation?

Posted by on Oct 24, 2022 in The Bible Codes, The Origin

What was it before the Creation, before even Gen 1:1 has begun? Before the creation, there was nothing; nothing existed but the Everlasting One, YHVH. Before the process of creation has even begun, YHVH (His Name means “He who exists continually”) was Yachid, the only One, no one else; after the creation He became Echad, He and His creation are together, one or unity. Yachid is exclusive; Echad is inclusive. We will rewind the time and try to explain what it was...

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