Textual Criticism of Translations: Context

Posted by on Jun 13, 2021 in Hebrew Study

In previous studies in the matter of textual criticism, we have already pointed out how the incorrect capitalization and punctuation (neither present in Hebrew) have altered and modified (intentionally or not) the Scriptural context. In this study, we will take the occasion to explain how the proper context can mend the incorrect punctuation in the script. Otherwise, the suggested punctuation below would be a matter of a personal opinion. As we stated previously, such...

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Textual Criticism of Translations: Capitalization

Posted by on May 25, 2021 in Hebrew Study

When reading a translation of the Scripture, we find various punctuation marks, capitalized words, and other tools of the modern languages used by the translators to “help” us understand the text, or simply “fix” it for us. But how many of those who read translations know that the Hebrew script is a continuous text with no punctuation marks, nor capitalized words. For example, the context and the syntaxes show where the sentence begins and ends, etc....

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The Ordained Time for Messiah’s Return — Part 1

Posted by on May 20, 2021 in The Messiah, The War of Gog of Magog

Some expect King Messiah to come; others to return. We should not be surprised if we all are awaiting the same person. But is there an ordained time in the Scripture for the Messiah’s revelation and can we know it? Throughout history Israel has eagerly awaited the ultimate redemption through the Messiah, and the return of the exile to the Land to become again one nation — this time forever. The Messiah, the prophet Mosheh bade Israel to await, has been seen as the figure...

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Didn’t God allow us in Gen 9:3 to eat any animal flesh?

Posted by on Apr 27, 2021 in Q&A

Question: Didn’t God allow us in Gen 9:3 to eat any animal flesh, as we desire? Answer: After the Flood, the Creator blessed Noach and said, “Be fruitful and increase, and fill the earth” (Gen 9:1). Then, He allowed the supremacy of man over the animals. This subjection of the animals to man was expressed in the manner of force, namely, by being hunted for food. Thus, the animals lost the voluntary subjection to man and were placed under his will (Gen...

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The Gift of “Speaking with Tongues”

Posted by on Apr 14, 2021 in Bible Study

There are “tongues speakers” in the Christendom who have been convinced that speaking with some kind of unintelligible, unclear tongues is to them a sign or evidence of being “baptized in the Holy Ghost”. The “tongues speakers” claim the utterances that come out of their mouths are revelations from “the Holy Ghost”, which they cannot interpret; in other words, they utter something but do not know what it is. If someone claims...

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How the Creator Connects with the Soul

Posted by on Apr 9, 2021 in The Origin

This article is a continuation of the article Nephesh, Neshamah, and Ruach of the soul. There are three levels or channels of communication between the Infinite Creator and man; they are: (1) inspiration through Ruach haKodesh, (2) the oracle of urim and tummim, (3) and prophecy. The access to the Eternal Elohim by means of the urim and tummim was on a lower level than that of a prophet, but it represented a higher level than hearing inspired words through Ruach haKodesh....

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Nephesh, Neshamah, and Ruach of the Soul

Posted by on Apr 4, 2021 in The Origin

The Hebrew Scripture (Tanak) speaks of the human soul having three elements: nephesh, neshamah, and ruach. The sages are divided in their views about the nature of the human soul. Some of them (such as Maimonides in his introduction to Pirke Avot chapter) claim that the soul is a single force with three sub-categories: (1) the category which houses our desires, something men have in common with the animals; (2) the source of growth, something possessed both by animals and...

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Baptism through Water and Fire

Posted by on Mar 9, 2021 in Bible Study

It is a common belief that the immersion in water or baptism is merely an outward expression of faith. “One baptism for the remission of sins” found in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, is declared by all Christian mainstream churches, and the baptism in water is often considered the fundamental Christian belief. And if we read Strong Dictionary for the Greek βαπτίζω baptizo, Strong entry G907, we are surprised to find out that baptism [in water] was...

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Creator’s Wedding Covenant with Israel

Posted by on Feb 15, 2021 in The Exodus

The Creator of the universe made a wedding covenant with the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai. It was renewed at Mount Nebo, because of the disobedience to enter the Promised Land, ratified with blood in the suffering of a righteous man, and ultimately will be renewed again in the latter days, when the Torah of YHVH Elohim will be put in the hearts of people. However, there is a great deal of misunderstanding of a key constituent in the wedding Covenant with Israel, and more...

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The Signs of YHVH Elohim

Posted by on Feb 7, 2021 in Bible Study

The Creator YHVH Elohim has given certain signs so that everyone who has them should know that he or she belongs to Him. Should we not know these signs that will help us serve Him better, the way He wants to be served? Or we should follow the way of the man-made religion. If one says, “I rest on Sabbath and eat only kosher food”, everyone will know which God he or she serves: The God of Israel. The Sabbath and kosher food are sure signs of belonging to the One...

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Did Avraham Observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

Posted by on Jan 27, 2021 in The Appointed Times of YHVH, The Patriarchs' Saga

According to the tradition, Avraham celebrated Passover with an unleavened bread. While the term Peisach, Passover, was first used for the Passover lambs slaughtered by the Israelites in Egypt, Avraham did celebrate a feast, in which he ate an unleavened bread, hundreds of years before the Festival of the Unleavened Bread was even constituted at Sinai. So, was the law of Passover and the Festival of the Unleavened Bread given to Avraham, before it was given to Israel in...

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Are the GMO foods kosher?

Posted by on Jan 23, 2021 in Bible Study

The GMO (genetically modified organisms) have become acceptable “foods” in the western world and often seen as a “solution” to the world’s problems, but are they kosher? Are they acceptable for consumption by the people of YHVH Elohim? About 90 percent of the crops in North America (Canada and the U.S.) is GMO. In this number of GMO foods are included but not limited to wheat, corn, rapeseed (for GMO Canola oil ; “Can” from Canada...

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