When Heaven Intervened Once More

Posted by on Nov 14, 2021 in The Patriarchs' Saga

The inheritance tensions were central to the development of Israel as a nation. First, we witnessed Avraham’s concerns that he would remain childless and his trusted servant Eliezer would inherit him, despite the Covenant YHVH made with Avraham. Then, the strife between Avraham’s wife Sarah and her maidservant: Who would be the matriarch of the family, and who would inherit Avraham: Ishmael or Yitschak. By sending away Ishmael, Sarah secured the line of...

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Did Yitschak Allow to Be Deceived in His Blessing?

Posted by on Nov 8, 2021 in The Patriarchs' Saga

The motive of a mother advocating on behalf of her son is found in two biblical stories of the matriarchs of the nation of Israel. After Yitschak was molested by Ishmael, Sarah urged Avraham to send Hagar away along with her son, so only her son Yitschak would inherit, according to the promise. After Sarah’s ultimatum that Hagar and her son be expelled, Avraham became grieved, but YHVH advised him to listen to his wife. Rivkah, the new matriarch of the family, too...

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Hebrew Word: the Asphalt in Babylon

Posted by on Oct 10, 2021 in Hebrew Study

In the ancient Babylon, the Scripture indicates that the Sumerians used natural bitumen (asphalt) deposits for mortar between bricks and stones, and for waterproofing. The Greek historian Herodotus further testifies that bitumen (asphalt) was first used as mortar in the walls of Babylon (Herodotus, Book I, 179). (Refer to the source for the complete quote). The elements of life or death Asphalt, also classified as a pitch, is a dark bituminous substance found in natural...

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From Ignatius of Antioch to the Pope of Rome

Posted by on Oct 6, 2021 in Bible Study

The Nazarenes were called first “Christians” in Antioch where Ignatius was Bishop of Antioch. As we will see in this study, that was not accidental. In the article The Nazarenes and Their Sect The Way, we explained that the apostles and their disciples were called Nazarenes after Yeshua the Nazarene, and their assembly was called The Way for he said, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life”. One of the ringleaders of the Nazarene sect was none...

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Tsipporah and Her Bridegroom of Blood

Posted by on Sep 24, 2021 in The Exodus

Tsipporah, Mosheh’s wife, upon having circumcised her son said the words: “You are a bridegroom of blood to me”. From the narrative we learn that she circumcised her son. But to whom did she speak the words “You are a bridegroom of blood”, and which son did she circumcise? A good departure point to describing the term “bridegroom of blood” is to explain it in its proper context. Mosheh was shepherding the flock of Yithro his father-in-law and...

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Prophetic Numbers in the Bible Yet to be Fulfilled—continued

Posted by on Aug 27, 2021 in Prophecy Insight

In Part 1 of Prophetic Numbers in the Bible Yet to be Fulfilled, we studied the first two of the prophetic numbers. In Part 2, we shall have more to say upon this point presently. The number of all righteous souls who have lived All who are obedient in the devout service of YHVH Elohim, He calls them His children. Just as one obeys his father and is called his son, so are we to obey our Father, in order to be called “the children of Elohim”. And so, in the...

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Prophetic Numbers in the Bible Yet to be Fulfilled

Posted by on Aug 22, 2021 in Prophecy Insight

There are prophetic pre-set numbers found in the Bible that when correctly interpreted point to the logical conclusion that Mashiach (Messiah) will not come until they all have been fulfilled. Which are these numbers yet to be fulfilled, and what do they mean to us? We will explain to the best of our ability the matter of the prophetic numbers waiting to be fulfilled in the following vein. There were nine censuses of Israel found in the Bible (Exo 30:12, Num 1:2, Num...

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From the Golden Calf to the Face Masks

Posted by on Aug 15, 2021 in The Exodus

We all know about the face masks in the world of pandemic, but do we know what the golden calf stands for today? And how many of us know that we all have on the golden calf masks? The medical science and statistical data (if such data have ever been collected) do not indicate that wearing face masks alone helps prevent the spread of the coronavirus and its variants. On the contrary, since the outset of the pandemic in 2019, there is some proof that the ordinary face masks...

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Is Fast Allowed on Sabbath?

Posted by on Aug 11, 2021 in Bible Study

The question whether a fast is allowed on Sabbath may seem purely theoretical and even unnecessary. But as we will explain in the course of this brief study, this question is neither theoretical nor unnecessary. The matter will become clear once we understand why we should fast. According to the tradition, Sabbath is a day which abounds with a lot of food and celebration. And according to the regulations of the Rabbinic Judaism, one must not fast on Sabbath. Moreover, if a...

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Gap in the Fourteen Generations in Yeshua’s Genealogy

Posted by on Jul 20, 2021 in The Messiah

The reckoning of Yeshua’s ancestors with its three divisions of fourteen generations was perhaps so arranged by Matthew to evoke our reasoning. We should notice that for this purpose, the disciple traced the line from Avraham through David to Yeshua. This line is interrupted in two places: Avraham to King David, from King David to the exile to Babylon, and from the exile to Yeshua: three divisions of fourteen generations each. But if we count Yeshua’s ancestors...

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Exile as a Place of Captivity and Revelation

Posted by on Jul 8, 2021 in The Exiles

In the following, we will debunk a false concept widely spread in the Jewish communities around the world that exile is not a land of captivity. According to this concept, any country in the world in which Jews can live securely and safely cannot be considered “exile” but “home”. Even the State of Israel can be considered a “land of exile”, i.e. captivity, if it does not provide security and safety. The advocates of this concept also hold the view...

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Bil’am: Psychological Profile of Anti-Semite

Posted by on Jul 7, 2021 in The Exodus

There are three peculiarities in the story of Bil’am, the prophet for profit and infamous anti-Semite, who had the known reputation in the ancient world of being able both to bless and curse with great success whomever he was paid to bless and curse. These peculiarities in the story we explained previously in the articles The Bil’am story lost in translation and The lesson of the prophet for profit. But here we will summarize them briefly: Bil’am was a...

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