Why the Pharisaic Trial of Yeshua Was Illegitimate

Posted by on Apr 28, 2022 in The Messiah

Was the Pharisaic trial of Yeshua illegitimate? In this introduction to the subject, we would like to clarify presently the fateful trial that much has been written on, but still some legal issues have not been perceived. In order to clarify these legal issues in their entirety, we must initially make some inquiries in the Rabbis’ own words: the Mishnah, or the so-called “the Oral Law” (the Mishnah is the first part of the Talmud; a collection of early oral interpretations...

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Are Sacrifices Legitimate Without the Temple?

Posted by on Apr 18, 2022 in Bible Study

Today, there is great deal of debate in Judaism whether the Third Temple in Jerusalem should be built, who shall build it, and when. While all these are legitimate issues for the future Sanhedrin (the supreme judicial and ecclesiastical council in Judaism) to debate, all according to the last nine chapters in the Book of Ezekiel, what is left for us is to explain the matter whether sacrifices are legitimate without the Temple set in place. The Torah is very clear on the...

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What Can Anger Elohim Most

Posted by on Apr 13, 2022 in The Exodus

Is there a sin that can anger Elohim most? The Infinite One is infinite in grace and compassion; He is slow to anger and of great mercy, ready to pardon. But what about His patience? Is His patience still infinite as He is? We will explain the reason for this question in due course. A good departing point to explore the matter would be “In the beginning”. Was Elohim angry when the first man and woman broke the commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and...

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The Allotted Exile of Israel in Egypt

Posted by on Apr 3, 2022 in The Exiles

The “exile of Israel in Egypt” sounds peculiar as we have not read anywhere in the Scripture that Israel had been sent in Egypt for any reason other than the famine in the land of Kana’an. The Torah is virtually silent about the time Israel spent in Egypt. There is absence of any notes concerning the intended stay or exile of Israel in Egypt in Genesis and Exodus. The Torah is silent, but not the prophets (See Jos 24:14, Eze 20:5-9, and Eze 20:33-36). Such absence does not...

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The Lost Purim of Israel

Posted by on Mar 23, 2022 in The Exiles

The Jewish holiday of Purim is not one of the Appointed Times of the Creator listed in Leviticus 23, nevertheless, it is a joyful holiday for all Jews around the world. It is celebrated every year on the 14th of the month of Adar (according to the Rabbinic calendar), or the 12th month of the Biblical calendar. But why “the lost Purim”? Purim (Farsi for “lots) commemorates the deliverance of Jews in the Persian empire from the notorious anti-Semite Haman, who was...

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When Mosheh Declined the Messenger of YHVH

Posted by on Feb 22, 2022 in The Messiah

We should recall that there was a messenger, who led the people out of Egypt and went before them in the pillar of cloud and fire, to guide and to defend them day and night (Exo 13:21) in the wilderness for forty years. But because it was the Eternal who was guiding His people in the person of His messenger, He demanded unconditional obedience to him. He said concerning this messenger, Beware of his presence and listen to his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he is not...

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Controversy in the Hebrew Word for Stranger

Posted by on Feb 8, 2022 in Hebrew Study

The Almighty is very clear in His Word that He does not show partiality and that there is one law for the Hebrew and for the stranger who has joined Israel. Yet, there is a law in the Torah that has perplexed the strangers, who observe the Torah in obedience to the Eternal. At first reading of that verse, it seems to the reader that Mosheh our teacher has departed from this fundamental principle in the Torah putting the stranger in an awkward position to eat what otherwise...

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Resurrection of Body vs Reincarnation of Soul

Posted by on Jan 23, 2022 in Bible Study

When thinking of “resurrection” and “the world to come”, many people do not realize that there are different concepts behind these words, and if we add the term “reincarnation” the things become even more complicated. In this introduction to the matter of the resurrection of the body and the reincarnation of the soul, we would like to clarify certain concepts in Judaism that the rabbis have written about, but still their controversy has...

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Yehovah Elohim — the Creator’s Majestic Name

Posted by on Jan 16, 2022 in The Name of YHVH

Now that the heaven and the earth had been made after six days of creation, the narrator of the creation story for the first time reveals the Creator’s full Name to Mosheh — Yehovah Elohim. But this would not occur until the seventh day of the creation: the first Sabbath, when the phenomena of creation had been completely reached. Only then was Elohim referred to by His full Name: Yehovah Elohim. The Name Elohim, which alone appears in Chapter 1, is associated with...

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Marriage After Resurrection and Beyond

Posted by on Dec 19, 2021 in Bible Study

It is understood that Yeshua had stated that after the resurrection from the dead, men are not given in marriage any longer, because they are like angels who do not marry either. It is easy thus to assume that since the angels do not marry, nor will men. Can we rethink this? Let us read in the textual context. Some of the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, came to Yeshua and asked him this question, Teacher, Mosheh said that if anyone should die, having no children, his...

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Nephilim Before and After the Flood

Posted by on Dec 15, 2021 in The Origin

The Book of Genesis tells us that there were creatures, nephilim, who were on the face of the earth before the Flood. Those creatures concerning whom the narrator of Genesis was very careful not to call them “humans” or “living beings”, nor did he even say they lived on the earth but “were on the earth”, were the offspring of the sons of Elohim, who cohabited with the daughters of men. Who or more properly what were those creatures whom the women bore to the...

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Mevushal Wine: The Boiling Controversy

Posted by on Dec 5, 2021 in Bible Study

There are two types of Kosher wine: non-mevushal and mevushal. While most of the Torah-observant non-Jews are unaware of such a classification, there is a difference between them. But as we will explain in the following, this difference is boiled down to the principal question whether the mevushal wine can be found in the Scripture. And if mevushal wine cannot be found in the Scripture, then it must be Rabbinical. So, is the term “mevushal wine” Scriptural or...

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