The Book of the Wars of YHVH

Posted by on Sep 1, 2020 in Bible Study, The War of Gog of Magog

The Book of the Wars of YHVH is considered one of the “lost books” of the Bible believed to be written by Mosheh. The only verse from this book has neither specifics nor clear references to events in the Scripture but is a fragmental text whose meaning is uncertain. As the book was well known to Mosheh to quote it in the Torah, what has to be implied could easily be gathered from the very title of the book: “The Wars of YHVH”. This is the only book...

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Yam Suph — Red Sea or Sea of Reeds

Posted by on Aug 21, 2020 in Hebrew Study, The Exodus

The Hebrew words Yam Suph are always translated either “Red Sea” or “Sea of Reeds” referring to the sea the Elohim of the children of Israel split at the Exodus from Egypt. The meaning of Yam Suph has been lost for us and “Red Sea” and “Sea of Reeds” may not be quite correct, as we will examine this below. But why is it important to find the correct translation of Yam Suph where Elohim performed His last plague on Egypt and...

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Abortion and Judaism 101

Posted by on Aug 16, 2020 in Sanctity of life

The Rabbinic Judaism does not allow abortion of the baby in the mother’s womb. However, it is not easy to draw such a conclusion on “abortion and Judaism” given the fact that the real life can bring extremely difficult complications. This article does not claim to exhaust this controversial and complex issue of abortion in the mother’s womb, but only to present the side of the Rabbinic Judaism on the matter. Whether or not the following rabbinic...

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What was Israel’s life for 38 years in Arabia?

Posted by on Jul 22, 2020 in Q&A

Question: What was Israel’s life for 38 years in the desert of Arabia? Answer: After the sin of ten spies for rejecting the Promised Land, the nation was sent back to the desert until that generation died out in Arabia. We should recall that the sin for making the golden calf was forgiven, but the sin for rejecting the Promised Land was not and the people were sent back in the desert. Most regrettably, we know very little of Israel’s life in the wilderness of...

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Jews who Left Behind the Exodus

Posted by on Jul 11, 2020 in Prophecy Insight, The Exodus

There were Jews who left behind the Exodus from Egypt. They did not want to leave Egypt and perished in the plagues. There were however those who actually left behind Egypt and followed Mosheh to the Promised Land but wanted to return back to slavery. They left Egypt not for love of YHVH, but for the fear of anti-Semitism of the gentiles. As there were Jews who were left behind in the Exodus, there are Jews who are already left behind in the Second Exodus, because they do...

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Bil’am: The Prophet for Profit

Posted by on Jul 4, 2020 in Bible Study

The term “prophet for profit” suggests “one who speaks the Word of Elohim for pay”, or the so-called “professional priesthood” of today, as they call themselves. These “professional priests” believe they are entitled to receive the money after they have obtained the truth from the Scripture.  The Hebrew word navi “prophet” literally means one who fills up or gives substance of YHVH’s Word, that is to say, he...

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The Fifth Gospel of YHVH

Posted by on Jun 26, 2020 in Bible Study, The Messiah

Which is the fifth Gospel, or the fifth Good News, because we know only four in the Scripture: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The fifth Gospel subject of this teaching is not the so-called Q Gospel (also Q source and Q document). According to the Christian eschatology, Q Gospel is believed to be a part of the common source found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. But the fifth Gospel that we will study is a part of the Canon but...

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The Pre-existing first-born Son of Elohim

Posted by on Jun 14, 2020 in Oneness of the Creator, The Messiah

The question “Does God have a pre-existing Son, first-born of the creation?” always opens the door of polemic between religions that will never be closed by men. The verses from JPS translation (Gen 6:2-4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, and Job 38:7) showing that the Creator of the universe does have sons, namely, His messengers (angels), do not bring much argumentation. If the argument against them is that these verses are general references to angels, and no specific son...

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Why did the sons of Mosheh not merit any leadership?

Posted by on May 25, 2020 in The Exodus

Why did the sons of Mosheh, Gereshom and Eli’ezer, not merit to be in the leadership of Israel? Should they not have been worthy of high positions in the clergy, or entitled to a high rank in the leadership in Israel? And why did Mosheh not say a word in their behalf at the end of his life, because he chose none of them to be his successor, but YHVH chose Mosheh’s right hand: Yehoshua. But why? After all, were Gereshom and Eli’ezer not the sons of none...

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The Abomination to Uncover the Nakedness of the Father

Posted by on May 5, 2020 in Bible Study

YHVH prohibits that no one is to uncover someone else’s nakedness and more particularly the nakedness of the father and mother. This strict prohibition is included in the long list of sexual immoralities such as incest, adultery, fornication, rape, homosexual relations, and bestiality, which are explicitly forbidden in the Torah. Adultery and fornication of both man and woman are against the sacredness of marriage as the Creator’s given appointment for the...

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The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood

Posted by on May 1, 2020 in Sanctity of life

From the very beginning of the world, the Creator has set a prohibition of eating flesh with its life, because life is in the blood of every creature He created, whether human or animal. But do not eat flesh with its life, its blood. (Gen 9:4) This prohibition applies to the eating of flesh with blood of life in it, whether of living animals, as is the barbarous custom of the heathens in Wuhan, or of slaughtered animals from which the blood has not been properly drained, or...

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When are the Sabbatical and Jubilee years?

Posted by on Apr 19, 2020 in Q&A

Question: How do we count the Sabbatical and Jubilee years and can we know when they will occur? Answer: The law of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years is given in Leviticus 25. The children of Israel were commanded that when they would come into the land, they were to observe a Sabbath of the land to YHVH. Six years the land is to be tilled and gather in its fruit, but in the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest. No field work is allowed in the Sabbatical year....

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