Posted by Navah on Apr 19, 2020 in Q&A
Question: How do we count the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, and can we know when they will occur? Answer: The law of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years is given in Leviticus 25. The children of Israel were commanded that when they would come into the land, they were to observe a Sabbath of the land to YHVH. Six years the land is to be tilled and gather in its fruit, but in the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest. No field work is allowed in the Sabbatical year....
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Posted by Navah on Apr 19, 2020 in Q&A
Question: According to the Torah, what does the Passover dinner include? Answer: The law of Pesach (Passover lamb) is very specific on what the Pesach dinner should include. We read in Exo 12:8-10 that we shall eat lamb roasted in fire with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs. We are not to eat it raw, nor boiled, but roasted in fire. And what remains of the lamb, we are to burn with fire and not discard in the trash. It is not an ordinary meal; it is the Pesach of YHVH....
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Posted by Navah on Apr 17, 2020 in Q&A
Question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Answer: If the answer is the egg, then the question arises: “Where did the chicken come from?” But if the chicken is the answer, then: “Where did the egg come from?” And the circle thinking goes on and on. This may sound like a silly question, but actually, it is not; it is very philosophical. First of all, to answer the question with a question, what does it have to do with the Bible study? But as...
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Posted by Navah on Jan 5, 2020 in Q&A
Question: How many wives did Jacob have? Answer: The tradition has it that Jacob had two wives: Rachel and Leah; Rachel he loved and Leah he did not. And these two wives, Rachel and Leah, are counted among the matriarchs of Israel together with Sarah and Rebekah. However, the Scripture says something else that does not fit quite well in the Rabbinic tradition that Jacob had two wives. So, who are the other wives of Jacob that we have forgotten? To find out who they are,...
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Posted by Navah on Sep 25, 2019 in Q&A
Question: Who was the prophet who died on his birthday? Answer: Mosheh (Moses). Mosheh spoke these words to all Israel, I am one hundred and twenty years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in. And Yehovah has said to me, ‘You do not pass over this Yarden’. (Deu 31:2) The expression “I am one-hundred and twenty years old today” means “on this very day is the exact day that my life has become complete. Flavius Josephus in...
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Posted by Navah on Sep 22, 2019 in Q&A
Question: How was the Red Sea parted? Answer: According to the Christian films, Mosheh (Moses) stretched his arm, hit the waters of Yam Suph (the Red Sea) with his staff, and they parted in front of the amazed Israelites. Then, Israel crossed the sea on a dry land. However, the Exodus story says that when Mosheh stretched his arm and touched the waters of the Red Sea, a strong wind started blowing all night until the bottom of the sea got dried. And then, Israel left Egypt...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 16, 2019 in Q&A
Question: Do Hebrews and Gentiles see the past and future differently? Answer: Yes, they do. In the Greco-Roman mindset, for instance, the past is behind, and future is before. This concept is derived from the simple idea that as one walks forward, he sees what comes to him, i.e. the future. And what is behind him is the past. However, in the Hebraic mindset, the things are turned 180 degrees: the past is before the Hebrew, and the future is behind. Why is that? This...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 16, 2019 in Q&A
Question: Did Paul teach against the Temple sacrifices? Answer: Let us read Acts 21:20-28 and ask ourselves the questions: if Apostle Shaul (Paul) taught against the Law of God, Why did he take on the Nazarite vow according to the Law (Num 6:13-20) that required sacrifices? Why did he participate with four other men? Why did he participate in burnt offerings and sacrifices in the Temple? Why did Ya’akov (James) and the elders urge him to do this? Why would Paul pay...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 16, 2019 in Q&A
Question: What is the definition of “religious absurd”? Answer: By definition “absurd” is a situation inconsistent with reason, logic or common sense; a logical contradiction. But what is “religious absurd”? A religious absurd would be a situation in which one or more fundamental beliefs of a religion contradict the others. Two of the main fundamental beliefs of Christianity are (1) Christ died for the forgiveness of sins and (2) the Law...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 16, 2019 in Q&A
Question: Who changed Shaul’s name to “Paul”? Answer: Wherever we find in the Scripture that a name was given, we always find the reason and who did it, i.e. Elohim and His messengers, the patriarchs and even King Nebuchadnezzar who changed the names of Daniel and his companions. We find the same pattern in the Apostolic Writings, i.e. giving the names of Yochanan (aka John the Baptist) and Yeshua the Messiah. However, who changed the name of Apostle Shaul...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 14, 2019 in Q&A
Question: Did Yoseph and Miryam have other children? Answer: Yes, Yoseph (Joseph) and Miriam (Mary) did have other children after the birth of Yeshua, and the more famous of them are Ya’akov (James) and Yehudah (Jude), the apostles. Yeshua also had sisters, according to the account in Mark, Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Miryam, and brother of Ya’akov, and Yoseph, and Yehudah, and Shim’on? And are not His sisters here with us? (Mar 6:3) See also Mar...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 14, 2019 in Q&A
Question: How many are the exiles of Israel? Answer: There are four exiles of Israel: the Egyptian, the Arabian, the Babylonian, and the longest one: the Roman exile. Read more about Israel’s exile in the article “Did Israel reject the Messiah?”
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