Bil’am: The Prophet for Profit

Posted by on Jul 4, 2020 in Bible Study

The term “prophet for profit” suggests “one who speaks the Word of Elohim for pay”, or the so-called “professional priesthood” of today, as they call themselves. These “professional priests” believe they are entitled to receive the money after they have obtained the truth from the Scripture. The Hebrew word navi “prophet” literally means one who fills up or gives substance of YHVH’s Word, that is to say, he...

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How Faith did not Change Rome but Rome Changed the Faith

Posted by on Dec 23, 2019 in The Exiles

In 312 before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine claimed he experienced a vision of a new sign when he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light with the Greek words “In this sign, Conquer!” above it. He commanded his troops to adorn their shields with a new symbol ☧ formed from the first two letters of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (hristos), after which he conquered Rome. In 597, in his letter to Augustine the first missionary to the British Isles, Pope Gregory...

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“You are not under the Law of God” Exposed

Posted by on Jun 9, 2019 in Bible Study

“You are not under the Law but under grace” statement in Romans 6 is probably the most quoted by many theologians’ phrase (along with others) to “prove” that the new Gentile believers are not to observe the commands in the Torah of YHVH. Tons of papers have been written to justify the rejection of the Torah and replacing it with the laws of men and traditions rooted in paganism incorporated into the faith. Faith did not change Rome; Rome...

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Jerusalem Council and How its Decision was Distorted by the Church

Posted by on May 21, 2019 in Bible Study

According to the mainstream doctrine of the Christianity, the Jerusalem Council exempted the Christians from observing the Law and recommended only four prohibitions for them to observe. Part of this doctrine is that the apostles abolished circumcision of the Christians because they are not “under the Law”. However, if that were the intent of the apostles, why did they continue to be Law-observant for decades after the resurrection of the Messiah if “the...

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Why was Christianity accepted so easily in Rome?

Posted by on Nov 22, 2018 in Q&A

Question: Ever wonder why the Christianity was accepted so easily in pagan Rome? Answer: In 313 A.D. the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan and a new religion of Rome (known today as Christianity or Catholicism) was established. With the establishment of the new religion, the persecution of the non-Jewish believers in Yeshua ceased, but not of the Jews; they were still persecuted and killed for entertainment of the Romans in the arenas: this time for being “the...

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Has Christ fulfilled the Law, so that the Christians do not have to?

Posted by on Nov 17, 2018 in Q&A

Question: Has Christ fulfilled the Law, so that the Christians do not have to? Answer: The rejection of the Torah of YHVH, aka the Law, is a fundamental doctrine in the Christianity since its establishment as an official religion. But it is incorrect to say that the Roman emperor Constantine was the author of this doctrine; Ignatius of Antioch (c.35 – c.107) was, whose letters still serve as an example of early Christian theology. Today, there are a few major arguments to...

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More than two-thirds of the Christian Churches are under a severe reprimand?

Posted by on Nov 17, 2018 in Q&A

Question: More than two-thirds of the Christian Churches are under a severe reprimand? Answer: Yes, 71 percent to be exact. According to the seven letters to the seven churches (congregations) in the Book of Revelation, five out of seven churches are severely reprimanded, even threatened to be removed from the Lord’s presence. Only two of the seven are found worthy by God. (Read more concerning this issue in the series The Revelation of YHVH)

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The Time of Reckoning for the Church

Posted by on Jul 22, 2018 in The Revelation from YHVH

Who is meant in the seven letters to the seven churches and why are they given exactly before the events that will transpire in the following chapters in Revelation? These are the questions whose answer we will try to find in this article. But before we begin, the present author has to admit that it was very challenging and difficult for him to come to any decisive conclusions over the years. The concise language in the short letters to the seven churches in Revelation made...

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The Letter to the Church of the Laodiceans

Posted by on Jun 17, 2018 in The Revelation from YHVH

With the letter to the church of the Laodiceans we will finish up studying those letters to churches God severely rebuked: the churches in Ephesus, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, and Laodicea. The Church of men, not of the Messiah The heading And to the messenger of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘The Amein, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of Elohim, says this: (Rev 3:14) In the very opening of the letter to the church of the Laodiceans we...

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The Letter to the Church in Sardis

Posted by on Jun 10, 2018 in The Revelation from YHVH

The letter to the church in Sardis, one of the seven letters to the seven churches Yeshua wrote, was a letter to a dead church. Did anyone hear it then and will anyone hear it today? is the subject of this article. The heading of the letter to the church in Sardis And to the messenger of the assembly in Sardis write, ‘He who has the seven Spirits of Elohim and the seven stars, says this, (Rev 3:1) (for the Seven Spirits of Elohim see Isa 11:2) See also Rev 1:4, Rev 4:5, and...

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The Letter to the Church in Thyatira

Posted by on Jun 3, 2018 in The Revelation from YHVH

Thyatira is an inland city some eighty kilometers southeast from Pergamos. To this city is the next letter Yeshua wrote: the letter to the church in Thyatira. The warning in the letter to the church in Thyatira The heading And to the messenger of the assembly in Thyatira write, ‘This says the Son of Elohim, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like burnished bronze: (Rev 2:18) (see also Dan 10:5-6) “Bronze” is used in the Scripture as the symbol of...

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The Letter to the Church in Pergamos

Posted by on May 26, 2018 in The Revelation from YHVH

What was the message Yeshua delivered in the letter to the church in Pergamos? He commended them for having held fast to His Name and not having denied the faith in Him, but what did He criticize them for?  The heading And to the messenger of the assembly in Pergamos write, ‘He who has the sharp two-edged sword, says this: (Rev 2:12) The warning in the letter to the church in Pergamos The message I know your works, and where you dwell, where the throne of Satan is. And you...

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