How long did it take for Israel to leave Egypt?

Posted by on Aug 14, 2019 in Q&A

Question: How long did it take for Israel to leave Egypt? Answer: It took YHVH only seven days to take Israel out of Egypt, but 40 years to take Egypt out of Israel. (Read more in Chapter “The Beginning of Months” from the book Reckoning of Time)

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What is the difference between Mount Horev and Mount Sinai?

Posted by on Aug 14, 2019 in Q&A

Question: What is the difference between Mount Horev and Mount Sinai? Answer: The use of the generic name Horeb (Deu 1:6) is to designate the mountain group in today’s Saudi Arabia (Gal 4:25) where Israel spent thirty years in the Arabian exile. It comes from the verb חָרַב charav, to parch (through drought), that is, (by analogy) to desolate. While the specific name סִינַי Sinai is given to the particular mountain upon which the Torah of YHVH was given to the nation....

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What do the European parliament and the Tower of Babel have in common?

Posted by on Jun 26, 2019 in Q&A

Question: What do the European parliament, and the Tower of Babel have in common? Answer: They look alike. Compare the images below. The city of Strasbourg, France, is the official seat of the European Parliament. It is most known with its building which resembles an unfinished tower like the Tower of Babel (Babylon). The voluntarily unfinished aspect of the tower of the European Parliament carries heavy symbolism, as it is oriented eastwards, i.e., towards Babylon. It is...

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Are there rewards for the faithful and what are they?

Posted by on Jun 22, 2019 in Q&A

Question: Are there rewards for the faithful and what are they? Answer: Yes, there are rewards awaiting the faithful, according to the very promise Yeshua the Messiah has given us. For the Son of man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His messengers, and then He shall reward each according to his works. (Mat 16:27)  There are four rewards in the form of crowns that are awaiting those who will be faithful to the end, and more particularly they are (for more...

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Did Israel travel on the Sabbaths and on the appointed times of YHVH?

Posted by on Jun 22, 2019 in Q&A

Question: Did Israel travel on the Sabbaths and on the appointed times of YHVH? Answer: Most likely they did not travel, because the children of Israel guarded the Duty of YHVH. We read thus, At the mouth of Yehovah the children of Israel departed, and at the command of Yehovah they camped. They remained camped as long as the cloud dwelt above the Dwelling Place. Even when the cloud lingered many days above the Dwelling Place, the children of Israel guarded the Duty of...

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Who was the first human who saw the whole future development of the New World Order?

Posted by on Jun 22, 2019 in Q&A

Question: Who was the first human who saw the whole future development of the New World Order? Answer: It was King Nebuchadnezzar, the founder of the first world power, who first saw it in a dream. (Dan 2:31) Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream which so greatly moved him and a dream whose interpretation Elohim revealed to Daniel in a vision, so that he would tell the king his dream. That was the dream regarded as a revelation of the future development of the world affairs and...

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How do we know that a dream is from God?

Posted by on Jun 22, 2019 in Q&A

Question: How do we know that a dream is from God? Answer: If a dream is from YHVH, it must occur [at least] twice in order to know that it is established by Him. Examples for such dreams from Elohim are two dreams Yoseph had in which he saw his parents and brothers would bow down to him. We know that was one prophecy in two dreams. Another example is the two dreams Pharaoh had concerning the seven years of plenty and seven years of drought. Or the revelations Daniel the...

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Are we alone in the universe?

Posted by on May 17, 2019 in Q&A

Question: Are we alone in the universe? Answer: Many will say that we are alone and there are no civilizations other than us. However, there are even more supporters of the theory that their other human-like civilizations somewhere in the universe. So, are we alone in the universe? No! Most certainly, we are not alone in the universe; we have the Creator, His Messiah, and the hosts of messengers (angels) with them. But this question also implies whether there are other...

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What is the meaning of the Law of God?

Posted by on May 16, 2019 in Bible Study, Q&A

Question: What is the meaning of the Law of God? Answer: When a Christian fellow asks a Torah-observant believer in Yeshua the question, ‘What is the meaning of the Law of God, of these laws, rules, and regulations, you do? Do you have to do all these dos and don’ts? Aren’t they done away with?’, what do we say in return? What is the best Scriptural answer to such questions? We may say something in that nature, ‘Yehovah has commanded us to do all...

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How many are the prohibitions on the keeping of the Sabbath?

Posted by on May 12, 2019 in Q&A

Question: How many are the prohibitions on the keeping of the Sabbath? Answer: At the head of YHVH’s appointed times, the Sabbath Day stands as the day which the Creator had already set apart from the creation, as a day of rest for His people, by His own rest on the seventh creation-day (Gen 2:3, Exo 20:8-11). Gatherings are not prescribed for the Sabbath in the list of festive sacrifices in Num 28 and 29. Yet, the Sabbath is called mikra, convocation or rehearsal,...

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Two things one needs to have to get saved?

Posted by on Apr 3, 2019 in Q&A

Question: Which are the two things one needs to have to get saved? Answer: The Book of Revelation explicitly speaks of two things one must have in order to get saved. The words in Revelation are of YHVH Elohim which He gave to His Son, Yeshua the Messiah, who sent His messenger to reveal them to Yochanan (John) (see Rev 1:1). Therefore, every word we read in Revelation is the word which YHVH has spoken, the word we must believe. One thing is also true: when YHVH speaks,...

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Are there words in the Bible that have caused a great deal of misunderstanding when mistranslated?

Posted by on Mar 14, 2019 in Q&A

Answer: Actually, there are a few words that have been mistranslated and have caused quite a bit misunderstanding of key concepts of the Scripture. However, there is one word that has caused not only confusion and misunderstanding, but also rejection of an entire book which YHVH considers the most important book in the Bible. To see which book is it, read here, and to learn why this book is so important to YHVH read here.

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