Rachel—The Protective Mother of the Covenant Nation

Posted by on Nov 27, 2023 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Rachel and Leah engaged in a difficult contest for the heart of their husband Ya’akov and for the position of first wife in the family. In the article Leah—The Mother of the Covenant Nation, we present to the reader the story of rivalry between the sisters from Leah’s point of view. The story of wife who felt unloved and unwanted. It would be therefore advantageous for the reader to study what we have said in that article. In the following continuation of the...

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The Solar and Lunar Eclipses as Forerunners of Judgement

Posted by on Nov 22, 2023 in The Origin

The ancient sages of Israel are all in agreement that the gloom of the heavenly luminaries (today known as solar and lunar eclipses) is a depiction of great wars and plagues with which Gog and his land Magog will be judged at the time of the coming of the day of the Lord. What is to come, the wonders in heaven and blood on earth, fire and smoke in the sky, these all will be an example of the plague that will fall upon Gog for he and his cohorts of nations has dared to come...

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Malki-tsedek Who Forfeited the Priesthood

Posted by on Nov 7, 2023 in The Patriarchs' Saga

After the victorious war against the four kings, Avram returned with his men and the booty of war. Malki-tsedek king of Shalem and the priest of the Most High Elohim met Avram with bread and wine and blessed him. Avram’s soldiers took for themselves their portion of the booty, and the rest Avram returned to the king of Sodom except for the captives, whom Avram freed. Traditional Christian commentators offer the interpretation that Avram gave Malki-tsedek, the priest of the...

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A New Hamas that will Bring the End of the Second Humanity

Posted by on Oct 23, 2023 in The Origin

As Adam became the ancestor of all human beings after Creation, so did Noach become the ancestor of mankind after the Flood. But before the world was reset for a new beginning, there was violence (Chamas or Hamas) on the earth. But Noach found grace in YHVH, because he was a righteous man, a man who walked with Elohim. The narrator of Genesis mentions these virtues of Noach in contrast to what it is said concerning Noach’s generation, namely, that all their (of the...

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Hell and Purgatory According to Tanach. What is on the Other Side?

Posted by on Oct 8, 2023 in Bible Study

Tanach rarely speaks of “heaven” (only in Gen 1:1) and “hell” (only on a few occasions which we will expound below), and whenever the Hebrew Scripture refers to them, it always mentions them “passing by” and never as a reward or as a threat respectively. Yet, good and evil are laid out for everyone to see. Tanach does not concern itself with the concepts of “heaven” and “hell”, for all the laws given by Mosheh in...

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The secret things belong to the LORD

Posted by on Sep 25, 2023 in The Exiles

“The secret things belong to the LORD” in Deuteronomy has been interpreted to mean that whatever secrets Elohim has, they are not given to us to know; and whatever we know and see is what has been revealed to us. However, a question presents itself: Is the Eternal One knowable? We read thus, The secret things belong to Yehovah our Elohim, and those revealed belong to us and to our children forever to do all the words of this Torah. (Deu 29:28) (29:29 in the Christian Bible)...

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How old Earth the James Webb Space Telescope saw

Posted by on Sep 21, 2023 in The Origin

How old is the Earth, and what did the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) see? In the beginning, the Eternal One created the heavens and the earth. Before the beginning, there was nothing but Him. The Torah tells us nothing about the age of the universe, focusing almost entirely on the creation of the Earth and on the way the lives of the people who inhabit to be conducted. The Torah may not say how old the Earth is, but it says instead that the Creator made the universe and...

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Hebrew Words: Hear and Guard

Posted by on Sep 16, 2023 in Hebrew Study

It may come as a big surprise to many but even though the Torah of YHVH is full of laws, there is no Hebrew word that means “obey”. Instead, the Torah uses the word Hebrew shema. Another surprise is that nowhere in the Torah we are told to keep all laws. What do we mean by that? It is the object of this work of Hebrew study to explain the Hebrew words for “hear” and “guard”, as we will interpret their literal translations and meanings not distinctly explained by...

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How did we get from “Do Not Muzzle an Ox” to …?

Posted by on Sep 10, 2023 in Bible Study

A radical approach suggested by all Christian interpreters is that “Do not muzzle an ox while it is threshing” refers to the clergy staff in the churches. But those interpreters are giving the wording of the law a meaning that it does not have. We can understand their efforts to justify the collecting the tithes in the churches, but the situation is hardly parallel. The theologians have invented an issue in the Torah that does not exist. Besides, their...

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The Time When the First Sabbatical Year was Observed

Posted by on Sep 3, 2023 in Bible Study

Considering the unique standing of the Sabbatical year in Torah, we will explain why the Land needed to be first conquered and inherited by Israel, and then the law of the land observed. This will be further explained in the following vein. We will explore the law of the Sabbatical year in the context of the story of the greatest leaders of Israel: Mosheh and Yehoshua. That said, hereafter we will address the law of the Sabbatical year and how it was first observed in the...

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A False Prophet: “Let’s Go After Other Gods!”

Posted by on Aug 30, 2023 in Oneness of the Creator

It is the object of this work to touch upon well-known passages in the Hebrew Scripture that much have been avoided in the traditional Christian commentaries: the enticer who says, “Let us go after other Gods”. In this endeavor in which we will seek to find out who those “Gods” are, we are fully aware that we cannot remove all the difficulties that have been in the minds of the people for centuries, but it is worth trying. We are also aware that what...

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“Gap Theory” in the Beginning of the Universe

Posted by on Aug 21, 2023 in The Origin

The “gap theory” advocates believe that science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the Earth is far older than what the Bible says. According to the “gap theory” (also known as “gap creationism”), the six-day creation period involves six literal 24-hour days of creation, but it also states that there was a gap of time between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. They see this “gap” as the border between two distinct creations. According to them, first the...

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