The Unfinished Work of Creation

Posted by on Aug 1, 2023 in The Origin

Elohim was able to create whole world in a blink of an eye. But why did He create it in six days and complete it on the seventh? The present study deals with a subject that has been touched upon in the articles Concealing the Infinite Light of Creation, Part 1 and Part 2, as we will explain the matter in the following vein. There is understanding among the rabbis that in the beginning Elohim created everything in the universe simultaneously, as the narrative of Genesis 1...

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Bible code: The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel

Posted by on Jul 11, 2023 in The Bible Codes

The present study deals with a subject that has carefully avoided in the rabbinic commentaries on the 70 Weeks of the prophecy in Daniel. At the core of this study is the Bible code that is found in Chapter 9, and what it will reveal to the reader. Therefore, it is the object of this work to seek the answer to the question as to the identity of the anointed, as we will touch upon the cryptic passages in the 70 Weeks in Daniel’s prophecy. Although most commentators have...

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Pinechas: The High Priest Who Did Not Die

Posted by on Jul 4, 2023 in Bible Study

Pinechas was son of El’azar and grandson of the first high priest of Israel, Aharon. As a result of a single act Pinechas did, he was given the title of “High Priest” of Israel for eternity in an everlasting covenant: the Covenant of peace.  But what did Pinechas do to receive the highest position in the priesthood of Israel? He killed two fornicators who committed an act of perversion in front of the Tabernacle before the eyes of Mosheh and the elders....

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Bible Code: Mashiach at Sukkot

Posted by on Jun 18, 2023 in The Bible Codes

The Bible codes delineate hidden messages in the Biblical stories as having layered background, in which the stories must be read not only in the immediate context of the plain meaning of the text, but also in the context of what the Bible codes have been meant to convey. Such is the story of the end of life of the greatest statesman ever born: Mosheh, whom YHVH chose to lead His people out of the land of slavery. We have Scriptural proof of existing of such a Bible code...

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Bible Code: Yeshua the Free-will Offering

Posted by on May 31, 2023 in The Bible Codes

In this introduction to our survey of the Bible codes, we would like to share our knowledge and expose the reader to the phenomenon of the Bible codes and Yeshua haMashiach in the Hebrew Scripture. It is thus the object of this work to uncover these Bible codes, investigate them in the immediate context of the Hebrew text, and in due course offer the conclusion for the reader’s consideration of what we intend to say in the following new series of the Time of Reckoning...

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Being Born Again and From Above

Posted by on May 21, 2023 in Bible Study

Yeshua did signs before the people, which were indeed signs from above for no one was able to do them unless he had been sent from heaven. When Nicodemus met Yeshua by night (for Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin), he referred to those signs. Yeshua addressed them saying, “Unless one is born again, he is unable to understand the signs of the kingdom”.  In the preceding article, we were faced with the dilemma of equal options, namely, as to what Yeshua must have said...

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A Child is Born to Us Whose Name is “Mighty God”

Posted by on Apr 23, 2023 in The Messiah

Who was the child about whom it is said in Isaiah 9, “a child is born to us … and his name is the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace”? Thus read, it will be clear to the reader that the perception of a deity born as a child is explicitly expressed by the phrase, “the mighty God, the everlasting Father” referring to the child. Below is the digital copy of the Great Isaiah Scroll with the traditional translation. Although...

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Nadav and Avihu: The Unlamented Sons

Posted by on Apr 16, 2023 in Bible Study

The story of Nadav, Avihu, and their father who lost his two sons in a “strange fire” and could not even mourn properly after their death. He did not raise his voice in crying, as a father would do for his dead children. He did not even say a word, for he had no breath left in him, only grief and deep sadness in his broken heart. He was devastated by his grief when his sons died, but he did not cry in the instant as he should have; he mourned them in his heart....

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From Monotheism to Dualism to Trinity

Posted by on Apr 9, 2023 in Oneness of the Creator

The concept of “trinity” is very problematic or at least polemic from Hebraic perspectives. It is true that Scripture refers to YHVH as Israel’s Father, Husband, or Lover. It is true that the “son of God” is an analogy for the people of Israel (“my son Israel”) and the messengers (“sons of God”). And it is true that the rabbis identified Ruach HaKodesh, as the Shechinah, which is the presence of the Eternal among His people....

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Trinity or Three Angels Appeared to Avraham

Posted by on Apr 2, 2023 in Oneness of the Creator

The word “trinity” cannot be found anywhere in the Hebrew Scripture, yet the very first book in the Torah seems to suggest that YHVH appeared to Avraham in the form of three angels. Nevertheless, this apparent suggestion falls short on why there is no mention of the trinity in the Scripture.  But it was not until the beginning of the third century that a Greek thinker named Tertullian (Carthaginian theologian (160-230) whose writing influenced early Christian...

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Do Not Swear Falsely at All

Posted by on Mar 12, 2023 in The Name of YHVH

The Pharisees in their tradition of their enactments, according to the Oral Law, interpreted the laws in the Torah as a permission to swear (even) falsely as long as the explicit Name, the Tetragrammaton, is not used in the vow. One can swear, therefore, falsely by heaven, by earth, even by Yerushalayim but not by the Name Yehovah. Hence, the rabbis banned the uttering of the Tetragrammaton as a fence around the Name against profaning it. Yeshua, however, warns that it is...

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How the Khazars Understood the True Purim

Posted by on Mar 5, 2023 in The Exiles

It should not come as a surprise to our readers that the ancient Khazars had understood the lesson of the true Purim better than us once this article is read. But who were the Khazars, and what did they know about the true Purim before they converted to Judaism?  The Eternal always provides a reason as to why an individual, or a nation, would deserve punishment. The Book of Esther, however, does not explicitly state what the people did to deserve the threat of...

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