The Early Exodus of Israel from Egypt

Posted by on Feb 5, 2023 in The Exiles

What do we know about the early exodus Israel made out of Egypt? Not the one when Mosheh led the people under the mighty hand of the Most High, but an exodus that occurred thirty years earlier. A careful reading of the Torah shows that the Torah is virtually silent about the time when Israel dwelt in Egypt. There is a time-gap concerning the life of Israel in Egypt in the books of Genesis and Exodus. Genesis ends with the death of Yoseph and Exodus begins with the birth of...

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Should a Gentile Convert to Judaism?

Posted by on Jan 30, 2023 in Bible Study

There are gentiles who convert the Rabbinic Judaism to serve Elohim in a better way, as they see it. While there are others who convert to Judaism for the purpose to emigrate to the State of Israel and be one with the chosen nation. The former is a religious while the latter is a political decision; they both have nothing to do with what YHVH Elohim says to those who desire to join themselves YHVH.  In the following, we would like to posit another way to look at this...

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The World as a Constant Recreation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2023 in The Origin

Elohim created the heavens and the earth and everything in it visible and invisible in six days, and then He rested on the seventh. And since then, the Creator has remained rested in the last 6,000 years? Or the world is in continual recreation. For lack of an alternative interpretation, the reader is led to apply the same mode of interpretation that the Creator made heaven and earth at the time of creation and does not at present make heaven and earth. Now, if the Creator...

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Human Life—From Conception to Birth

Posted by on Nov 25, 2022 in Sanctity of life

“Life is sacred” is a fundamental principle in the Scripture. We have explained this principle in the series of articles Sanctity of Life. But still, it is equally important to clarify one more thing. If life indeed begins at conception and is sacred as the Scripture testifies, is that which we call “fetus” a human being? And if “fetus” is a human being, when does it receive its soul: at conception or at birth? In other words, the...

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The Barren Women of the Bible

Posted by on Nov 20, 2022 in The Patriarchs' Saga

The Hebrew Bible has the miraculous stories of six barren women, their conception, and giving birth to male children. We will address them in the following vein and offer another one for the reader’s consideration, as we will explain the reason for this in due course. There is a well-established Rabbinic tradition that the conception of Yitschak the son of Avraham was entirely by way of promise, not natural. His miraculous conception and birth, however, are not unique to...

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The Messiah as the Primordial Light of the Creator

Posted by on Nov 6, 2022 in The Messiah

The primordial light having existed from the beginning in the earliest state of the universe was created with the decree, “Light exist!”, and the light existed.  Maimonides, the greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages, in his fundamental work Guide for the Perplexed, states that there is a difference between “first” and “beginning” (or principle). For example, heavens and earth were the first to be written in Genesis, after them came...

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The Table of the 70 Nations Revised

Posted by on Oct 30, 2022 in The Origin

The genealogy of the 70 nations in Genesis 10 traces their origin back to the common father of mankind, Noach. After the universal deluge, Noach’s family settled in the plain of the land of Shinar, where they multiplied into many families. The genealogy of Noach aka the Table of the 70 Nations, through his sons Shem, Cham, and Yaphet, prepares the reader for the event which led to the division of the one human race into 70 nations with distinct languages and cultures....

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What Was Before the Creation?

Posted by on Oct 24, 2022 in The Bible Codes, The Origin

What was it before the Creation, before even Gen 1:1 has begun? Before the creation, there was nothing; nothing existed but the Everlasting One, YHVH. Before the process of creation has even begun, YHVH (His Name means “He who exists continually”) was Yachid, the only One, no one else; after the creation He became Echad, He and His creation are together, one or unity. Yachid is exclusive; Echad is inclusive. We will rewind the time and try to explain what it was...

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When Binyamin Merited the Temple

Posted by on Oct 16, 2022 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Much is known of the involvement of the tribe of Levi in the Temple service and reverence for YHVH. Traditional commentators offer extended explanations of the Levites’ role in the Temple, but very little of Binyamin and the sanctuary. In the following, we would like to posit another way to look at the youngest son of the patriarch, Binyamin, and specifically in reference to his merit to have the Temple built on the land of his tribe. We will explore the connection of...

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Coronation of the King on Yom Teruah

Posted by on Oct 11, 2022 in The Appointed Times of YHVH

There is strong belief that “the great sound of the shofar” (in Mat 24:31), “the great shofar that shall blow” (in Isa 27:13), and the seventh [and the last] trumpet in the Book of Revelation are one and the same. But while they all depict the coming of the Savior on the clouds of the heaven with a great host and with dreadful appearance, and the establishment of the Kingship of the Messiah, they do not connect this awesome event to any particular...

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Plucking the Grains and the Laws of Men

Posted by on Sep 18, 2022 in Bible Study

Does the Torah allow trespassing of private property and taking advantage of the produce of the land? But it appears that Yeshua and his disciples entered unlawfully on someone’s property and ate some of his produced. The Torah however offers no possibility that any person could enter someone’s field at any time for any reason and eat the produce of the land. Such a trespassing would fundamentally interfere with a person’s right to hold private property....

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The Status of Woman in the Law of Divorce

Posted by on Sep 11, 2022 in Bible Study

It seems that in the law of divorce in Deuteronomy, the woman is depicted as completely passive in the divorce. If the husband finds no favor in his eyes on the account of uncleanness, he writes her a letter of divorce and sends her away so that she can remarry another man. The law of divorce thus applies solely on the husband, who is forbidden to take his ex-wife back. But what if the wife finds no favor in her eyes because she has found a matter of uncleanness in him. Can...

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