Evolution of Languages, Cultures, and Nations

Posted by on May 19, 2024 in The Origin

The following study is from the series “The Origin” and is related to what we have written in the articles: The Origin and Evolution of Species in Tanach, which explained the evolution of life according to the Hebrew Scripture (Tanach) and The Table of the 70 Nations Revised, in which we revised the universally accepted genealogy of the 70 nations from the common father of mankind, Noach. We suggested in the earlier sources that evolution is a natural phenomenon...

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References to Reincarnation of Soul in Tanach

Posted by on May 5, 2024 in The Origin

Tanach (the Hebrew Scripture) rarely speaks of “heaven” (only in Gen 1:1) and “hell” (only on a few occasions, i.e., Isa 22:14), and whenever it refers to them, it always mentions them “passing by” and never as a reward or as a threat of eternal condemnation. Why? The concept of reincarnation of the soul is only alluded more or less in the Tanach but never explicitly stated in the Torah. Why? Because heaven, hell, and reincarnation are...

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Hebrew Words: Seed, Son, Remember, and Covenant

Posted by on Apr 27, 2024 in Hebrew Study

In this Hebrew study we will learn four Hebrew words for “seed”, “son”, “to remember”, and “covenant” and how they relate to each other. In the following, we would like to posit another way to look at these Hebrew words, specifically in reference to the Covenant the Eternal made with the patriarch Avraham. We will begin with the Hebrew word for “seed”: Zera. Zera: Seed The Hebrew word זֶרַע zera, literally means seed and is...

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Does the Eternal Creator Change His Mind, For He Changes Not?

Posted by on Apr 19, 2024 in The Exodus

Does the Eternal Creator change His mind, or does He relent or repent for what He has done, and before whom would He repent? The question is not whether He can, for He is not subjected to any limitation, but rather: Does His essence that transcends time and space change what He has already spoken? No assurance is immune to annulment because of subsequent sin, unless it is accompanied by an oath. Rabbi Mosheh Nachman (the Ramban) Mitigation, appeasement, and pardon of sins...

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Malki-Tsedek Who Forfeited the Priesthood—Part 2

Posted by on Apr 8, 2024 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Who is the author of the Letter to the Hebrews? According to the Roman Catholic tradition, Apostle Shaul (Paul) is the assumed author of the Hebrews. The ambiguity concerning the authorship of Hebrews comes from the fact that the author of Hebrews has not claimed any authorship. Hence, the Letter to the Hebrews is an anonymous work with its author unknown. In contrast, Shaul claims the authorship of his other letters, as this is evident from their epilogues, the style of...

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Bible Code: Yeshua Cut Off and Covenanted—Part 2

Posted by on Mar 24, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

A controversial translation in Psalm 22, the psalm of David, reads “they pierced” as opposed to what the Hebrew text says: “like a lion”. Which of these two translations is correct, for they seem to contradict each other: “like a lion” (JPS), alluding to the anguish of the psalmist, or “they pierced” (KJV), alluding to a crucifixion scene which forces a strong messianic interpretation upon the psalm? Although most of the early Jewish commentators...

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Bible Code: “Yeshua Cut Off and Covenanted”

Posted by on Mar 17, 2024 in The Bible Codes, The Messiah

What is the Bible code? Bible codes are hidden messages uncovered by using Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) within the text. In Hebrew, the Bible code is hachurak ot shalav or the latticework of the equidistant-letter sequence. Simply put, the Bible code is a word or few words, embedded by the Supernal Author into the Hebrew text of the Tanak, which when read in an equidistant-letter sequence gives a hidden message. It is the object of this work to seek the interpretation...

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Hebrew Word: Mazal Tov

Posted by on Feb 5, 2024 in Hebrew Study

The word mazal is often translated as “luck” or “fortune” as in the phrase מזל טוב mazal tov or mazel tov with the meaning of “good luck” or “good fortune”. As such, mazal tov is similar in usage to the word “Congratulations!” According to this translation, the phrase mazal tov or mazel tov is seen as good luck, something that happens by chance. But is this the intention of the phrase? For there is no such a thing as good or...

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The Mishnah: “The Oral Law” and Traditions of the Rabbis.

Posted by on Jan 31, 2024 in Bible Study

The rabbis teach that the Eternal gave Mosheh other teachings and revelations aka the Oral Law, which he did not write down but transmitted orally to the children of Israel. These orally transmitted laws were eventually written down in the Mishnah and interpreted in the Gemara. The Mishnah and Gemara constitute the Talmud. According to the rabbis, “the Oral Law” had been given to Mosheh orally at Mount Sinai (hence, “Oral Law”), which he did not...

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The Three Co-creators of Life

Posted by on Dec 25, 2023 in The Origin

Why did He create a man and a woman from the flesh of the man, and then He commanded them to become one again and procreate? After the Eternal YHVH created Adam and Chavah, He could have continued creating the next generation of humans in the same fashion He created the first human, from the dust of the earth, or He could have created the whole human race at once. But He did not. He told them to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth. Why? And why did He not create many...

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The Narrow Gate to the World to Come

Posted by on Dec 19, 2023 in The Messiah

There is strong evidence in the Apostolic Writings to suggest that the observance of the laws in the Torah plays a crucial role in one’s standing before YHVH Elohim. This is contrary to what is widely believed and accepted in the Christendom that the “Law of God has been abolished, superseded at the cross or in some way set aside by dispensation. But that compels us to consider the question: if that is the intention of the Creator, why is that not made explicit...

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Genesis as a Narrative Related by the Angel of the Presence

Posted by on Dec 5, 2023 in The Messiah

How could Mosheh have known what had taken place from the Creation of the world to the end of the Book Genesis?” The creation of the heavens and the earth, the stars and everything visible and invisible in the universe, was a colossal event no man has ever witnessed. The story of Adam and Chavah who sinned by accessing the knowledge of good and evil, the Flood and all detailed description of the ark, the Tower of Bavel: all of this would have been unknown to Mosheh without...

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