How Woman was Created from Man

Posted by on May 30, 2021 in The Origin

Do we know how the first man and woman were created? The Creator first created man from the dust of the earth and then from his rib He created the woman. The Tanak commentators understand that the narrative of the creation of man and woman in Gen 1:27 and Gen 2:21 refers literally to one of Adam’s ribs from which the woman was created: the Creator put man to sleep, took one of his rib, and in what appears to be “genetic engineering” He created the woman....

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“Why do you ask My name, it is hidden?”

Posted by on Jun 10, 2020 in The Messiah

In the Scripture, there is a messenger of YHVH whose name remained hidden in secret. He appeared only at key points in the world history and his hidden identity had never been revealed to men. Who is this messenger who said, “Why do you ask My name, it is hidden?” From the Canon and Apocrypha, we know the names of YHVH’s messengers such as Micha’el (Who is like El), Gavri’el (Might of El), Rapha’el (Healing of El), Phanu’el or...

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The Forgotten Matriarchs of Israel

Posted by on Jan 5, 2020 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Who are the forgotten matriarchs of Israel, and why have they been forgotten in the first place? Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel are the matriarchs of Israel and they have their honorable place in the nation’s history, as every Shabbat in the synagogues around the world the Jewish women are blessed in the name of “Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel”: “May the Lord make you like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah!” But why only in the names of the four...

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Jacob Wrestled with an Angel. The Consequence of Struggling with YHVH

Posted by on Dec 10, 2017 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Something odd happened when Ya’akov (Jacob) remained alone that night: Jacob wrestled with an angel until the breaking of the day. What did exactly happen when Jacob wrestle with an angel of YHVH? Was that wrestling at all? Twenty years went by and Ya’akov left the land of Paddan Aram where he served Lavan his father-in-law (Gen 31:41). He headed for the land of Canaan with all his household, servants, and livestock. On his way the messengers of Elohim joined...

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Hebrew Words: Sign, Wonder, and Prophet

Posted by on Sep 2, 2024 in Hebrew Study

The children of Israel did not believe in Mosheh because of the signs and wonders he performed in Egypt and in the desert. Indeed, one who believes because of miracles can be easily deceived, since a “miracle” can be done by trickery or sorcery. Rather, all the miracles Mosheh performed were by necessity, not to prove or legitimize his prophecy. It was necessary to turn the staff into a snake and do all ten plagues upon Egypt, because Pharaoh did not let people go. It was...

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Hebrew Word: The End

Posted by on Aug 25, 2024 in Hebrew Study

Do we have any way of knowing how the Eternal values our performance of different laws of the Torah, so that we would know what rewards are in store for us for their performance? For it has indeed been said to us because we have guarded and performed the commands of the Torah, the Eternal will also guard unto us His Covenant. Our Hebrew word in question is the word “because” in the translation. Many translations tend to flatten out Hebrew text to create a...

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Metatron: The Messenger with the Eternal’s Name

Posted by on Aug 11, 2024 in The Messiah

Metatron, a central figure in Jewish mysticism, holds a unique hierarchical position over other spiritual entities. Some sources (Gevurot Hashem 55:9) describe Metatron as a unique angel who is superior to all other angels, having great power but being utterly subservient and far inferior to the Eternal, being (Metatron) a created being. The primary texts of Kabbalah, the Zohar and Pardes Rimonim, describe Metatron as a servant of the Eternal. Yet, despite his exalted...

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Avraham Believed in the Lord but Who Counted to Whom Righteousness?

Posted by on Jul 28, 2024 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Many translators tend to flatten out Hebrew grammatical difficulties to create a smoother translation. These difficulties are not always visible in translation. Such is the case of the translation of Genesis 15:6. There are two views as to how to translate the verse that reads, And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness. (Gen 15:6 JPS) According to this reading and more particularly this capitalization, Avraham believed in the Eternal and He...

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Textual Criticism of Translations: Alterations and Corruptions

Posted by on Jun 9, 2024 in Hebrew Study

It is the object of this work to explain the Hebrew text of Leviticus 26 and expose a certain alteration in the KJV translation which significantly changes the messages of the Torah. But it is only possible to explore this issue once we know what the Hebrew text indeed reads, and once we understand the meaning of its words and know its grammar. In the following, therefore, we would like to posit another way to render the Hebrew text, specifically in reference to the Hebrew...

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Hebrew Words: Shofar, Teruah, Yovel

Posted by on May 26, 2024 in Hebrew Study

Leviticus 23:24 refers to the first day of the seventh month as Shabbaton, a memorial day which is to be proclaimed with a blast of a horn, hence, the Day of Trumpets. But in the rabbinic literature, this day is called by the misnomer “Rosh HaShanah”, which literally means in Hebrew “Head of the year” or “New Year”, even though Exodus 12 clearly designates the beginning of the year in the spring, the time of the Exodus from Egypt, not in autumn. For the purpose of the...

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Evolution of Languages, Cultures, and Nations

Posted by on May 19, 2024 in The Origin

The following study is from the series “The Origin” and is related to what we have written in the articles: The Origin and Evolution of Species in Tanach, which explained the evolution of life according to the Hebrew Scripture (Tanach) and The Table of the 70 Nations Revised, in which we revised the universally accepted genealogy of the 70 nations from the common father of mankind, Noach. We suggested in the earlier sources that evolution is a natural phenomenon...

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References to Reincarnation of Soul in Tanach

Posted by on May 5, 2024 in The Origin

Tanach (the Hebrew Scripture) rarely speaks of “heaven” (only in Gen 1:1) and “hell” (only on a few occasions, i.e., Isa 22:14), and whenever it refers to them, it always mentions them “passing by” and never as a reward or as a threat of eternal condemnation. Why? The concept of reincarnation of the soul is only alluded more or less in the Tanach but never explicitly stated in the Torah. Why? Because heaven, hell, and reincarnation are...

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