Textual Criticism of Translations: Contradiction

Posted by on Jun 21, 2021 in Hebrew Study

In the previous articles in the series Textual Criticism of Translations, we studied how the capitalization and punctuation can alter the original meaning of the Hebrew script. In the following, we will study how to detect and solve contradictions in the text. And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover? (Mar 14:12 KJV) First, we should notice that...

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Textual Criticism of Translations: Context

Posted by on Jun 13, 2021 in Hebrew Study

In previous studies in the matter of textual criticism, we have already pointed out how the incorrect capitalization and punctuation (neither present in Hebrew) have altered and modified (intentionally or not) the Scriptural context. In this study, we will take the occasion to explain how the proper context can mend the incorrect punctuation in the script. Otherwise, the suggested punctuation below would be a matter of a personal opinion. As we stated previously, such...

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Textual Criticism of Translations: Punctuation

Posted by on Jun 3, 2021 in Hebrew Study

When do we get to heaven? Immediately after death or at the resurrection? It is the theological doctrine in Christianity that Paradise is the immediate reward for the Christian after death. This view is widely based on a translation like this, Verily* I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. (Luk 23:43 KJV) *Greek has the Hebrew word “Amen”. Please, read what we have written in the article The accountability to say “Amen”. According...

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Textual Criticism of Translations: Capitalization

Posted by on May 25, 2021 in Hebrew Study

When reading a translation of the Scripture, we find various punctuation marks, capitalized words, and other tools of the modern languages used by the translators to “help” us understand the text, or simply “fix” it for us. But how many of those who read translations know that the Hebrew script is a continuous text with no punctuation marks, nor capitalized words. For example, the context and the syntaxes show where the sentence begins and ends, etc....

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Clean food vs unclean food

Posted by on Apr 30, 2021 in Bible Study, Hebrew Study

The terms “clean food” and “unclean food” are very common terms, even though they cannot be found anywhere in the Scripture; they are invented terms. Moreover, if we think about it, “unclean food” is a contradiction in terms. If something is “unclean”, it is unacceptable for eating, and therefore not food at all. By the same token the opposite is also true: there is no such thing in the Scripture as “clean food”....

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Hebrew Word: Religion

Posted by on Mar 31, 2021 in Hebrew Study

There is no Hebrew word for religion. The concept of “religion” is a Greco-Roman dualism that divides a social life into religious and secular. However, this form of dualism is foreign to the Torah, which instead sees all aspects of life as one and the same: a righteous life. The word “religion” is actually the Latin word “religione”, which is of obscure etymology. The Latin term religio is first recorded in the 1 BC, in Classical Latin...

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Kabbalah – origin, meaning, and controversy

Posted by on Mar 29, 2021 in Bible Study, Hebrew Study

When a tourist comes to Israel, one of the first thing he or she learns is the word Kabbalah. To check into a hotel, the tourist goes to the kabbalah – the reception desk in modern Hebrew. Hence, Kabbalah means reception, acceptance, or received knowledge. While the Hebrew word kabbalah is not found in the Tanak, its primitive root verb is indeed in the Scripture, as we read in Exodus, Make fifty loops in the one curtain and make fifty loops on the edge of the end curtain...

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A Prayer to the Father in Hebraic View

Posted by on Mar 14, 2021 in Bible Study, Hebrew Study

To fully understand the concept of prayer, one must free his thinking from the erroneous Gentile concept of it. This misunderstanding of “prayer” often leads some to think that YHVH Elohim is a God who demands “prayers” from the people if they want to receive something. The English word “to pray” has come from the Latin word precari, meaning “to beg”. This idea of “prayer” is what many are mistakenly led to believe...

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“Many False Prophets Shall Come in My Name”

Posted by on Jan 16, 2021 in Hebrew Study, The Messiah

The Messiah gave us a clear warning that many false prophets will come in His Name and deceive many. In Matthew Chapter 24 (aka the short Book of Revelation), when asked by His disciples, Yeshua warned them about the coming of many false prophets before His return,  Say to us, when shall this be, and what is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age? (Mat 24:3) And the Messiah answering, said to them that the deception of false prophets will be the main sign of His...

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Bethulah vs Almah

Posted by on Dec 27, 2020 in Hebrew Study

There is a great deal of misunderstanding of the difference between two Hebrew words — bethulah and almah — in the prophecy in Isaiah 7 that causes controversy between Jewish and Christian theologians. According to the prophecy in the Christian translation KJV, a virgin would conceive and bear a son, whose name would be called “Immanuel”. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name...

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Hebrew Language: Origin and Development

Posted by on Dec 21, 2020 in Hebrew Study

Hebrew language, in its origin, belongs to the Semitic group of languages: the languages of the descendants of Shem son of Noach. Historically, Hebrew is regarded as the language of the Israelites, and after the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel to the Judeans. The language was not referred to by the name “Hebrew” in the Hebrew Scripture itself, yet its language is indeed Hebrew. In this study, we will explain the origin and development of the Hebrew...

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The Mistakes Avraham Made

Posted by on Nov 25, 2020 in Hebrew Study, The Patriarchs' Saga

The patriarch Avraham made two mistakes in his life, even three. Two of these mistakes cost his descendants a great deal of trouble. Had Avraham listened carefully to words of the Creator the history of the world would have been quite different. And I shall make you a great nation, and bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing! And I shall bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all the families of the earth shall be grafted...

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