The Spartans — the Lost Tribe of Israel

Posted by on Jul 11, 2019 in The Exiles

Who were the Spartans — the people concerning whom the lines between mythology, legends, and facts have been washed out in the sand of the turbulent scene of history? What do we know about the Spartans and what we know about them, is it a matter of mythology, legends, or of facts? This will be the subject of our study. Mythology of Lakedaimon In antiquity Sparta was known as Lakedaimon (Λακεδαίμων), while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the...

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Where are the Lost Tribes of Israel?

Posted by on Jan 7, 2018 in The Exiles

Where are the so-called “lost tribes” of the House of Israel? And are they “lost” at all? The fact is that the Scripture records with a certain clarity the whereabouts of the most of “the lost tribes” during and after the Assyrian invasion. This study will not entertain the notion of the so-called “British Zionism” neither will it ever consider the Replacement Theology. What this study will harbor, however, is that the...

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Will the Husband Take Back the Two Treacherous Sisters?

Posted by on Nov 19, 2017 in The Exiles

The law of divorce in Torah in Deu 24:1-4 refers to divorce in which a reunion with a divorced wife is forbidden, only if she had remarried another man who had also put her away or had died. The Torah does not forbid the reunion of the spouses, if the wife had not married another man and if they would desire to become a family again. This is the plain reading of the law of divorce in Torah. The Law of divorce in Torah When a man takes a wife and shall marry her, then it...

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38 Contentious Years of Israel in Arabia

Posted by on Jul 2, 2017 in The Exiles, The Exodus

Little is known of the 38 years Israel lived in the desert of Arabia. “What was the life of Israel in Arabia?” and “Why a smaller number of people entered the Land?” are the questions we will seek answers in this study. In the article Israel’s Whoring in Egypt, we studied that the Israelites lived a comfortable life in the Egyptian exile and had they remained a moment longer there, they would have risked becoming part of it and there would have...

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The Exodus from Israel’s Whoring in Egypt

Posted by on May 6, 2017 in The Exiles

What do we know about the 215 years Israel stayed in Egypt? And what caused the Exodus and did all Israel leave Egypt? And what or whom did they worship in Egypt? In this article we will study the upsetting matter of the abominations the Israelites committed against YHVH. In the article Will All Israel Return? (The reader is encouraged to read also the related article When Will Israel Return?) we studied that the Israelites defiled themselves with the abominations and the...

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Who Wrote the Book of Esther?

Posted by on Apr 11, 2017 in The Exiles

Who wrote the Book of Esther? We should notice that throughout the entire Book of Esther, Elohim of Israel is not mentioned neither by His Name, nor by any of His titles. All commentators of the Book of Esther have noticed this fact but made the conclusion that although He is not mentioned by name or title even once, He was still in control behind the scenes to protect His people. And while the present author completely agrees with this conclusion, he took an unorthodox...

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The True Purim and the Untold Truth

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in The Exiles

Today millions of Jews around the world celebrate Purim as a deliverance from a certain Holocaust, and rightly so. The Jews in Persia were on the brink of extermination and had Mordecai and Queen Esther done nothing or not enough, all Jews would have perished in the Holocaust and there would have been no Purim to celebrate. However, is Purim all about childish plays and making fancy “hamantaschen” cookies named after Haman, one of the world’s most...

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