The Age of the Messiah (4001-6000)

Posted by on Jun 5, 2016

From the Book Reckoning of Time

The prophecies have been sealed, the Messiah has been risen to heavens, and it seems like nothing else has been left for the Age of the Messiah to be fulfilled. Not many prophetic events could have been recorded since year 4001.

And one more time let us recall the words of the Tanna debe Eliyahu in order to correctly understand the Age of the Messiah. Bear in mind that this is a rabbinical interpretation:

The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era, but through our many iniquities all these years have been lost [He should have come at the beginning of the last two thousand years; the delay is due to our sins].

There was no delay in Messiah’s coming. The Messiah of Israel did come before the beginning of the last two thousand years despite the many iniquities, but He was not recognized by His brothers.

It is true that Torah is a shadow picture of good things to come and Yoseph is a type of Messiah. Therefore, as Yoseph’s brothers did not recognize him the first time they met him, so did Israel; they did not recognize the Messiah at His first coming.

As Yoseph revealed himself and forgave his brothers the second time they met because they sincerely repented, so will the Messiah; He will reveal Himself and forgive Israel at His second coming because they will sincerely repent.

As Yoseph’s brothers bowed down to him, so will Israel bow down to the Messiah, as the Yoseph story also teaches us that there is no sincere repentance of sin, if one is not tested again to do the same transgression in a reenactment of the earlier occasion. As the brothers were tested in a reenactment of their sin when they sold Yoseph for pieces of silver, so Israel will be tested in the Age of the Messiah.

With that being said, the present author believes that the Age of the Messiah is the age for trials at the end of which every knee will bow down to the Messiah of YHVH. Until then, everyone needs to work out his own salvation:

at the Name of Yeshua every knee should bow … and every tongue should confess that Yeshua Messiah is Master, to the glory of Elohim the Father. So that, my beloved, … work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, (Php 2:10-12)

Year 4000 was the last Jubilee year of The Age of Instruction.

In the following year 4001, the Age of the Messiah started when the first non-Israelite believers in the Messiah were accepted in the assembly of Israel.

King Herodes died in 4002 (44 AD). In the Sabbatical year of 4028, on the tenth day of the fifth month, the city of Yerushalayim was ravaged by the Romans and the Second Temple destroyed. When the Second Temple was destroyed in 4028 (70 AD or according to some Jewish sources it was 69 AD) the jubilee count was suspended.

4028 was a very important year to the Nazarenes (the first believers in Yeshua). In this year the Romans laid siege to Yerushalayim and after five months, invaded the city. This event had many profound effects on the Nazarenes. When the city was brought under siege, the Nazarenes remembered the words of Yeshua: Luk 21:20-21 and fled to Pella, most likely dwelling in the caves of the wilderness outside of Pella. It is then that the Pharisees resented the Nazarene flight to Pella as an act of treachery which led to casting them out of the synagogues in 4048 (90 AD) to fulfill the words of Yeshua in Joh 16:2.

And in year 4093 (135 AD) on the ninth day of the fifth month, the longest and cruelest exile, the Roman exile, began after the last rebellion of the Jews against the Romans was put down.

In 5054 (1096 AD), on the ninth day of the fifth month, was the year of the first crusade and the pogrom on the European Jewry.

In the Sabbatical year 5057 (1099 AD), Yerushalayim was conquered by the crusaders.

In 5105 (1147 AD), the second crusade. Pogrom on the Jewry in the Rhineland.

In 5145 (1187 AD), Yerushalayim was captured by Saladin.

In 5147 (1189 AD), the third crusade.

In 5248 (1290 AD), the Jews were expelled from England.

In 5379 (1421 AD), the Jews were expelled from Vienna, in 5382 (1424 AD) from Cologne, and in the Jubilee year of 5400 (1442 AD) from Bavaria.

In 5438 (1480 AD), the Jews were expelled from Italy and in the Jubilee year of 5450 (1492 AD) from Spain.

In 5896 (1938 AD), Kristallnacht, Germany.

In 5906 (1948 AD), the modern State of Israel was established with its own Declaration of Independence (Isa 66:7-9) in accordance with the prophecy seen in Zep 2:7, And the seacoast shall be for the remnants of Yehudah …for YHVH their Elohim shall visit them and turn away their captivity. The remnants of Yehudah are the Jews in the aftermath of the Holocaust and WWII and the seacoast: exactly the territory the UN allotted to the Jews in its decision according to the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947. In 5925 (1967 AD): the Six-Day War and in 5931 (1973 AD) was the Yom Kippur War.

In conclusion of Part I of this study which dealt with the attempt to restore the Sabbatical and Jubilee years we have to say that per the Jewish tradition, the Sabbatical year continues to be counted but not observed every seventh year (the most recent Sabbatical year, per the Jewish calendar, was 5761, or 2000-2001 AD), but because the nation of Israel as a whole is still in a state of exile and deprived of the Temple, even the theoretical Jubilee of the Second Temple Era has not been counted. Today, according to the Jewish calendar, seven-year cycles run consecutively, without the 50th mark of the Jubilee year.

Can the Jubilee cycle currently be observed in Israel? The answer is no and here is why.

First, there is no clear general agreement among the Rabbinate about when the Jubilee year actually takes place. Even today there is no agreement among the religious authorities as to how to count the Sabbatical and Jubilee years.

Second, unlike the Land of Israel during the First Temple period, there is no longer a clear understanding of the boundaries of tribal ownership. The tribes are dispersed to the four corners of the world and currently there is no exact method of knowing the borders of each tribe and the borders of family plots. Without ownership of the land there will be no real observance of the Jubilee years.

Third, modern state of Israel does not occupy the land Israel conquered in the time of Yehoshua and what it occupies is disputed by its enemies. The tiny sliver of land, called the State of Israel is the most disputed real estate in the world.

The conclusion of the matter of the Age of the Messiah is that the observance of the Jubilee cycles can only be observed after the arrival of the Messiah.

In Part II of this study, we will look into detail of the events and key players of the last three and half years of this world.

Did you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? (Isa 40:21)

Next chapter