The Appointed Times of YHVH—the Shabbat and the Messiah

Posted by on Mar 2, 2017 in The Appointed Times of YHVH

Shabbat was the first appointed time set by YHVH from the very beginning of His creation. Here we will discuss the Shabbat and the Messiah, or how Yeshua the Messiah fulfills the Shabbat day and the role He plays in the Redemption Plan of YHVH. Also we will discuss what the Rabbinical literature says about the Messiah, and also how the Messiah’s mission has been encoded in the names of the first ten generation in the Book of Genesis. Shabbat: the first appointed time...

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The Appointed Times of YHVH—The Shabbat Part II

Posted by on Feb 25, 2017 in The Appointed Times of YHVH

In Rabbinical Judaism, “Do not kindle a fire on Shabbat” is seen as a “concept” which is understood as do not kindle any fire on Shabbat. This verse is seen not just as a Torah command but as a concept which forbids lighting even a candle on the Shabbat. Do not kindle a fire in any of your dwellings on the Shabbat day. (Exo 35:3) This “concept” teaches that the fire can be kindled before the Shabbat and the fire can burn during the...

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Obama, ISIL, and the Bible Code

Posted by on Jan 8, 2017 in The Bible Codes, The War of Gog of Magog

The U.S. President Barak Obama opened the “Pandora Box” of rousing to action of newly created ISIS, an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. However, who is the real Obama and what role Obama will play in the end-time prophecy? In this article, we will see how Obama was hidden in the prophecies in the books Ezekiel and Jeremiah.  And Yehovah made a covenant with Avram, saying, I have given this land to your seed, from the river of Egypt to the great...

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The True Story of the Prodigal Son

Posted by on Nov 27, 2016 in The Messiah

  The tax collectors and the sinners came to Yeshua to hear Him. The Pharisees and scribes also came and grumbled because of that. But He spoke a parable to them of a certain man who had two sons and the younger of them said to his father to give him his portion of the inheritance. Then the younger son went away to a distant country, and there wasted his moneys with loose living. But when he had spent all and a severe scarcity of food came throughout that land, he felt the...

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Will All Israel Return?

Posted by on Oct 4, 2016 in Prophecy Insight, The Exodus

Yoseph (Joseph) gave the Hebrews the land of Goshen when Ya’akov (Jacob) and his family came down to Egypt. Yoseph being second in command only after Pharaoh settled them in the land of Goshen where they would live and feed their flocks. But there was also Yoseph’s a second intent to settle them in Goshen, namely, to keep them separate from the paganism of the Egyptians. At the end the Egyptian exile, when the time came for Israel to leave, Elohim passed through...

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What Time Is It Now On the Creator’s Clock?

Posted by on Sep 22, 2016 in The Messiah

Many today have misinterpreted Mat 24:36 to mean that we cannot know the day of the Messiah’s coming, and which is even worse, some teach, we are not to study the end-time prophecy. And those who study the end-time prophecies and try to try to figure out the day of His coming are labeled as “time setters.” This, however, is far from the truth. Learn the parable from the fig tree: When you see its branch and leaves sprouting know that he is near to the...

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Jubilees Table – from Reckoning of Time

Posted by on Jul 23, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

Labor of Man Redemption Plan Year in the Cycle Events and Comments Reference 1 Timeless Adam born. Gen 1:26-27 2 In the Garden of Eden.   3   4   5   6   7 Adam sinned.   8 1 1 The Age of Desolation   130 123 2 Sheth born. Adam, 130. Gen_5:3-32 235 228 7 Enosh born. Sheth, 105. Gen_5:3-32 325 318 4 Qeynan born. Enosh, 90. Gen_5:3-32 395 388 3 Mahalal’el born. Qeynan, 70. Gen_5:3-32 460 453 3 Yered born. Mahalal’el, 65. Gen_5:3-32 622 615 1 Hanok born. Yered,...

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The Last Years of the World

Posted by on Jul 22, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the book Reckoning of Time For a comprehensive study of the Book of Revelation and of this chapter, refer to the article “The Revelation of the Seven Trumpets: The Greatest prophecy Ever Told, Few Can Hear”. The rulers of Israel make a covenant with death for guaranteed peace (see Appendix D), but soon the covenant will be annulled when an overflowing scourge passes through and in trembling, they understand the message, Isa 28:14-19. The governance permits...

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To Foresee Yeshua the Messiah

Posted by on Jul 12, 2016 in The Messiah

In His own words, Yeshua said that Avraham and Mosheh did foresee Him. Moreover, Yeshua said that Avraham rejoiced to see Him, and Mosheh wrote about Him. But when and how did they foresee Yeshua? Yeshua the Messiah said, Your father Avraham was glad that he should see my day, and he saw it and did rejoice. (Joh 8:56) For if you believed Mosheh, you would have believed Me, since he wrote about Me. (Joh 5:46) These are the words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with...

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Signs of the Coming of the Messiah

Posted by on Jul 7, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time All of the said above may be considered as a fulfillment of the signs of the coming of the Messiah. We are at the closest possible period to the coming of the Messiah. We have never been this close to the revelation of the Messiah before. All the signs of the coming of the Messiah given by the prophets, the early and later sages, are in place. And in this chapter, we will go through sign by sign as given by the Messiah Himself in Matthew 24...

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Do Not be Called ‘Rabbi’!

Posted by on Jul 4, 2016 in The Messiah

What did Yeshua mean when He admonished to His disciples “Do not be called Rabbi. One is your Rabbi, and you are all brothers. … Do not be called Rabbi, for one is your Rabbi, the Messiah?” And if He said it, why do so many religious leaders want and insist to be called ‘Rabbi?’  But you, do not be called Rabbi, for One is your Teacher, the Messiah, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father,...

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Appendix M: The Twelve Tribes

Posted by on Jul 3, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the book Reckoning of Time The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IV (1912: 423-424) summarizes the rabbinic expectations, which heavily influenced the Christian, of the role that an evil Danite would play in the time of the coming of the Messiah. Owing to the fact that his name, as the name of a tribe, is connected with the blasphemer (Lev_24:11) and with the idolatry of northern Yisra’el (Jdg_18:30; 1Ki_12:29; Amo_8:4), while Shimshon, the Judge of the tribe of Dan,...

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