Appendix E: Signs of the Messiah – from Reckoning of Time

Posted by on Jul 3, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

The author, after he finished the second edition of this work, encountered a quote from a book titled “What the Rabbis Knew About the Messiah” which by a nice surprise overlapped the foregone conclusion. In this book, two 12th century haggadic rabbinic works, The prayer of Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai, BhM 4:124-126 (Patai, 1979: 157-159), and the apocalyptic midrash Signs of the Messiah, (Patai, 1979: 314), Armilus’ strategy, his blasphemous claims, and his...

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The Two Scenarios for the War of Gog of Magog

Posted by on Jul 1, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time, The War of Gog of Magog

From the Book Reckoning of Time The Bible prophecy seems to allude to two scenarios for the War of Gog of Magog, the final war in this world. Two main Biblical prophets – Zechariah and Ezekiel – foretold messages about the War of Gog of Magog, a key event that sets the stage for the imminent arrival of the Messiah. Zechariah’s new holocaust The prophet Zechariah lived after the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. He wrote about a war (Zechariah 12-14) that...

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The Number of the Name of the Beast, 666

Posted by on Jun 15, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time In the preceding chapters “The Image of the Beast” and “The Mark of the Name of the Beast” we analyzed (1) the image and (2) the mark of the beast (the New World Order). In this chapter “The Number of the Name of the Beast, 666” from the Book “Reckoning of Time” we will continue with the final attributes of the ten-horned beast: (3) the name and (4) its number: 666.  And he causes all, both...

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The Hebrew Yehovah vs. the Roman Yahweh

Posted by on Jun 12, 2016 in The Name of YHVH

The Name of the Creator of the universe, Yehovah, the four Hebrew letters, יהוה, commonly referring to as the Tetragrammaton, appears in the Scripture more that 6,000 times. This comes to show us that He clearly wants His Name to be known, not forgotten. But what is His Name and how is it pronounced in Hebrew? Many believers around the world sincerely seek the answer to this question, because they need to praise the Creator of the universe in truth. Who has gone up to the...

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The Age of Instruction (2001-4000)

Posted by on Jun 2, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time At this point, the world entered The Age of Instruction which commenced in year 2001. In 2016 Avram, at the age of seventy-five, received the promise of the Covenant after which he entered the land of Kana’an, the Land of Promise, and sojourn in Hebron for 25 years. In 2027 Ishmael was born when Avram was 86. In Gen 14:18 we are told about a peculiar encounter between Avraham and Malkitsedeq, king of Shalem. However, we are not told...

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The Age of Desolation (1-2000)

Posted by on Jun 1, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time It was seven years after the Creation when Adam sinned and The Age of Desolation began in Year One of the Redemption Plan or year eight of Labor of Man (see Jubilees Table). Adam died at the age of 930 in year 923. According to the Book of Enoch, sometime during the life of Yared the father of Chanok (Enoch) the fallen angels came down onto the earth and corrupted the human race, which necessitated the Flood and the destruction of the world...

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Redemption Plan of YHVH

Posted by on May 31, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time So far, we studied from the Creation of the world to the coming of the Messiah or 3,996 years of human history. We counted the numbers of years from the first day of Creation, as the events had been recorded in the Scripture, with which we are coming to the most important part of this study, per the opinion of the present author, the Redemption Plan of YHVH. There are strong considerations, that the Creator’s 6,000 year countdown might...

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The Acceptable Year of YHVH

Posted by on May 29, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time Since one of Yeshua’s purposes was to proclaim release to the captives, Yeshua’s ministry might have begun on Yom Kippur with His baptism and the haftarah reading in Nazareth sometime before that. If this is correct, the haftarah of Isaiah 61 would have been read with the weekly parsha Nitzavim of Deu 29:10-30:20 which according to the rabbinical tradition is always read before Yom Teruah. That might have been the time when the...

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Duration of Yeshua’s Ministry

Posted by on May 29, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time The dominant understanding of the duration of Yeshua’s ministry is that it lasted three and half years or so. The proof reading for this is found in the Gospel of John, which describes three different Passover festivals over the course of Yeshua’s ministry. This implies that Yeshua preached for a period of three years, although some interpretations of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) suggest a span of only one year or so. Other...

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Messiah’s Crucifixion in April 28 AD

Posted by on May 29, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time The Vernal Equinox in 28 AD fell on Monday, March 22, at 10:00 Greenwich Time. The full moon after the date of the equinox was Monday, March 29 at 3:00 and the New Moon (the scientific) fell on Tuesday, April 13, at 14:00 Greenwich Time. Therefore, Rosh HaShanah began on Thursday, April 15, 28 AD and the Passover was WEDNESDAY, April 28, 28 AD (Full Moon) as the day of the crucifixion of Yeshua and SATURDAY, May 1, 28 AD the day of His...

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Astronomical Evidence of Messiah’s Crucifixion

Posted by on May 29, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time By almost all historical accounts, Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea from 26 AD until 36 AD (replaced by Marcellus either in 36 AD or 37 AD) establishing the date of the death of Yeshua prior to 36 AD. Scholars generally assume that Yeshua died between 30-36 AD as 33 AD being the most often quoted year of His death. The hypothesis of the present author is that the Messiah had to die on the day of Passover, He was three full days and nights...

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Astronomical Evidence of Yeshua’s Birth

Posted by on May 29, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time When was the birth of the Messiah? Was He born on the 25th of December, or on a significant day in the Creator’s calendar? We will find the answer to these questions in this chapter of the Book the Reckoning of Time. The prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) made a prophetic allusion to a great sign regarding the coming of the Messiah, as it is written in Isa_7:14, Therefore Yehovah Himself gives you a sign: Look, the maiden conceives and gives...

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