The Last Founding Father of Israel Died

Posted by on Oct 5, 2016

 The last of the founding fathers of the modern State of Israel, Shimon Peres, died on September 28, 2016, at 93. He was born Szymon Perski on August 2, 1923. During his political career spanning nearly 70 years he was an Israeli statesman and the ninth President of Israel, serving from 2007 to 2014. Peres served twice as the Prime Minister and twice as Interim Prime Minister.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, a features writer for Breaking Israel News, published the article Did Peres’s Death Signal End of Josephic Messiah and Beginning of Davidic Messiah? which is worth reading. In it the author quotes rabbis who have made the observation that the death of Shimon Peres signaled the end of one Messianic age of Moshiach Ben Yosef and the beginning of another, of Moshiach Ben David. Notice, that the death of the last founding father ended one and opened another age.

The present author has made another observation: that of the death of another founding father that closed an age more that 4300 years ago: age which ended in the total failure of mankind, with the exception of one family, that of Noach.

The year, when the Creator opened the gates of heaven and the fountains of the earth to bring the Flood, was 1656 since the Creation. But before that the Creator of the universe assured that all righteous patriarchs of the lineage of Sheth died before the world was wiped out by the waters of the flood, thus no one of them saw the destruction of the wicked world except Noach. From Noach a new generation stemmed. The last two patriarchs Lemech died five years before the Flood at the age of 777 and Methushelach, in the year of the Flood at the age of 969.

However, before outpouring of the rains upon the earth something peculiar might have taken place. Seven days before the commencement of the judgment the Creator said to Noach in Gen. 7:4,

“For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights”.

Seven days after what?

According to the Rabbinical tradition, the day the Creator said that Noach’s grandfather Methushelach died and after the seven days of mourning for Methuselah passed, the waters of the Flood came upon the earth. While the rain lasted for forty days and forty nights, every being was obliterated from the face of the earth. Following immediately the forty days, the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars did not shine, and it was completely dark.

Isaiah in describing, what the present author believes, the last days, says,

Moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days… (Isa 30:26)

These seven days of intense light in Isa 30:26 would be generated by some major cosmic event or miracle, for instance. However, what seven days had been meant in this last-days prophecy: the seven days of creation, the seven days before the Flood, or something else? Also, the prophecy in Isa 60:19-20 seems to allude to another days of mourning that would be ended when YHVH would be an everlasting light referring to a dazzling light of the messianic age. Let us read,

No longer is the sun your light by day, nor does the moon give light to you for brightness, but Yehovah shall be to you an everlasting light, and your Elohim your comeliness. No longer does your sun go down, nor your moon withdraw itself, for Yehovah shall be your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning shall be ended. (Isa 60:19-20)

It is possible that the seven days before the Flood and the seven days of light are somehow related, and they refer to the same miracle of a sevenfold light? If so, the seven days of a sevenfold light before the Flood signified the destruction of the wicked generation before the Flood and the beginning of the end of the Age of Desolation which ended with Noach’s death in year 2007. Following the seven days, when the world appeared to be ablaze in the radiance of sevenfold sun, the Flood started.

What conclusion can be made, only the Creator knows, but it is worth noticing the similarities.

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