Can We Know the Pronunciation of the Name of YHVH?

Posted by on Apr 1, 2018 in The Name of YHVH

Today, many in the Messianic movement say that we cannot know with certainty the pronunciation of the Name of YHVH, the Tetragrammaton Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey. They say that the exact pronunciation of the Name of YHVH was lost in antiquities and therefore impossible to know its correct uttering. Others go even further to say that we cannot know how to pronounce the Name of YHVH, because of “the conspiracy of the Rabbis” who have hidden it by purposely supplying...

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Where are the Tablets of Stone Moses Broke? Are They Lost Forever?

Posted by on Jan 21, 2018 in The Exodus

When Mosheh broke the tablets of stone, aka the Ten Commandments, what happened to the pieces? Were they left on the ground and thus they were lost forever in the desert? Or, they were stored somewhere. And if they were stored somewhere, where are they now? And why would Mosheh break something written with the finger of Elohim in the first place? These are all legitimate questions and in order to find answers to them, we need to follow the sequence of events in the first...

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Where is the Ark of the Covenant and will It Take its Place in the Third Temple?

Posted by on Jan 13, 2018 in Prophecy Insight

The present author holds the view that the Ark of the Covenant of YHVH had not been lost, but hidden, and the time will come when it will be revealed again to take its place in the Third Temple that is yet to be built in Jerusalem. This view is based on the accounts of the Apocryphal books of Baruch the disciple of the prophet Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) and of Maccabees, which we will study below. We read in the book of Baruch the disciple of Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) the prophet, And...

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Messiah and the Temple. When will He Build the Third Temple?

Posted by on Jan 12, 2018 in The Messiah

Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides or Rambam, teaches in his book the Mishna Torah (Hilchot Malachim 11:4) that when the Messiah comes, He will also reinstate the Third Temple. His teaching is based on a prophecy in Zec 6:12-13 in which YHVH of the hosts said thus, See, the Man whose name is the Branch! And from His place He shall branch out, and He shall build the Temple of Yehovah. It is He who is going to build the Temple of Yehovah. It is He who is...

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Did Paul Claim the Tithes? What did He Claim Instead?

Posted by on Dec 31, 2017 in Bible Study

The official doctrine of the Church is that Paul claimed to the tithes of the churches, saying, “You shall not muzzle an ox while threshing”, and that in Chapter 9 of his first letter to the Corinthians he strongly asserts his rights. But he refuses to avail himself of his right, that he might influence a wider circle of men. For their sakes, he thus voluntarily surrendered his undoubted rights of the tithes. This is what the Christian theologians teach. Can we...

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The Palestinians—the Indigenous People in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Posted by on Nov 26, 2017 in Prophecy Insight

In this article the present author will make a proposal whose solely intent is to explain certain facts and observations he has made. This study on the situation in the Middle East is not meant to be conclusive and exhaustive, but to be seen in a different light and from a particular perspective of the Scripture. And speaking of the Middle East, we cannot afford not to speak of the Palestinians—the indigenous people in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This article is a...

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Will the Husband Take Back the Two Treacherous Sisters?

Posted by on Nov 19, 2017 in The Exiles

The law of divorce in Torah in Deu 24:1-4 refers to divorce in which a reunion with a divorced wife is forbidden, only if she had remarried another man who had also put her away or had died. The Torah does not forbid the reunion of the spouses, if the wife had not married another man and if they would desire to become a family again. This is the plain reading of the law of divorce in Torah. The Law of divorce in Torah When a man takes a wife and shall marry her, then it...

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Did YHVH Tell Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac?

Posted by on Nov 12, 2017 in The Messiah, The Patriarchs' Saga

In the story of the banishment of Ishmael in Genesis 21, YHVH told Avraham that in his son Yitschak (Isaac) his seed was called (Gen 21:12), but in Gen 22:2, YHVH seems to have turned the promise upside down when He told Avraham to sacrifice him. And in the culmination of the story in Gen 22:12, it seems that YHVH had “changed” His mind again when He told him not to sacrifice Yitschak thus having created another internal challenge for Avraham. We thus see that...

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The Hidden Remnant

Posted by on Oct 29, 2017 in Prophecy Insight

In this article we will continue to study the obscured prophecy concerning the fate of the Hashemite Kingdom as the prophecy will make a sudden turn once the pride of the king of the Hashemite Kingdom reaches the heaven. Then in one night, and very suddenly, Moab is destroyed (Isa 15:1-9). What will follow, after that night, is the subject of this article: the escape of the hidden remnant. In the articles Within Three Years The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is to be Despised...

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Why to Build and Dwell in Temporary Dwellings on Sukkot

Posted by on Oct 10, 2017 in The Appointed Times of YHVH

This article is a continuation of the article Should Only the Native Born in Israel Dwell in Booths on Sukkot? and both articles are meant to be a further development of the articles in the series The Appointed Times of YHVH: the Festival of the Booths and the Festival of the Booths and the Messiah. Should the reader need to get the whole context of Chag Sukkot, the Festival of Booths, and learn more about the appointed times of the Creator, he/she is encourage to do so....

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What Was the Sin of the Ten Spies?

Posted by on Oct 9, 2017 in The Exodus

Something crucial took place at the threshold of the Promised Land. Mosheh sent twelve spies to the land. Ten spies brought an evil report and the journey from Sinai to the land took not eleven days but thirty-eight years. The generation of the Exodus became “the generation of the desert.” So, what went wrong? Israel came out of Egypt in the month of the aviv. They were led to the mountain where they entered into a wedding ceremony with YHVH and as a result of which the...

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To Relive the Glory of YHVH on Chag Sukkot

Posted by on Oct 8, 2017 in The Appointed Times of YHVH

To Relive the Glory of YHVH is a continuation of the articles dedicated to Chag Sukkot, the Festival of the Booths, from the series The Appointed Times of YHVH. Should the reader need to get the whole context of the Festival of Booths (Sukkot) and learn more about the appointed times of the Creator, he/she is encourage to do so. Let us read again from Leviticus 23 regarding Chag Sukkot, the Festival of the Booths, And you shall celebrate it as a festival to Yehovah for...

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