The Two Prophets in Revelation

Posted by on Nov 6, 2019 in The Revelation from YHVH

It is an acknowledged belief that Mosheh (Moses) and Eliyahu (Elijah) are the two prophets in Revelation. That idea that Mosheh and Eliyahu are the two witnesses of the last days is probably taken by the comparison of their extraordinary lives as recorded in the Scripture. And indeed, the life of Eliyahu, the restorer of the kingdom of Elohim, resembles in many ways the life of Mosheh, the founder of the nation of Israel: both prophets were zealous for the purity of the...

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Did Peter eat unclean animals in his vision?

Posted by on Oct 27, 2019 in Bible Study

The command to Peter to eat unclean animals in Act 10:11-13 has been taken to mean that he ate unclean animals and therefore the Law of God was abolished by the apostle. Thus, the door for the gentiles to eat whatever they wish is opened and if Peter has broken one law, all of the rest have broken, as well, and why bother to keep all the Law. Ironically, the history repeats itself for those who do not learn from history. As the deceiver deceived the first people to eat from...

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Prayer on Yom Kippur — a Psalm of David

Posted by on Oct 13, 2019 in The Appointed Times of YHVH

The primary reason of a prayer on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), the most set-apart day of the year, is the way to ask YHVH for forgiveness of sins committed against Him. The prayer on Yom Kippur is not limited, however, only to sins committed against Him, as commonly understood, but to our neighbor, as well. Prayers for forgiveness should not and are not limited to one day of the year, i.e. Yom Kippur, either. A prayer for Yom Kippur, as the name plainly says, is a...

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As in the Days of Noach, so in the Days of Messiah

Posted by on Oct 7, 2019 in Prophecy Insight, The Messiah

“As in the days of Noach” is probably the most obscured of all signs of the Messiah gave concerning his coming. We should recall that the Messiah gave two more signs concerning his coming, namely, the sign of Jonah the Prophet and “as in the days of Lot”. But no one should think in his right mind that it was accidental for the Messiah to link “as in the days of Noach” and “as in the days of Lot” in such a way as to explicitly...

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The Israeli elections: “We want a king like all the nations!”

Posted by on Oct 1, 2019 in Bible Study

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) Breaking News, 20 September 2019: Three days after the Israeli elections on 17 September 2019, and we are still in a political deadlock that make Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party the second-largest with 31 seats, while Benny Gantz’s leftist Blue and White alliance won 33 seats out of 120. These results are confirmed on Friday, as more than 99 percent of the votes have been counted. Neither of the political rivals had won the...

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The Sermon on the Mount Few Want to Hear

Posted by on Sep 29, 2019 in Bible Study, The Messiah

Yeshua the Messiah made two addresses to the nation of Israel during His ministry. In his first address to the nation, “The Sermon on the Mount” [of Galilee], Yeshua the Messiah laid down the rules before the people for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. This sermon consists of three parts: chapters 5, 6, and 7 of the Gospel of Matthew. The first part of the Sermon on the Mount is seen by the majority of Christian commentators as an antithesis, Jesus made by the...

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Who was the prophet who died on his birthday?

Posted by on Sep 25, 2019 in Q&A

Question: Who was the prophet who died on his birthday? Answer: Mosheh (Moses). Mosheh spoke these words to all Israel, I am one hundred and twenty years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in. And Yehovah has said to me, ‘You do not pass over this Yarden’. (Deu 31:2) The expression “I am one-hundred and twenty years old today” means “on this very day is the exact day that my life has become complete. Flavius Josephus in...

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The Arabs: The land does not belong to Israel

Posted by on Sep 22, 2019 in Bible Study

Are the Arabs necessarily wrong when they say the land does not belong to Israel? When they say “the land” to contest its ownership, which land do they mean? Because the Arabs are not without land. Elohim blessed Ishmael the son of Avraham, made him a great nation, and gave him and his descendants a vast land rich of oil. But the contested land is not that vast land, but the small sliver of land between the sea and the Jordan — the land Israel lives in today....

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What is to be holy, as YHVH is holy

Posted by on Sep 16, 2019 in Bible Study, Hebrew Study

The word “holy” as in the phrase “Be holy, for I am holy!” is believed to have positive meanings of being morally and spiritually excellent; also saintly, godly, pious, God-fearing, righteous, good, virtuous, moral, sinless, pure, perfect. This perception is often derived from the Apostle Shimon Kepha’s quote from Leviticus, … as the One who called you is holy, so you also should become holy in all behavior, because it has been written,...

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Until Shiloh Comes and to Him is Obedience

Posted by on Sep 13, 2019 in The Messiah

Shiloh is a mysterious figure in the Scripture. Little is known who he is, since he is mentioned only once in Gen 49:10, when the patriarch Ya’akov (Jacob) gave his prophetic visions of the twelves tribes. It is evident in the vision concerning Yehudah (Judah) that the coming of Shiloh is not to be regarded as terminating the rule of this tribe, but that the figure of Shiloh is carried out still further beyond the literal terms of the prophecy, as it tells...

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When did the Salt Sea come into existence?

Posted by on Sep 4, 2019 in The Exodus

The Salt Sea, known as the Dead Sea, was not in existence in the times of the patriarchs, Avraham, Yitschak and Ya’akov, as seen in the Genesis account. So, when did the Salt Sea come into being, because the Yarden (the Jordan River) was in existence before the Salt Sea (Dead Sea)? The Book of Genesis depicts the time before the patriarchs as time of great changes in nature. i.e. the Flood, but nothing in the narrative is said about an event in which the Yarden Valley...

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The Renewed Covenant vs the New Covenant

Posted by on Aug 30, 2019 in Bible Study

In this study we will explain that there are no such things as “old” and “new” covenants for YHVH’s chosen people, but one everlasting Covenant that has been renewed. The “New Testament” and the “Old Testaments” are foreign for the Hebraic mindset terms crafted by the Roman Catholic Church with the intent to divide the Word of YHVH and His people. The Scripture and the people were thus divided so that today we have the...

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