Resurrection of Body vs Reincarnation of Soul

Posted by on Jan 23, 2022 in Bible Study

When thinking of “resurrection” and “the world to come”, many people do not realize that there are different concepts behind these words, and if we add the term “reincarnation” the things become even more complicated. In this introduction to the matter of the resurrection of the body and the reincarnation of the soul, we would like to clarify certain concepts in Judaism that the rabbis have written about, but still their controversy has...

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Marriage After Resurrection and Beyond

Posted by on Dec 19, 2021 in Bible Study

It is understood that Yeshua had stated that after the resurrection from the dead, men are not given in marriage any longer, because they are like angels who do not marry either. It is easy thus to assume that since the angels do not marry, nor will men. Can we rethink this? Let us read in the textual context. Some of the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, came to Yeshua and asked him this question, Teacher, Mosheh said that if anyone should die, having no children, his...

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Mevushal Wine: The Boiling Controversy

Posted by on Dec 5, 2021 in Bible Study

There are two types of Kosher wine: non-mevushal and mevushal. While most of the Torah-observant non-Jews are unaware of such a classification, there is a difference between them. But as we will explain in the following, this difference is boiled down to the principal question whether the mevushal wine can be found in the Scripture. And if mevushal wine cannot be found in the Scripture, then it must be Rabbinical. So, is the term “mevushal wine” Scriptural or...

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From Ignatius of Antioch to the Pope of Rome

Posted by on Oct 6, 2021 in Bible Study

The Nazarenes were called first “Christians” in Antioch where Ignatius was Bishop of Antioch. As we will see in this study, that was not accidental. In the article The Nazarenes and Their Sect The Way, we explained that the apostles and their disciples were called Nazarenes after Yeshua the Nazarene, and their assembly was called The Way for he said, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life”. One of the ringleaders of the Nazarene sect was none...

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The Nazarenes and Their Sect The Way

Posted by on Oct 1, 2021 in Bible Study

The Apostolic Writings tell us that the disciples of Yeshua and the new converts were called Nazarenes and their assembly was a sect within Judaism, called The Way, contrary to the common belief that they were “Christians” and their assemblies were called “churches”. In fact, we have verses which testify to the truth of this belief that none of the apostles called himself “Christian”. That compels us to consider the question: if that were...

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The Uninspired Pages Found in the Bible

Posted by on Sep 9, 2021 in Bible Study

How many of us realize that there are uninspired pages in the Bible whose authors are unknown. As surprising as this may sound to many, there are indeed two pages that were not inspired. These uninspired pages were not written by any of the prophets or by the disciples. The first page reads “The Old Testament” and is placed just before Gen 1:1 and the other reads “The New Testament” and is placed before Mat 1:1. The intelligent reader knows that...

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Is Fast Allowed on Sabbath?

Posted by on Aug 11, 2021 in Bible Study

The question whether a fast is allowed on Sabbath may seem purely theoretical and even unnecessary. But as we will explain in the course of this brief study, this question is neither theoretical nor unnecessary. The matter will become clear once we understand why we should fast. According to the tradition, Sabbath is a day which abounds with a lot of food and celebration. And according to the regulations of the Rabbinic Judaism, one must not fast on Sabbath. Moreover, if a...

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Will Pig Become Kosher in the Messianic Era?

Posted by on Aug 8, 2021 in Bible Study

Some Rabbis believe and claim with certainty that the pig will become kosher in the Messianic era and be permissible to eat it. In the era of Mashiach, the Rabbis teach that the world will be altogether purified and thus it will achieve a higher spiritual level. Therefore the pig will become kosher and permissible food. What is their argument? Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar (the author of Or HaChaim commentaries on the Torah) suggests this theory: the Creator will alter the...

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Can We Keep All 613 Commands?

Posted by on Jul 1, 2021 in Bible Study

Can we keep all 613 commands in the Torah? This question has been asked by many Torah-observant believers in Yeshua haMashiach after they had come out of the man-made religion of Constantine. And indeed, can we keep all commands in the Torah? In the following we will explain that this is an incorrect question to ask. The correct question, however, to ask is this: Are we commanded to “keep” all commands? Let us see it a little deeper, because it behooves each one...

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Clean food vs unclean food

Posted by on Apr 30, 2021 in Bible Study, Hebrew Study

The terms “clean food” and “unclean food” are very common terms, even though they cannot be found anywhere in the Scripture; they are invented terms. Moreover, if we think about it, “unclean food” is a contradiction in terms. If something is “unclean”, it is unacceptable for eating, and therefore not food at all. By the same token the opposite is also true: there is no such thing in the Scripture as “clean food”....

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The Gift of “Speaking with Tongues”

Posted by on Apr 14, 2021 in Bible Study

There are “tongues speakers” in the Christendom who have been convinced that speaking with some kind of unintelligible, unclear tongues is to them a sign or evidence of being “baptized in the Holy Ghost”. The “tongues speakers” claim the utterances that come out of their mouths are revelations from “the Holy Ghost”, which they cannot interpret; in other words, they utter something but do not know what it is. If someone claims...

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Kabbalah – origin, meaning, and controversy

Posted by on Mar 29, 2021 in Bible Study, Hebrew Study

When a tourist comes to Israel, one of the first thing he or she learns is the word Kabbalah. To check into a hotel, the tourist goes to the kabbalah – the reception desk in modern Hebrew. Hence, Kabbalah means reception, acceptance, or received knowledge. While the Hebrew word kabbalah is not found in the Tanak, its primitive root verb is indeed in the Scripture, as we read in Exodus, Make fifty loops in the one curtain and make fifty loops on the edge of the end curtain...

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