The First Year in the Land

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time THE FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR Day 1, year 2494. And after the death of Mosheh YHVH spoke to Yehoshua to pass over the Yarden River and take the land from the wilderness and Lebanon as far as the Euphrates River and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun (Jos 1:1-4); within three days Israel was to pass the river to go to possess the land (Jos 1:11). Insert: The story of the destruction Sodom and Gomorrah in the Valley of Siddim does...

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The Fortieth Year of the Exodus

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time THE FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR And they departed from Etsyon Gever and camped again in the Wilderness of Tsin, which is Kadesh (Num 33:36). Israel came into the Wilderness of Tsin in the first month thirty-eight years later until all the generation of the men of battle was consumed from the midst of the camp (Deu 2:14). In Qadesh Miryam died and was buried there (Num 20:1-2). There was no water there and the people assembled against Mosheh and...

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The First Year at Mount Sinai

Posted by on May 26, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning if Time Let us recapitulate the first two months of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt in 2454 (refer to the chart below): 1. The first month of the year, the month of the Aviv, which the Creator established for His children began on the 5th day of the week. 2. On the 10th day of the month, which was a Sabbath, the Israelites took the Passover lamb home to observe it for four days to the Passover. 3. On the 14th day, which was the 4th day of the week,...

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The Beginning of Months

Posted by on May 26, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time When the 215-year sojourn of the children of Israel in Egypt had come to end in 2454, YHVH commissioned Mosheh at Mount Moriah to return to Egypt and lead the people to the Promised Land, because He remembered the Covenant with Avraham, Yitshaq, and Ya’akov. As Mosheh returned to Egypt, he and Aharon went in and said to Pharaoh, Thus said Yehovah Elohim of Israel, ‘Let My people go, so that they keep a festival to Me in the wilderness.’...

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In the Beginning

Posted by on May 25, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time Sir Isaac Newton was a famous and brilliant physicist, but few people know that he was also a brilliant Bible scholar. His insights in the discovery of the Truth will be used later in this study. He wrote: After all, if the Bible is God’s Word and it reveals Truth, then the closer we get to the Truth in our presuppositions, the faster we will discover the Truth in the details. The goal of the present author is to come closer to the...

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Defining the Sabbatical and Jubilee Years

Posted by on May 24, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book Reckoning of Time Remember the former of old, for I am El, and there is no one else – Elohim, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from of old that which has not yet been done, saying, “My counsel does stand, and all My delight I do.”  (Isa 46:9-10) As we said previously, there are two schools of thought as to how to count the Jubilee years. If one of these schools of thought is refuted, the other must be correct....

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Preface to The Reckoning of Time

Posted by on May 24, 2016 in The Book Reckoning of Time

From the Book The Reckoning of Time This study will present evidence from the Scripture for the dating of the Sabbath and Jubilee years of the Creator from the creation of the world to its end as we know it. This study does not intend to present the case what cycle or what years the Sabbaths and Jubilees of the land had been observed by the nation of Israel. Rather it will make an attempt to restore as accurate as possible the Creator’s reckoning of time as the...

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Has the Messiah Abolished the Law of God?

Posted by on May 19, 2016 in The Messiah

“The Law of God” is very often understood to denote a strict set of rules and restrictions. In the western gentile mind the law connote negative associations with “dos and don’ts” and law-enforcement. The Law of God is also understood as an external burden the Christians do not need to bear. But, is this what the Hebrew word for “law” Torah means?  The Torah of YHVH vs. the Law of God The Hebrew word often translated as “law” is torah, which is derived...

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Posted by on May 19, 2016

Ani Maamin I believe 1. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, Yehovah, blessed be His name, is the Creator and Guide of all the created beings, and that He alone has made, does make, and will make all things. 2. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, Yehovah, blessed be His name, is One and Alone, who was, who is, and who will be; there is no oneness in any way like Him, as it is said, “Hear, O Yisrael Yehovah our Elohim, Yehovah is one”. 3. I...

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Posted by on May 16, 2016

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) Disclaimer: In Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM), we do not sell anything, much less knowledge. No emails are sold to anyone. No ads, no commercials, or anything of that nature can be found on this website. Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) is not sponsored by any commercial, advertising, state, or anything of the nature entity. Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) does not receive any credits or financial gain from any institution, religious...

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