Did Israel Reject the Messiah? Part 2

Posted by on Apr 14, 2019 in The Messiah

The Roman exile The Covenant of YHVH was offered to Israel on four occasions: (1) at Mount Sinai where all Israel, native and non-native stood at the mountain and entered into covenantal relationship with the Elohim of the fathers (see Exo 19-20); it would not take them so long to fail to stay in the Covenant (see Num 13). (2) Upon entering the Land when the new generation born in the desert stood at Mount Nebo to renew the Covenant (see Deu 29-30); that generation under...

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Did Israel Reject the Messiah? Part 1

Posted by on Apr 13, 2019 in The Messiah

The Sages understood that the coming of the Messiah was due two thousand years ago when He was expected to initiate the Messianic era. Tanna debe Eliyahu reads: The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era, but through our many iniquities all these years have been lost [He should have come at the beginning of the last two thousand years;...

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Booty of War in the Bible and International Politics

Posted by on Mar 24, 2019 in Bible Study

The booty of war has always been a controversial issue in the history of mankind, which continues even today. Kingdoms had invaded other kingdoms, world empires had come and gone, and national treasures had changes possessions. In this article, we will study what the Torah teaches about the laws of warfare and booty of war and how Israel is to wage war against its enemies. Laws for future wars The laws of warfare in Deuteronomy 20 have reference to the wars which Israel...

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Did God Allow Human Sacrifices?

Posted by on Mar 17, 2019 in Sanctity of life

Human sacrifices are clearly an abomination to YHVH. There is nothing more repulsive, repugnant, abhorrent, and abominable to YHVH than human sacrifices, and the most vicious of them: the murder of unborn human beings. Abortion, the politically correct term for this hideous act of taking a human life, is nothing less than another form of human sacrifices to the evil one. For more truth about abortions, read the article “The real face of abortion America must see it to...

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Why Leviticus is the Most Important Book in the Bible

Posted by on Mar 10, 2019 in Bible Study

Why is it customary in the rabbinical tradition for the Jewish children to begin learning the Torah of YHVH with Leviticus rather than Genesis? Because Leviticus is the most important book in the Bible? Because the Temple sacrifices are very important? Is it just customary, or Leviticus (Vayikra) has something that we do not know? This article is a continuation of the article “Which is the Most Important Book in the Bible?” in which we learned the Omniscient has...

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What is to Walk with Elohim?

Posted by on Jan 23, 2019 in Bible Study

In the Scripture, there are two righteous men about whom it was said that they walked with Elohim: Chanoch (Enoch) in Gen_5:24 and Noach in Gen_6:9. However, when it was said that they walked with Elohim, how does it translate to us? What is to walk with Elohim? This will be the subject of our study. Albert Einstein said that if you cannot explain something simply, you do not understand it very well. King James’ version of the Bible reads the Letter to the Hebrews, as...

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A Third Scenario for the War of Gog of Magog

Posted by on Jan 18, 2019 in The War of Gog of Magog

The Bible prophecy alludes to two scenarios for the war of Gog of Magog, the final war in this world. Two main Biblical prophets – Zechariah and Ezekiel – foretold messages about the war of Gog of Magog. It is believed that the war of Gog of Magog will be the final war that will end all wars before the return of Yeshua the Messiah of YHVH. In chapter “Two Scenarios for the War of Gog of Magog” from the book The Reckoning of Time, the present author suggested that both...

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The New Jerusalem—the Throne of YHVH

Posted by on Jan 5, 2019 in The Revelation from YHVH

With this article The New Jerusalem—the Throne of YHVH, we are coming to the end of Revelation, if it is lawful to say that, as if the Revelation is not the beginning of a new world that is yet to come. The first articles of the series The Revelation of YHVH are dedicated to the seven letters to the seven churches, letters few want to read. Then is the article “The Greatest Prophecy Ever Told, Few Can Hear” concerning the end of the world as we know it and the...

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Why did God Choose Abraham over Job?

Posted by on Dec 30, 2018 in The Patriarchs' Saga

Avraham (Abraham) and Iyov (Job) were righteous men, but why did God choose Abraham over Job? Both Avraham and Iyov were descendants of Shem and both were found righteous men (Gen 15:6 and Iyov 1:1), but God chose Avraham to make him a father of many nations as He told Avraham, not Iyov, to leave his land to make His Covenant with him. Iyov was known in Israel as a recognized righteous man, for Ezekiel and Ya’akov (Eze_14:14, Jam_5:11) wrote about him. He was as...

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Can we understand the New Testament without the Old Testament?

Posted by on Dec 22, 2018 in Q&A

Question: Can we understand the New Testament without the Old Testament? Answer: If one puts the ribbon of Bible at the page called “The New Testament” and then compares the volume of “The New Testament” vs. “The Old Testament”, he/she will find the mere disproportionate “new” of “The New Testament”. A friend of the present author estimated that “The New Testament” writings present about 27 percent of the entire Bible, and if we consider the parallel accounts in the...

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The New Jerusalem – the Glory of YHVH

Posted by on Dec 18, 2018 in The Revelation from YHVH

How will the New Jerusalem – the Glory of YHVH look like? Actually, the Bible refers to two cities in the future: the millennial Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 will be the subject of this article – the continuation of the series The Revelation from YHVH. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. (Rev 21:1)  Also see Isa 65:17 and Isa 66:22. Here is a vision...

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Are Paul’s teachings easy to understand?

Posted by on Nov 17, 2018 in Q&A

Question: Are Paul’s teachings easy to understand? Answer: We have been told that Paul’s teachings bring more clarity and understanding of the Scripture and particularly when they refer to the main-street doctrine of the Church that the Law of God (Heb. the Torah, “Instruction, Direction”) has been done away with. But are they easy to understand? Apostle Peter has this to say about Paul’s teachings to the dismay of the “theologians” (WARNING: the following verse is...

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