The Sons of Ishmael Vs the Sons of Israel
Only if the sons of Ishmael recognize that they and the sons of Israel are all children of Avraham (Arabic, Ibrahim), and they are brothers. And if they do, then they should also recognize that the sons of Israel have the right to exist as they do.
If the sons of Ishmael recognize that they and the sons of Israel have common history, they should also recognize that they have common future.
If the sons of Ishmael recognize the Creator of the earth as the God of Avraham, as they do, then they should also recognize that God gave this little piece of land to the sons of Israel, as He gave a vast land rich of oil to them.
![The Arab land vs. the Land of Israel. But even this little sliver of land is not little enough for the sons of Ishmael.](
The vast Arab land vs. the Land of Israel. But even this little sliver of land is not little enough for the sons of Ishmael.
If the sons of Ishmael respect and recognize Mosheh (Arabic, Mussa) as the prophet of God, who laid down the laws of the Land in the Torah, as they do, then they should also respect and recognize the right of his brothers to live in the Land.
If the sons of Ishmael recognize Avraham as a father of Ishmael and Yitschak, as they do, then they should also recognize that neither of them had ever taken possession of it, nor can their descendants. And even though the descendants of Yitschak through Ya’akov-Israel did live in the Land, God is the possessor of this Land, not they.
If the sons of Ishmael respect and recognize Yeshua (Arabic, Issa) as the prophet of God, as they do, then they should also recognize that he lived in this Land among his brothers.
Some of them do and already made accords with the sons of Israel and even named them after their common father Avraham. But do all sons of Ishmael recognize that?
And if the sons of Ishmael recognize that the sons of Israel have the right to live in this Land, then they should also recognize them as their neighbors. But do they?
Do all sons of Ishmael realize this simple fact that you do not chose your neighbors? You may not love your neighbors, but you must learn to live with them despite the differences you may have.
The parable of two neighbors
There were two neighbors in Jerusalem, an Israeli and an Arab, who often argued on the issue of whose God was greater. One day the Israeli and the Arab began to argue again, as usually. The Israeli said,
“My God is so great that He created the universe and everything visible and invisible in it”, to which the Arab replied, “My god, too”.
Israeli: “My God is so big that He can measure the universe with His palm”. Arab: “My god, too”.
Israeli: “My God says: You shall not have other gods before Me. I am the only One”. Arab: “My god, too”.
Israeli: “My God says: You shall not commit adultery”. Arab: “My god, too”.
Israeli: “My God says: You shall not steal”. Arab: “My god, too”.
Israeli: “My God says: You shall not lie”. Arab: “My god, too”.
Seeing that he cannot outsmart his Arab neighbor, the Israeli decided to get him once and for all and said,
“My God loves me”. Arab: “My god loves me, too”.
Israeli: “I love my God”. Arab: “I love my god, too”.
Israeli: “My God says: You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. To which the Arab had nothing to say.
This is the wisdom here: Whose God is the true God?
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May we merit seeing the coming of our Mashiach speedily in our days!