The Hidden Meaning in the Menorah

Posted by on May 26, 2021

While on Mount Sinai, Moses received the instructions concerning the building of the menorah, the seven-branch lampstand, according to the pattern which YHVH had shown him in Exo 25:31-40, in Num 8:2-4 its design was brought to realization: beaten work of pure gold, from its base to its blossoms.

A reconstruction of the Menorah of the Temple created by the Temple Institute

A reconstruction of the Menorah of the Temple created by the Temple Institute, Israel

We may think that while there were no windows inside the Tabernacle there was a need for the lights of the menorah. But we will suggest that the menorah might have had other purpose alluded to in its design in Exo 25:31-37, namely, to represent the Torah, as the source of heavenly light in the world.

The menorah has seven branches, eleven knobs, nine flowers, twenty-two goblets, and was seventeen handbreadths in height.

The pattern of the menorah

The pattern of the menorah

 These otherwise plain numbers represent the five books of the Torah after the manner of their first verses:

  1. Genesis: the first verse in Gen 1:1 (in Hebrew) has: seven words,
  2. Exodus: the first verse of Exo 1:1 has 11 words,
  3. Leviticus: the first verse of Lev 1:1 has 9 words,
  4. Numbers: the first verse of Num 1:1 has 17 words, and
  5. Deuteronomy: the first verse of Deu 1:1 has 22 words.

We should also notice that the menorah has seven branches, just as King Messiah has the seven Ruchot (Spirits) of YHVH Elohim that rested upon him,

And a rod shall come forth from the stump of Yishai, and a sprout from his roots shall be fruitful. The Breath of Yehovah shall rest upon him – the Breath of wisdom and understanding, the Breath of counsel and might, the Breath of knowledge and of the awe of Yehovah, (Isa 11:1-2)

And when the Word of YHVH became flesh, he spoke to his disciples, saying,

I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall by no means walk in darkness, but possess the light of life. (Joh 8:12)


May we merit seeing the coming of our Mashiach speedily in our days.