How old Earth the James Webb Space Telescope saw

Posted by on Sep 21, 2023 in The Origin

How old is the Earth, and what did the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) see? In the beginning, the Eternal One created the heavens and the earth. Before the beginning, there was nothing but Him. The Torah tells us nothing about the age of the universe, focusing almost entirely on the creation of the Earth and on the way the lives of the people who inhabit to be conducted. The Torah may not say how old the Earth is, but it says instead that the Creator made the universe and...

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Hebrew Words: Hear and Guard

Posted by on Sep 16, 2023 in Hebrew Study

It may come as a big surprise to many but even though the Torah of YHVH is full of laws, there is no Hebrew word that means “obey”. Instead, the Torah uses the word Hebrew shema. Another surprise is that nowhere in the Torah we are told to keep all laws. What do we mean by that? It is the object of this work of Hebrew study to explain the Hebrew words for “hear” and “guard”, as we will interpret their literal translations and meanings not distinctly explained by...

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How did we get from “Do Not Muzzle an Ox” to …?

Posted by on Sep 10, 2023 in Bible Study

A radical approach suggested by all Christian interpreters is that “Do not muzzle an ox while it is threshing” refers to the clergy staff in the churches. But those interpreters are giving the wording of the law a meaning that it does not have. We can understand their efforts to justify the collecting the tithes in the churches, but the situation is hardly parallel. The theologians have invented an issue in the Torah that does not exist. Besides, their...

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The Time When the First Sabbatical Year was Observed

Posted by on Sep 3, 2023 in Bible Study

Considering the unique standing of the Sabbatical year in Torah, we will explain why the Land needed to be first conquered and inherited by Israel, and then the law of the land observed. This will be further explained in the following vein. We will explore the law of the Sabbatical year in the context of the story of the greatest leaders of Israel: Mosheh and Yehoshua. That said, hereafter we will address the law of the Sabbatical year and how it was first observed in the...

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A False Prophet: “Let’s Go After Other Gods!”

Posted by on Aug 30, 2023 in Oneness of the Creator

It is the object of this work to touch upon well-known passages in the Hebrew Scripture that much have been avoided in the traditional Christian commentaries: the enticer who says, “Let us go after other Gods”. In this endeavor in which we will seek to find out who those “Gods” are, we are fully aware that we cannot remove all the difficulties that have been in the minds of the people for centuries, but it is worth trying. We are also aware that what...

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“Gap Theory” in the Beginning of the Universe

Posted by on Aug 21, 2023 in The Origin

The “gap theory” advocates believe that science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the Earth is far older than what the Bible says. According to the “gap theory” (also known as “gap creationism”), the six-day creation period involves six literal 24-hour days of creation, but it also states that there was a gap of time between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. They see this “gap” as the border between two distinct creations. According to them, first the...

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The Bible Code in the Prophecy of Haggai

Posted by on Aug 16, 2023 in The Bible Codes

Haggai was the first prophet who rose up in the midst of those who fulfilled the word that after the seventy years of exile the people were to return to the land and build the city. And the word of YHVH came to Haggai in the second year of reign of king Dareyavesh (Darius the Great), on the first day of the sixth month (520 B.C.), and caused the work of building the Second Temple, which had been suspended by the machinations of the Samaritans, to resume.  In it YHVH...

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Hebrew Word: Vav That Reverses Time

Posted by on Aug 7, 2023 in Hebrew Study

In the following, it will be beneficial for the reader to learn not only the grammar of the Hebrew word vav, “and”, but also some facts about Hebrew language and more, as we will go deeper in our study. We will try to show that the question of learning Hebrew words and grammar is far from being trivial and hope to provide a more interesting approach to Hebrew study for the reader. Biblical Hebrew is a small language but large in meaning. The number of attested...

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The Unfinished Work of Creation

Posted by on Aug 1, 2023 in The Origin

Elohim was able to create whole world in a blink of an eye. But why did He create it in six days and complete it on the seventh? The present study deals with a subject that has been touched upon in the articles Concealing the Infinite Light of Creation, Part 1 and Part 2, as we will explain the matter in the following vein. There is understanding among the rabbis that in the beginning Elohim created everything in the universe simultaneously, as the narrative of Genesis 1...

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Concealing the Infinite Light of Creation, Part 2

Posted by on Jul 23, 2023 in The Origin

In Part 2 of Concealing the Infinite Light of Creation, we would like to posit another way to look at the creation of the world. No one and nothing existed to the exclusion of the Everlasting YHVH, He created the Beginning, which itself is the concept of time and space. Nothingness was so absolute that even the concept of infinity of time and space was a created concept. Hence, the Creator is absolute and everything else He created afterwards was, is, and will be...

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Concealing the Infinite Light of Creation, Part 1

Posted by on Jul 19, 2023 in The Origin

Infinite light is a very mystifying term denoting light that was in existence before the Creation of the world. When Elohim speaks, His words are not a mere revelation of thought but of actions. Elohim did not create the light, and then He saw it was good and approved it. And then He proceeded towards the next experiment. There must have a master design of the Creation before the first words of the Bible were spoken. The light must have been already in His...

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Bible code: The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel

Posted by on Jul 11, 2023 in The Bible Codes

The present study deals with a subject that has carefully avoided in the rabbinic commentaries on the 70 Weeks of the prophecy in Daniel. At the core of this study is the Bible code that is found in Chapter 9, and what it will reveal to the reader. Therefore, it is the object of this work to seek the answer to the question as to the identity of the anointed, as we will touch upon the cryptic passages in the 70 Weeks in Daniel’s prophecy. Although most commentators have...

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