Posted by Navah on May 26, 2019 in Oneness of the Creator, The Messiah
The transcendent son of YHVH exists beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding. The Bible and the Rabbinical literature undoubtedly speak of a being in heaven, who was in the Creator’s plan at the origin of the universe, through whom and for whom all things visible and invisible were created: The transcendent son of YHVH. The Messiah of YHVH has a human nature with all human traits including the ability to sin. And indeed, what virtue...
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Posted by Navah on Sep 30, 2018 in Oneness of the Creator, The Messiah
Is it in accordance with the Torah to call the Messiah Yeshua ‘Elohim’? To answer this question, first we need to find out what the Hebrew word “elohim” means. It may be a surprise for the reader to learn that there is no specific word in Hebrew that denotes what in the Gentile languages is known as “god”. The word “God” (German: “Gott”) is an abstract word that denotes a concept of any supernatural being...
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Posted by Navah on Aug 17, 2018 in Oneness of the Creator, The Messiah
When reading the Scripture, very often we overlook important passages, especially when the main Biblical event has come to its completion, and we relax our efforts to learn. For years the present author has been perplexing as to the meaning of a certain verse in the Scripture, even a phrase, in the first letter of Shaul (Paul) the Apostle to the Corinthians. We read thus in 1Co 15:28: And when all are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself shall also be subject to Him...
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Posted by Navah on Nov 14, 2016 in Oneness of the Creator, The Messiah
It is commonly understood among Bible scholars that Yonah (Jonah) was swallowed by the big fish and after being three days and three nights in its stomach was vomited out alive. The textual support of this story is that Yonah actually prayed to YHVH from the stomach of the fish as seen in Jon 2:2-9. But Yehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Yonah. And Yonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights. (Jon 1:17) Below is the Hebrew text with a...
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Posted by Navah on Oct 30, 2016 in Oneness of the Creator, The Messiah
The human Messiah, the son of man, was born with all human traits that every person had. Yet, He did not sin. His flawlessness did not come from being born without the ability to sin, but from being born as a normal human being with all possibility to sin. Only then His obedience and faithfulness can be measured up to the high standard of being the Messiah. The significance of the prophecy in 2Sa 7 concerning the Messiah becomes even more prominent when we understand that...
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