What is the meaning of the Law of God?

Posted by on May 16, 2019

Question: What is the meaning of the Law of God?

Answer: When a Christian fellow asks a Torah-observant believer in Yeshua the question, ‘What is the meaning of the Law of God, of these laws, rules, and regulations, you do? Do you have to do all these dos and don’ts? Aren’t they done away with?’, what do we say in return? What is the best Scriptural answer to such questions? We may say something in that nature, ‘Yehovah has commanded us to do all these laws, to fear Yehovah our God for our good always, to keep us alive. Because it is righteousness for us when we do all these commands, as He has commanded us’.

A simple answer, is it not? Yes, it is as simple as it is righteous, which the Christian fellow will hardly accept. Regardless, we will be labeled with derogative terms like “legalistic”, “self-righteous”, “judaisers”, etc., etc., from the arsenal of the Christian tradition, because this is how they are taught in the churches. Everyone who would dare to say that he/she desires to observe the Sabbath of YHVH and walk in obedience before Him, is automatically stigmatized thus.

The problem for the Christian fellow is that he/she would not even suspect, nor would it come to mind that we have quoted the words of the Righteous One in Deu 6:20-25. We should not be surprised, either, if our opponent will be totally ignorant of YHVH’s words, because the Christian fellows are not taught the Word of YHVH in the churches, because his/her pastor is ignorant, too. Because, they have chosen to believe the words of men, more specifically Ignatius and later the Roman Emperor Constantine, that the Torah of YHVH has been done away with, “the Christ nailed the Law on the cross“, etc., etc., and other extremely misunderstood teaching of Apostle Shaul (Paul).

However, our teacher Mosheh teaches us that it is righteousness to us, if we observe to do the commands of YHVH (Deu 6:25), i.e., our righteousness will consist in the observance of the commands of YHVH. This righteousness before YHVH is righteousness that is not founded on the outward works but on an earnest striving for the fulfilment of the commands, to love YHVH our Elohim with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our utmost. (Deu 6:5) We should also quote Deu 10:12-13 to our Christian fellow. We also should tell him/her that we do His commands not to get saved, but because we are saved, and because we love Him.

And this love is altogether impossible without living faith. (Read more in the referenced articles) Because, if we are in the faith, we are called to become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, unless we are deceiving ourselves (Jas 1:22). For the Christian fellow, we need to read also the words of Yeshua the Messiah and Shaul in Mat 7:24-27, Luk 6:46-49, Luk 8:21, Rom 2:13, Rev 22:14, because Apostle Ya’akov (James) is not very popular in the churches.

And if it is righteousness to us to do all His laws, what is righteousness, then? Psa 119:172 says, His commands are righteousness; Isa 51:7 says that those who know righteousness, are people in whose heart is His Torah (see Jer 31:31-33), people who must not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their revilings.

Rev 12:17 and Rev 14:12 say that those who will be called a remnant and saints are those who observe the commands of YHVH and the faith in Yeshua the Messiah; note and, not or. Read more.

So, what is the meaning of the Law of God? Why has the Creator not created a world free of rules and laws, demands and restrictions, as the Christian fellows see them, but has commanded His people and all those who join them to do all His commands? This is why. Because the Father knows best what is good for us. And because, a life free of duties and responsibilities to the Creator, is a life voided of obedience, is a life devoid of the joy of serving Him. Therefore, do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their revilement. Serve YHVH as He has commanded us.

So, do we have to do all these “dos and don’ts”? No, we do not have to; only if we love Him (1Jn 5:2-4, 2Jn 1:6, and Joh 14:15).