Revealing Yeshua Sar HaPanim Secretly Guarded by the Rabbis
Throughout the centuries the name of Yeshua has been secretly and jealously guarded by the Rabbis of blessed memory that he is the long-anticipated Messiah. In their literature, they called him, Sar HaPanim, “Ruler of the Face” [of the Eternal]. The ruler of Israel about whom Mosheh prophesied at Mount Nebo.
And the Eternal said to me, ‘What they have spoken is good. I shall raise up for them prophet like you out of the midst of their brothers. And I shall put My Words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And it shall be, the man who does not listen to My Words which he speaks in My Name, I require it of him.’ (Deu 18:17-19)
In this article, this article is a continuation of our study of the controversial for many Jews and Christians issue: “Did Israel Reject the Messiah?” This article has a second object, namely, how the Rabbis secretly guarded the name of Yeshua.
In Part 1 and Part 2 of the series “Did Israel Reject the Messiah?”, we studied that Israel went into exile in four occasions, which we called the Egyptian, Arabian, Babylonian, and Roman exiles. Little is known of the life of the Israelites in Egypt from the death of Yoseph until the beginning of the slavery and the birth of Mosheh, as we find no direct account in the Torah. However, we learned from the prophet Ezekiel (see Eze 20:5-8, Eze 20:5-9, Eze 20:33-36 and Jos 24:14) and the foresaid articles and elsewhere that after the generation that went down to Egypt died, the Israelites became rebellious and disobedient, as they defiled themselves with the abominations of the foreign land. Consequently, the Eternal poured over them His wrath to stop the assimilation of His people. We also studied that at some point in time the Eternal made a call for Israel to return to the Land, but Israel rebelled against Him. That was the moment when their temporary stay in Egypt turned into an exile. That rebellion to return to the land of the forefathers brought the slavery upon them as the last resort to stop the assimilation and to make Israel leave Egypt. However, as we further studied, not all Israel left; some chose to stay in the foreign land.
The Eternal led Israel out of Egypt through the agency of His messenger and brought them at Mount Sinai, where they entered into His Covenant. Equipped with the Tabernacle, the Covenant, and everything necessary to serve Him, the camp headed for the Promised Land. Upon arrival at the borders of the land, Mosheh sent twelve representatives of Israel to accept the Land before entering. However, something unfortunate happened there. Israel again rejected the Kingdom of Elohim, and the nation rebelled against Him. Another wrath was poured upon the rebellious people as many died that day. All numbered males twenty years and older of that generation died in the desert in the following thirty-eight years, because they rejected to enter the Land. We should note here that the twelve men Mosheh sent were legal representatives of the nation and as such their actions bore a legal responsibility upon the nation as a whole. As a consequence of this rejection, Israel was sent to the Arabian desert into exile for thirty-eight years until the last male of that generation of rebellion died. Those thirty-eight years we called “the Arabian exile”: the punishment Israel received for the rejection of the Land. During those thirty-eight years, not all Israel was obedient to the Eternal either, as some of the Israelites left the camp and settled in Arabia. Thus, they refused to fulfill the command to inherit the Promised Land. They like the fathers in Egypt abandoned Israel and were consequently assimilated in the exile.
Israel conquered and settled in the land under Yehoshua and lived according to everything Mosheh commanded them. However, after Yehoshua died everyone began to live according to what was right in his own eyes. The land did not have its due rest in the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, not even in the reigns of David and his son Shlomo. Thus, seventy years of lost Sabbaticals and Jubilees were accrued from the time Israel settled in the land until the time of the next exile came: the Babylonian exile. Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, and the people of Elohim were exiled again in a foreign land for seventy years to let the land has it long due rest. However, the violation of the laws of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years was not the only transgression Israel did against the Eternal. They defiled themselves with all [sexual] abominations and child sacrifices which they learned from the remnant of the nations they left among them. Thus, the land became defiled, and the Eternal punished them, as the land vomited out its inhabitants as forewarned in the Torah (Lev 18:24-28).
When the time came for the seventy years of exile to end, King Koresh of Persia issued his famous declaration, which allowed those Jews who desired to return to Tsion to do so. The king even granted the rebuilding of the House of the Eternal in Jerusalem. But the problem was that not all Jews wanted to return to the Land. Only a small number of 42,360 (Ezr 2:64) chose to leave Babylon and return to the Land. Most of the Jews who were born in exile preferred to stay in the foreign land, where they had already been well settled and felt more Babylonians than Jews. And because the exile was not oppressive to them, the Jews were gradually assimilated in the complacent life of Babylon, as their fathers in Egypt were. And even after Haman’s attempt for holocaust, the Jews did not return. Instead, they chose to stay in exile.
By now, we should have noticed a common element in the three exiles of Israel, namely, the Land of the Eternal which He promised to the fathers was rejected. In all these three exiles, there were Israelites who refused to return to the Promised Land. That was seen as a serious transgression against the Eternal, because they rejected His free gift; a gift which even the fathers Avraham, Yitschak, and Ya’akov did not take possession of. We should also note here that there is another common element in these three exiles, namely, in all three exiles there were those who would be known later in history as “the Lost Tribes of Israel“. Those who left Israel and chose not to return were lost for Israel. In the first century most of the children of Israel lived in Egypt, Arabia, Babylon, Greece, and Rome. The reader will recall that Yeshua sent his disciples to the lost tribes of Israel with the message to repent, because the Kingdom of Elohim was at hand. However, instead of having returned with myriads of followers, they returned forty days later “empty handed”; the people, they were sent to, once again rejected the Kingdom of Elohim. The timing to send people to bring the lost sheep of Israel home was not chosen arbitrarily by Yeshua. He sent them on the same date, when the ten spies returned with the bad report and rejected the Land. The Israelites in exile knew very well why the disciples came exactly in that time frame: it was about that time of the ninth of the fifth month, when the ten spies returned with the bad report. They did not accept the Kingdom of Elohim even though the Renewed Covenant was being offered as early as the service of Yochanan. That was the Covenant the exile refused to accept.
Forty years elapsed from the time when the Kingdom of Elohim was rejected until the Second Temple was destroyed, when the Jews revolted against Rome. More than forty years later, in 133-135 CE, there was another attempt by the Judeans to liberate themselves from the Roman occupation. This time Judea and Jerusalem were totally destroyed, the population decimated, and those who survived the Roman atrocities were sold as slaves and dispersed throughout the empire. At this time the longest and the cruelest exile of Israel began: The Roman exile.
Sadly, history repeats itself and those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. The European Jewry of the twentieth century had enough signs to see the coming danger of the Nazism. Few saw these signs, left, and survived. But those Jews who chose not to leave were trapped in a real danger of a total annihilation. And if Elohim of the fathers was not for them, they would have all perished in the Holocaust with no one to remain alive. However, even after the birth of the State of Israel in 1948, with the longest exile officially ended, there were many who chose not to leave the foreign lands. There are many Jews today who do not want to leave the comfortable life of the exile, either. They chose the comfort in the countries where they live, as their fathers did. They built houses, businesses, and careers, and they did not feel the need to fulfill the command to leave today’s “Egypt”. Today we see the rising of ramping anti-Semitism, terrorism in places, violence all over the world, but how many of the world Jewry will indeed leave and return to the Promised Land? The worst thing, however, is that despite the coming danger for the Jewry around the world and the warning signs in the Scripture, the Jewish religious leaders reject the call of the Eternal to return home, despite what Babylonian Talmud teaches, “Anyone who dwells in the Land of Israel is like one who has God, and anyone who dwells outside the Land is like one who has no God”. Many Jews misled by their rabbis still live in the longest exile of all. However, the time of identifying who is who among the Jewish people, who will survive, and who will not, has come. If a Jew is in Israel, that person has the best chance of surviving despite the threat of terrorism. But those who decide not to leave, but stay in exile, have no chances to survive. They, like their fathers in Egypt, Arabia, and Persia, have made their choice. They like their fathers do not see the creeping assimilation of living among the gentiles. For them “Next year in Jerusalem!” they sing in the Passover Haggadah every year is just a song. They do not even see that staying in exile is against every commandment in the Torah, for all commandments are all about the Land. And the day will come, as the heat may be turned on them to force them to make a decision: the Land of the exile.
The Christian anti-Semitism
It is common, nevertheless wrong, eschatology in the Christianity that the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the exile and all calamities that came and will continue to come upon them were a punishment, because they rejected Yeshua. And because of “the rejection”, their place has been taken by the Church, which is called “the new Israel”. There are some who believe that even the Nazi Holocaust was a punishment for “the rejection of Jesus”. Nothing can be farther from the truth. What those “theologians” are blind to see is what is written in the Hebrew Scripture: His Covenant is eternal, and He has never rejected His people. Because, if it is even assumed that the Eternal had rejected Israel with whom He has an everlasting covenant, then none of these Christians stays on a safe ground: He can reject them, too. For if He had changed His mind once, He could change it once more. And He will reject them, if the gentiles continue to boast against the natural branches of Israel (see Rom 11:17-21). What these “theologians” are blind to see is that one dies in his own sins. The son shall not bear the crookedness of the father, nor shall the father bear the crookedness of the son. The righteousness of the righteous is upon himself, and the wrongness of the wrong is upon himself (see Eze 18:20-24). Therefore, the question present itself before them. Was the generation that witnessed the coming of Yeshua was legally liable for the rejection they are accused of. Let us pause this question and raise another one: Were the Jews to be blamed for the death of Yeshua?
The Rabbis knew Yeshua Sar HaPanim was the Messiah
The Rabbis knew who Yeshua was: he was the Messiah of the Eternal, Sar HaPanim, “the Minister of the Face”. There is a very interesting prayer that mentions the name of a minister of the Face [of the Eternal]. The title of this prayer is “Sar HaPanim”, which is Hebrew for “Minister of the Face”, This prayer is in the Prayer Book for Rosh HaShanah called Machzor Rabah, by Nusah Ashkenaz, Publishing House of Eshkol of Jerusalem. This book the Rabbis do not want the Jews and the Christians to know, because in it they have secretly hidden the name of Yeshua, as we will see below. This Yeshua, they called “Sar HaPanim”. In the rabbinic eschatology “Minister of the Face [of the Eternal]” is the inner reflection of the Face of the Creator.
The prayer “Yeshua Sar HaPanim” is recited between the blowing of the first and second set of the sounding of the shofar on Rosh HaShanah, but more correctly Yom Teruah (the Day of the Trumpets), on the first day of the seventh month. In this prayer, the name of Sar HaPanim, “Minister of the Face” is mentioned together with the name of another minister Tartiel (an angelic being) and the name of Eliyahu (the prophet Elijah). The prayer also mentions the other name of Yeshua Sar HaPanim: “Metatron” (Hebrew for “Guide of the Way”). We should note that the name Metatron, “Guide of the Way”, given by the ancient Sages of blessed memory, alludes to the statement a person made in the first century Judea: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life” and to the name of the congregation of his early believers (see Act 24:14) called after it: “The Way”. The prayer reads as translated by the Ultra-orthodox Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter:
“May it be Your will before HaShem (that is YHVH) that the sounding of the tashrat that we are blowing will be woven into the curtain of heaven by the hand of the minister Tartiel, like the name that You received by the hand of Eliyahu of blessed memory, and Yeshua Sar HaPanim and also the Minister Metatron and fill us up with mercy. Blessed are You who possesses all mercies”.
And this is the Hebrew text of the prayer “Sar HaPanim”, as found in Machzor Rosh HaShanah, Hebrew Publishing Company, New York,

The prayer “Sar HaPanim” is highlighted, and the phrase “and Yeshua Sar HaPanim”, Yeshua Ruler of the Face, underlined in red.
In the video below, Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter is reveling to the reader the name of the Minister of the Face of the Eternal. Notice in the video the very name of this Minister of the Face: His name is … Yeshua.
Watch Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter’s video.
The prayer “Sar HaPanim”, in which the Rabbis of blessed memory have hidden the name of Yeshua, is believed to be based on the prophecy in Isa 63:9, which mentions a messenger (angel) who goes by the same title “Sar HaPanim”, the Messenger of the Face.
In all their distress He was distressed, and the messenger of His Face saved them. In His love and in His compassion, He redeemed them, and He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. But they rebelled and grieved His Set-apart Breath, so He turned against them as an enemy, and He fought against them. Then He remembered the days of old, Mosheh, His people, where is He who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who put His Set-apart Breath within him, who led them by the right hand of Mosheh, with His comely arm, dividing the water before them to make for Himself an everlasting Name, who led them through the deep? Like a horse in the wilderness, they did not stumble. (Isa 63:9-13)
And indeed, the Exodus story does say about the Messenger of His Face, who led Israel out of Egypt. (For more insight on the identity of the Messenger of His Face, refer to the articles “The Revelation of the Messenger of YHVH” and “The Messenger of His Face and How the Torah was Given to Israel“)
On Yom Kippurim (the Day of Atonement), at the highest point of the service called Kedushah, the service is interrupted to read the prayer,
Torn away from us is Messiah our Righteousness, we are in the state of collapse, we have no one to justify us that our transgressions and our crimes are burdened upon Him. And He becomes desecrated from our crimes, He suffers from the wrath of our sins. He finds forgiveness for our transgressions that we are healed by His wounds and His stripes that He is internally recreated in you. From the circle of the gentiles raise Him up. From Mt. Seir bail Him out that He may be heard on the mountain of Lebanon second time by the hand of Ynon.
This prayer is believed to be based on Isaiah 53 of the suffering Messiah; “we are healed by His wounds and His stripes” in the prayer and Isaiah 53 by no means is coincidental. What is remarkable though is that the prayer speaks of redeeming from the gentiles the suffering Messiah, called also “Ynon”. We need to note here that in the Rabbinic eschatology Mount Seir (mentioned above) is the Mount of Edom, which per the Rabbis represents the Christianity. What it means is that according to the teaching of the Rabbis in the Midrashim, Yeshua the Messiah went into the Roman exile for 2,000 years to suffer together with His brethren over and over again. The Rabbis derive this interpretation from the plural form of the Hebrew word “death” in Isa 53:9: deaths. Hence, Yeshua did not die once but many times: over and over again, every time His brethren were dying in exile by the hands of the Christians, he died with them. So, to be faithful to the Rabbinic eschatology, the Rabbis are to redeem Yeshua as He redeemed them.
The Rabbis of blessed memory wanted to have Yeshua, Sar HaPanim, the Jewish Messiah, redeemed from the gentiles. What it means is that because Christianity distorted the true Yeshua, Sar HaPanim of the Eternal by having created “another messiah”, called “Christ”, who replaced the Jewish people with “the Church” and created a new religion called “Christianity”, the Rabbis wanted to redeem him from the gentiles. In other words, the ancient Rabbis of blessed memory taught that Israel is to redeem Yeshua SarHaPanim from the Christians, as he redeemed his brethren from their transgressions by his wounds. We should recall here that the Eternal went down to Egypt together with His children and redeemed them with His mighty hand by taking them out of the foreign land. According to the Rabbis’ teachings, Yeshua the Messiah also went down to Rome to suffer for 2,000 years together with His brethren in exile. And yet there is another proof that the ancient Rabbis believed that Yeshua was Sar HaPanim. There is a ceremony held thirty days of the birth of a first-born son. This ceremony is called by the Rabbis “Yeshua HaBen”, “Yeshua the Son”. In this ceremony, the first-born Jewish boy is redeemed from the parents to belong to Yeshua, because the Rabbis believed Yeshua is the redemption of the first-born son of Israel. These prayers and many more like them about Yeshua were put in the prayer books of Israel by the ancient Rabbis of blessed memory. Thus, the Rabbis hid Yeshua Sar HaPanim from the gentiles. They were so jealous in their faith that they hid him even from the Jews.
All ancient Rabbis knew that these prayers were all about Yeshua Sar HaPanim. These prayers are written in the ancient books of the Rabbis, and no rabbi today is in sufficient authority to remove these prayers from the books or changed them. Therefore, in conclusion of the matter the truth is: The Rabbis of blessed memory believed that Yeshua was the promised Messiah, Sar HaPanim of the Eternal, the Minister of the Face, they secretly guarded this truth and handed it down from a rabbi to a rabbi with the words: “Now you know, and now you do not say it!”
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May we merit seeing the coming of our Mashiach speedily in our days!
This page contains sacred literature and the Name of the Creator. Please, do not deface, or discard, or use the Name in a casual manner.