The Ten-Horned Beast of the New World Order
From the Book Reckoning of Time
This chapter of the book Reckoning of Time deals with the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) being a corporate body of ten kingdoms. It goes into details to see how the ten kings fit into the end-time prophecy and how they will act in the last days prophecy. As stated in the previous chapter, the ten key players are in existence today and are the ten-horned beast of the New World Order. (See Appendix A)
1. Middle East Union (MEU)
As of 2010 an increasing economic integration between Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan has prompted visions of a new “Middle East Union” to rival the European Union. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan have announced an agreement on integrating their economies through creating free-trade zones in a borderless region. It would be more accurate to call it a regional-cooperation model rather than a union. Either way this vision did not go any further with the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2012 and the conquest of the so-called “Islamic State” in Iraq and Syria.
This cooperation of the Middle East countries is viewed as an ambition of the Turkish officials for the region ruled for centuries by the Ottoman Empire. From Turkey to Morocco and Mauritania, and to Sudan, Turkish and Arab interests own the most strategic belt in the world. This ambition of Turkey has already reignited the speculations about whether or not the Turks are pursuing a policy of neo-Ottomanism and shifting away from its failed Western orientation.
Others, however, still see Turkey as a potential member of the E.U. with a strong interest in the direction of the European bloc that would not want to establish a kind of a Middle East Union but rather be a gate for Western investments to enter the region. The present author does not entertain this notion.
However, the ongoing civil war in Syria in which the world powers, such as the U.S., Europe, and Russia, already intervened puts in jeopardy the Turkish aspirations to reestablish the Ottoman Empire which has already made the Turks nervous especially after the downing of a Russian bomber by the Turks. Turkey openly supports any rebel movement which is against Assad’s regime and especially the ethnic Turks in Syria, the Turkmen.
In addition to this, Egypt, another key member of the union, is unstable after the unsuccessful attempt by the Muslim Brotherhood to overtake the country. The new Egyptian government indicates what seems to be an irreversible shift from the traditional U.S. influence on a full political and military cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Arab countries in the Middle East.
In this union, if we can still call it “union”, the Sunni Egypt and Turkey are the key players while Lebanon is under the influence of the Shiite Iran.
Below are the verse-by-verse analyses of the first and second layers of prophecy in Isaiah 19 concerning Egypt:
First layer of prophecy concerning Egypt:
Isa 19:2-3 depict the failure of King Farouk and the resulting civil war (The Egyptian Revolution of 1952).
And I shall stir up Egyptians against Egyptians, and they shall fight, each one against his brother, and each one against his neighbor, city against city, reign against reign. And the spirit of Egypt shall vanish within them, and I destroy their counsel. And they shall seek the idols and the mutterers, the mediums and the sorcerers.
Isa 19:4 Gamal Abdel Nassar took power in 1956.
And I shall deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master, and a fierce sovereign to rule over them,
Isa 19:5-8 the building the Aswan Dam and its ecological effects on the Nile.
And waters shall fail from the sea, and the river wasted and dried up. And the rivers shall stink, and the streams shall be weak and dried up. Reeds and rushes shall wither. Bare places by the River, by the mouth of the River, and every sown field by the River shall wither. It shall be driven away, and be no more. And the fishermen shall lament, and all those who cast hooks into the River shall mourn, and they who spread nets on the waters shall pine away.
Isa 19:16-18 the Six Day War in 1967.
In that day Egypt shall become like women, and tremble and fear because of the waving of the hand of Yehovah of hosts, which He waves over it. And the land of Yehudah shall be a fear to Egypt, everyone who mentions it fears for himself, because of the counsel of Yehovah of hosts which He has counselled against it. In that day five cities in the land of Egypt shall speak the language of Kenaʽan and swear by Yehovah of hosts, one is called the City of Destruction.
Al Arish (the City of Destruction) was among the five cities in the Sinai desert captured and held by Israel until the territory was returned to Egypt. The Hebrew language was spoken in those Egyptian cities from 1973 to 1982.
Isa 19:19-21 Anwar Sadat made the peace treaty with Israel.
In that day an altar to Yehovah shall be in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a standing column to Yehovah at its border. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness to Yehovah of hosts in the land of Egypt. When they cry to Yehovah because of the oppressors, He sends them a savior and a mighty one, and shall deliver them. And Yehovah shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know Yehovah in that day, and make slaughtering and meal offering, and shall make a vow to Yehovah and pay it.
The tomb of the Unknown Warrior where Sadat was buried (v.19). Sadat, the savior of Egypt, was sacrificed at the altar in the midst of the land of Egypt (he was assassinated at a military parade in Cairo in 1981 for signing a peace treaty with Israel).
Isa 19:23 a highway from Egypt to Syria.
In that day there shall be a highway from Egypt to Ashshur, and Ashshur shall come into Egypt and Egypt into Ashshur, and Egypt shall serve with Ashshur.
This highway was a part of the provisions of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. One can now travel by bus between Egypt, Israel, and Syria (that was true before the outbreak of the Syrian war and the rise of ISIS).
Second layer of prophecy concerning Egypt:
Isa 19:2-3 depict the civil unrest in Egypt in Jan/Feb 2011 to remove the President Hosni Mubarak and later the ousting of President Morsi by the army in 2013.
Isa 19:7 still to be fulfilled.
Bare places by the River, by the mouth of the River, and every sown field by the River shall wither. It shall be driven away, and be no more. (Isa 19:7)
Isa 19:22 still to be fulfilled.
And Yehovah shall smite Egypt, smite it and heal it. And they shall turn to Yehovah, and He shall hear them and heal them. (Isa 19:22)
Isa 19:24-25 still to be fulfilled.
In that day Israel shall be one of three with Egypt and Ashshur, even a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom Yehovah of hosts shall bless, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Ashshur the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” (Isa 19:24-25)
There is more to come in this prophecy since Egypt has not been healed and blessed, yet.
MEU is unlikely to see any further development in the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) and is note here in this study for the solely reason of its geographical location and the role the countries in the region may play in the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.
2. Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG)
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates founded CCASG on 25 May 1981. On 6 March 2012, the six members of the GCC announced that the Gulf Cooperation Council would be evolving from a regional bloc to a confederation, in possible response to Arab unrest and increased Iranian influence in the region. This proposal is strongly backed by Saudi Arabia, but doubts have been raised by the other countries. In this union Qatar plays the wild card.
This union may play a significant role in the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) or the World Governance given the geographic location and its oil reserves.
3. African Union (AU)
The African Union (AU) includes 53 African states and was established on 26 May 2001 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
This union is a weak player in the New World Order of the ten-horned beast (the World Governance) and may not play any significant role in it.
4. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
The UNASUR treaty was signed on 23 May 2008 in Brazil between Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.
According to the Constitutive Treaty, the Union’s headquarters will be located in Ecuador. On 1 December 2010, Uruguay became the ninth state to ratify the UNASUR treaty, thus giving the union full legality.
The leaders announced the intention of modeling the new community in the mold of the E.U. As Union of South American Nations occupies one of the corners of the world map, so does its policy.
It is very unlikely that UNASUR will play any major role in the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) and in the last events of the world.
5. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
SAARC was established on 8 December 1985 between Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. On 2 August 2006 the foreign ministers of the SAARC countries agreed in principle to grant observer status to the U.S., South Korea, and the European Union.
This union is dominated by India, the strongest member in SAARC, but also by Pakistan: both countries are recognized nuclear powers and also sworn enemies. The conflict on the disputed territory Kashmir between these two nuclear countries jeopardizes the integrity of the union and the move of India towards another treaty or the mutual destruction of India and Pakistan is very likely.
Pakistan has been bound up in the 12-year US-led war in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda and the Talibans, both of which used Pakistan’s lawless tribal territories as rear bases for their war on coalition forces in Afghanistan. Pakistan is anxious to get rid of the Taliban, whose expanding terrorist operations are threatening its own stability, and wants to push them over into Afghanistan. Also, Pakistan’s other goal is to complete the transfer to Saudi Arabia of the nuclear weapons plus ballistic missiles Saudi Arabia purchased and which Pakistan held in reserve under a secret defense pact the two governments signed in 2004.
This transfer makes Pakistan a major contributor to the evolving Middle East nuclear arms race boosted by the six-power nuclear deal which recognizes the “nuclear rights” of Persia. It also means that Pakistan has ranged itself on the side of the Sunni Arab camp led by Saudi Arabia against Shiite Iran, by lending the Arab kingdom a nuclear capability.
Having said all that, we may conclude that the first tectonic strategic-political-military movement set off in a key world region by the nuclear powers (U.S.A., Britain, France, China, Russia plus Germany) which recognized Iran as the next nuclear power even though Iran has not yet acquired nuclear weapon, has been taking shape. Saudi Arabia has often said that if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon or reaches the threshold of this capacity, the oil kingdom will not lag behind. All the Saudis need to do is to invoke the agreement signed with Pakistan in 2004, under which Pakistan would provide for Saudi Arabia’s nuclear bomb.
With a population of 170 million, Pakistan has 20 million men of military age and depends to a great extent on Saudi financing, but also has excellent relations with China.
These critical moves have not been lost on Iran or India. On 29 Nov 2013, India announced the acceleration of the construction of the southern Iranian port of Chabahar near the Pakistani and Afghan borders, which would be India’s most important naval base in the Arabian Ocean. This naval base is important enough to grant India and Iran a strong foothold in the Afghan capital after the American exit. If India succeeds to built Chabahar port, it will be seen as a counterweight for the big naval base China is building at Gwadar on the Arabian Ocean to share with Pakistan.
SAARC will be a strong player in the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) as long as India and Pakistan are strong in their foreign affairs.
6. Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty (ANZUS)
The Australia, New Zealand, United States (ANZUS) security treaty was concluded at San Francisco on 1 September 1951 and entered into force on 29 April 1952.
Implementation of New Zealand’s anti-nuclear policy effectively prevented practical alliance cooperation under ANZUS, and after extensive efforts to resolve the issue proved unsuccessful, in August 1986 the United States suspended its ANZUS security obligations to New Zealand.
ANZUS has no integrated defense structure or dedicated forces. However, in fulfillment of ANZUS obligations, Australia and the United States conduct a variety of joint military activities. The signing of the declaration in 2010 between the United States and New Zealand ended the ANZUS dispute of the past 25 years, and it was later revealed that the U.S. and New Zealand had resumed military co-operation in eight areas in 2007.
The gravitation of this union, where U.S. is the leader, and Australia is the lapdog towards another union (most likely NAU) is out of question. Australia and New Zealand although located in the eastern hemisphere belong to the western culture and the U.S. bridges that gap.
ANZUS is seen by the present author as nothing more and nothing less than as an extension of the U.S. policy in that region and may not play any significant role in the New World Order of the ten-horned beast.
7. Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international organization for regional economic integration of the member-states: The Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. The agreement to create The Eurasian Economic Union was signed on 10 October 2000 by the leaders of these countries. The governing body of The Eurasian Economic Union is the Eurasian Economic Commission. Uzbekistan joined to the union in 2005.
The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) with members Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan is the security treaty of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) or its military bloc.
In 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Singapore and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) was signed, in a move aimed at bolstering economic ties and closer collaboration in areas such as customs administration and information technology.
Observer-members of The Eurasian Economic Union are Afghanistan, Serbia; possible candidate: Iran. In this union Russia is the only nuclear power and possibly Iran.
The recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine over the disputed the Crimean Peninsula and the provocative involvement of the U.S. in it by sending troops and building military bases in the former Warsaw Pact countries has brought more danger to this part of the world than ever.
The present author considers The Eurasian Economic Union as one of the Big Four of the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) in Ezra’s prophecy. This very important key player as a member of the Big Four is expected to rule the world and the expectations are that Russia will not allow any country to swing a baseball bat in its backyard. The present author considers The Eurasian Economic Union as one of the Two in the New World Order of the ten-horned beast that shall be kept to the end. (See also Appendix A)
That in it there shall arise eight kings, whose times shall be but small, and their years swift. And two of them shall perish, when the middle time approaches: four shall be kept for a while until the time of the ending thereof shall approach: but two shall be kept to the end. (2Es 12:20-21)
8. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei-Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. In 2015, thirteen years after the idea was debated, Southeast Asian leaders formally created a unified economic community (AEC) in a region more populous and diverse than the European Union or North America.
The AEC was envisaged in 2002 — and a blueprint created in 2007 — to face competition from China and India. Individually, ASEAN countries are too small to be important players in the economic and security game, but as an integrated group of more than half a billion people, they would be in the major league. The AEC is one of the three pillars of the ASEAN Community. The other two pillars are political-security and socio-cultural.
The ten leaders in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations signed a declaration during their summit establishing the ASEAN Economic Community, as part of a larger ASEAN Community that aims for political, security, cultural and social integration. ASEAN has 630 million people, speaking different languages, following various faiths and governed by various systems, including quasi democracies, a military dictatorship, authoritarian, monarchy, and communism. And on 21 November 2015 for the 3rd ASEAN-U.S. Summit the relationship with U.S. was elevated to the ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership.
There is a view, however, that free trade agreements (FTAs)—particularly the proliferation of multiple, overlapping ones—carry the risks of creating negative “noodle bowl” effects as the commentators call it. If such risks are significant, many questions arise: Should East Asia aim for a single FTA based on ASEAN+3 (comprising the ten ASEAN members plus China, Japan, and Korea) or ASEAN+6 (the East Asia Summit group comprising ASEAN+3, plus Australia, New Zealand, and India)? What about East Asia’s relationship with North America and Europe? Or the territorial water conflict in the disputed South China Sea between China and the neighboring countries? Questions that are still unanswered. The involvement of the U.S. in this dispute by sending its Navy fleet in South China Sea makes the answers even more remote. No one can predict how the Chinese will react to this challenge.
If China, Japan, and South Korea join ASEAN they will form the superpower ASEAN+3, one of Ezra’s four super powers and a member of the Trilateral Commission. Thus, ASEAN would seem “highjacked” by the big three from which China is the nuclear power and the second largest world economy behind the U.S. only.
In this configuration, ASEAN would not exist by itself in the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) and will join a union where Japan, China, and South Korea will lead. It is worth noticing that Japan is a member of the Trilateral Commission, which commission will transpire below.
9. North American Union (NAU)
The North American Union is a theoretical economic and political union of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The concept is loosely based on the E.U. model, occasionally including a common currency called the Amero after the Euro.
However, government officials from all three nations deny that there are plans to create a North American Union and that no agreement to do so has been signed. However, a January 2005 diplomatic cable that was released by WikiLeaks in 2011 includes discussion by the U.S. government officials about the best approach to a North American integration.
The concept of it is exactly the same as the European Union. In Europe it began as the Common Market, as NAU began as the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. The approach is the same: by using the ploy of “free trade” and the promise of increasing prosperity, the people of Europe were persuaded to give up economic and political sovereignties to a higher level authority called the European Union. The same plan is in progress for NAU and precisely the same is being done by the United States.
NAU, where the U.S. is the only nuclear power and still number one world economy, is a key player in the plans of the ten-horned beast (the New World Order) in Ezra’s prophecy. Whether NAU will take a form is unclear since Canada, the U.S., and Mexico are also members of the Trilateral Commission; not to mention the popular resistance against such a move towards the creation of NAU in Canada and the U.S. Whether this “union” will come into a formal existence is not of that importance. The U.S. and Canada are playing and will play a major role in the New World Order of the ten-horned beast (the World Governance).
10. European Union (EU), the precursor of the ten-horned beast
European Union (E.U.) is an economic and political union of 28 European member states formed initially by ten countries in 1951. Many commentators were very quick to make their predictions of a fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies connecting the ten-member union to the ten-horned beast (the New World Order). But the history proved them wrong as we will see below.
Today the E.U. has a combined population of over 500 million inhabitants, or 7.3 percent of the world population; the E.U. in 2012 generated a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of 16.584 trillion US dollars, constituting approximately 23 percent of global nominal GDP and 20 percent when measured in terms of purchasing power parity, which is the largest nominal GDP and GDP PPP in the world.
However, due to deepening demographic issues of aging population and defense budget constraints, the E.U. will play less and less role in the foreign affairs and military operations abroad. Many experts predict and the present author agrees that the Muslim refugee influx in the recent years and especially in 2015 will make Europe unsustainable and will bring it down even to disintegration of the union as the conservative and nationalistic movements in some Western European countries already started pushing in that direction. More will be said in Chapter Writing on the Wall about the replacing of the traditional European culture with Islam. Here we are just listing the key players of the New World Order in the end-time events.
The city of Strasbourg, France, is the official seat of the European Parliament. It is most known with its building which resembles a unfinished tower like the tower of Babylon.
In the E.U. only Great Britain and France are nuclear powers, but Germany is the economic and therefore political backbone of the union.
The E.U. is the third member of the Trilateral Commission and still strong member in the ten-horned beast (the New World Order). But because of the serious and irreversible demographic crisis the present author does not see the E.U. to exist to the end as a union. For more prophetic insight on the fate of this union, refer to “The Beast Wounded to Death but Resurrected. The Old Europe is Dying“.
The following two key players, as we will see below, are not separate players per se, but rather a realignment of the already existing unions within the ten-horned beast (the New World Order).
Union for Mediterranean (UfM)
The E.U. planned to expand to the Middle East and North Africa by merging with MEU. From this merger a new union was born: Union for Mediterranean (UfM) probably as a first step towards the creation of a Mediterranean Union which would be a larger territory than the territory the Roman Empire conquered by wars. But this happened to be a poorly designed plan by the Europeans, as we will see later in this study.
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean was created by 43 Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and Government in Paris on 13 July 2008 with its headquarters in Barcelona, Spain. The Union for the Mediterranean is a multilateral partnership aiming at increasing the potential for regional integration and cohesion among Euro-Mediterranean countries (the 28 E.U. member states and 15 Mediterranean countries) chaired by a co-presidency, one from the European Union side and the other from the Mediterranean side. The UfM has expressed a desire to grant Libya full membership but that was the intent before the war in Libya. As of today, this is just a chimera.
A partner in the UfM is also the League of Arab States (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen). Thus, it seems that the UfM will expand to become (by the eurocrats in Brussel) a union of the E.U., the north-African countries from the AU, and MEU, aka Middle East and North Africa, MENA; at least that was the plan. Among the member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, however, there are two unresolved conflicts that hinder the works of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: the Arab-Israeli and Cyprus-Turkish conflicts.
The UfM and MENA was in the European plan for an economic expansion beyond the E.U. borders. But that was before the so-called “Arab Spring” and the Syrian conflict in particular. As it seems, this plan has been poorly designed on the part of the E.U. and the ten-horned beast (the New World Order). If we have to use the term “the revived Roman Empire” the UfM and MENA would be the most suited example. For more insight on this subject refer to Chapter Writing on the Wall.
The Trilateral Commission and the New World Order
The Trilateral Commission sprang from the Bilderberger Club (for more on the Bilderberger Club see the next chapter) and the Counsel of Foreign Relations when one of its principal members, Esso or Standard Oil’s David Rockefeller came into conflict with his fellows over whether to include Japan in the club.
David Rockefeller lured Zbigniew Brzezinski away from Columbia University to become the Chairman and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. The Trilateral Commission itself grew out of the Bilderberg meetings and has been essentially a more globalist version of the latter, since it incorporates Japanese representatives.
The goal of the Trilateral Commission is to align the “free” world with an organized world government, or the ten-horned beast (the New World Order). Members of the Trilateral Commission were instrumental in creating the European Union as well. The E.U. is seen as the prototype of the global governance (the New World Order) that will soon exert its influence to reshuffle the world relationships.
When the Trilateral Commission was first launched, the plan was for an equal number of members from each of the three regions: Europe, North America, and Japan. The numbers soon began to grow, and ceilings were imposed in about 1980. These ceilings have been raised somewhat since then as new countries came to be represented in three groups:
The European Group includes members from Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. It now has a ceiling of 170 members which is divided into national quotas. Germany has a quota of 20; France, Italy, and the United Kingdom each have a quota of 18; and Spain has a quota of 12. The remaining national quotas range from 6 to 1. Although, this group looks diverse and inclusive, the real power is with the Western European countries.
The North American Group has a ceiling for 120 members, including 24 Canadian, 13 Mexican, and 90 U.S. members.
The Japanese Group of 85 members expanded in 2000 to become the Pacific Asian Group and now includes over 100 members from Japan, Australia and New Zealand (ANZUS), the original five ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand), India (SAARC), Korea and the People’s Republic of China (ASEAN+3). Triennium participants from Hong Kong and Taiwan have also participated. This group changed its name to Asia Pacific Group in 2012, thus making the Trilateral Commission a real contender for Ezra’s three great kings who will have dominion over the world in the last days.
In the last days thereof shall the Most High raise up three kingdoms, and renew many things therein, and they shall bear rule over the earth, and over those that dwell therein, with much oppression, above all those that were before them: therefore are they called the heads of the eagle. For these are those who shall accomplish her wickedness, and that shall finish her last end. (2Es 12:23-25)
As seen from the member groups, the Trilateral Commission comprises the countries from the European Union, the North American Union, ASEAN+3, ANZUS, and India from SAARC and represents the interests of three of the four world powers (Russia is not a member of the Trilateral Commission). Notice also that all nuclear powers, but Russia and Pakistan are in the Trilateral Commission. Not surprisingly, all UN Security Council members, but Russia, are also in the Trilateral Commission. Therefore, we may say that the Trilateral Commission is the New World Order (notice the embedded “666” in the Trilateral Commission insignia).
In conclusion, these are the key players in the Biblical prophecy concerning the last days of the ten-horned beast (the New World Order). For more on that and how they play in dynamics, the following chapters are dedicated.
For more insight on the end-time prophecy, please, visit Prophecy Insight and Part II The Last Kingdom of the present author’s book The Reckoning of Time.